Wiggles & Giggles Day Nursery

Parent Information Booklet



Sessions, Prices and Age of Admittance p.6

Child Care Fundingp.6

Wiggles & Giggles’ Events p.7

Curriculum and Assessment p.7

Illness/Absence p.9

Children’s Attire/uniform p.9

Meals and Snacksp.11

Daily Item Checklist p.12

Your Child’s Daily Routine p.13

Key Workers and What They Do p.14

Nappy Changing and Toileting Needs p.14

Policies and Procedures

Arrival and Departure Policy p.17

Intimate care and toileting routinesp.18

Key Worker Policy p.21

Missing Child Policy/Procedure (in the setting) p.22

Missing Child Policy/Procedure (on an outing) p.23

Non-collection Policy p.24

Payment and Booking Conditionsp.26

Settling in Policy p.27

Weening Policy p.28

Working in Partnership with Parents Policy p.30

For more information and policies please look on our website. You can request to view a policy if it is not available on our website or in this booklet.


At Wiggles & Giggles Day Nursery our aim is for your children to have a safe place for them to have fun, learn and develop their education.

Our nursery offers childcare for children from birth to five years old and provides nurturing environments which are tailored to the needs and interests of the children. We also pride ourselves on supporting the parents as their child enters new milestones and achievements. Within the nursery, we have many different settings to suit a range of ages, learning abilities and interests. Our activities are based on the play styles and schemes our children prefer as well as creating new experiences for them. Using regular exercise; healthy meals and snacks; EYFS areas of learning and a friendly, warm approach from staff, we support the well-being of our children.

As a new provider, we value the opinions of the families we provide care for and enjoy working together to create a nursery that supports both the child and the family.

Key contacts:

Wiggles and Giggles Day Nursery

4360 Waterside Centre,

Birmingham Business Park,

Solihull Parkway,

B37 7YN

Phone: 07825082937



Sessions, prices and ages of admittance

Wiggles & Giggles Day Nursery aims to be flexible to the needs of our parents. As we are based on Birmingham Business Park, we have developed our opening hours and availability based on working parents, however if these do not suit we can discuss options which tailor to you.

We welcome babies from 6 weeks old up to when they start school. Children will then start in reception in a school setting the September following their 4th Birthday.

Sessions and Times / Prices
Breakfast Club
07:30 – 09:00
(Breakfast included) / £8
Full Day
09:00 – 17:00
(Option to start at 08:30)
(Lunch included) / £48
(Additional £2 to start at 08:30)
Half Day
09:00 – 13:00 or 13:00 – 17:00
(Option to start at 08:30)
(Lunch included in morning session) / £28
(Additional £2 to start at 08:30)
Dinner Club
17:00 – 18:00
(Dinner included) / £6
Full Days all week OFFER!
(If you do a full days all week we will charge a reduced price) / £230
Late Fee
(If you are 15 minutes late without notice you will be charged for the hour) / £6

Child Care Funding

We do accept Government funded places and childcare vouchers. All children are entitled to 15 hours funding once they turn 3. These hours can be used on any day and are flexible to your requirements. Any hours on top of this will be charged at normal rate. If you chose to use your funded hours during a breakfast or dinner club and over the lunch hour you will either need to pay the fee for food or you can in some circumstances to provide your own.
15 hours funding is available for two year olds; however, these are only available to families on income support and other certain criteria’s.

As of September, the government will offer 30 hours funding to working parents. If both parents work the equivalent of 16 hours or more a week and earn under 100,000 a year they are entitled to 30 hours. If it is a single parent, only the parent they live with needs to work the equivalent of 16 or more hours.
For more information on government funding you can visit

Wiggles & Giggles’ Events

Our website and social media accounts (Facebook and twitter) will be kept up to date with important information and announcements. We also have a notice board in the reception area which will display recent parent letters and other useful information.

Curriculum and Assessment

Our curriculum aim is for our children to play, learn and grow in a holistic nature.

Wiggles and Giggles Day Nursery delivers a curriculum based on the Seven Areas of Learning and Development and the Characteristics of an Effective Learner (CoEL), which are part of the Early Years Statutory Requirements (2014). We also develop our curriculum based on the individual needs and interests of our children; it will accommodate and is inclusive of children with a disability, special educational needs and English as an additional language, as well as other barriers to learning.Our curriculum is delivered through thoughtful, planning adult and child-led activities and play.

Seven Areas of Learning and Development

There are three prime areas of learning and four specific areas; each of these are split into sub categories. When a child is under two years old their goals and curriculum is mainly focused on the prime areas.

Prime Areas of Learning and Development:

  • Personal, social and emotional development:

-Making Relationships

-Self-confidence and Self-awareness

-Managing feelings and behaviour

  • Physical development:

-Moving and Handling

-Health and Self-care

  • Communication and Language:

-Listening and attention



Specific Areas of Learning and Development:

  • Mathematics:


-Shape, space and measure

  • Literacy:



  • Understanding the World

-People and Communities

-The World


  • Expressive Arts and Design

-Exploring and using media and materials

-Being Imaginative

Characteristics of an Effective Learner

The Characteristics of an Effective Learner detail the ways in which children learnfrom their environment, experiences and activities. These are also split into categories and sub-categories each becoming more complex and advanced than the last.

  • Playing and exploring:

-Finding out and exploring

-Playing with what they know

-Being willing to ‘have a go.’

  • Active learning:

-Being involved and concentrating

-Keeping trying

-Enjoying achieving what they set out to do

  • Creating and thinking critically:

-Having their own ideas

-Making links

-Choosing ways to do things


Wiggles and Giggles has invested in a phonics scheme called ‘Letter Land’. This provides resources and a phonics curriculum for children aged 2-5 years old. Through this, children will learn how to recognise, sound out and write letters which will move onto being able to read and write. We will also use the ‘Letters and Sounds’ programme to enhance and support the pre-school children’s phonics, reading and writing journey. We will invite our parents to join phonics sessions and will provide information so the children can be supported at home.


As our nursery and staff develops over time we hope to be able to offer more activities and extra-curricular activities such as baby signing and physical development based. We would like to work with our parents and children to assess what would be useful and wanted within the nursery.

Home Learning

Extending children’s learning and development into their home life is very beneficial to their early education experience. Wiggles and Giggles Day Nursery will support our parents by sending home information and ideas to help with their child’s next step as well as small, fun tasks they can complete at home linked to topics covered in the nursery.


We have a clear assessment policy in place which explains how staff will consistently and often conduct formative assessments and make records of these. We also have set times within the nursery that a summative assessment will be done as well as the summative assessments outline in the statutory requirements; for example, baseline assessment within the first month, summative assessment at the end of a year. Parents are welcomed to view these and they are always available.

Progress Check at Age Two

All children at Wiggles & Giggles Nursery (unless they turn three in the first month of attendance) aged between 2 – 3 years will receive a two-year check. This will be a short-written summary of the child’s development in the prime areas of learning. It will also include comments on their strengths, next steps and whether there are any concerns with their development e.g. special education needs. With these concerns, we will provide actions the nursery will take to address them. We have a section on the report where parents can contribute and add extra information.

Early Years Foundation Stage Profile

By the end of June, in their final term at nursery before starting Year 1, children must have a EYFS profile report written. In most circumstances the children will no longer be at nursery and will have started their reception year at school. However, in the rare circumstance a child is still with us we will ensure this profile is done.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation Stage please see the Parent Guide booklets located in the nursery reception area or request a copy.


If your child is ill or unable to attend you must call to inform us before the child is due to attend the session. We request you keep your child at home if they are ill to minimise the risk of the illness spreading to others that attend. For contagious illnesses, e.g. Chicken Pox we will provide information for parents of those children who have been in contact with them within their sessions.
As we have a responsibility to safeguard our children, if we do not hear from the parent/carer of an absent child we will contact them.


We can administer medicines but only ones which are prescribed by a doctor, dentist, nurse or pharmacist with clear instructions. Before we can administer the medicine, a form must be filled out by the parent/carer. The medicine must be delivered and collected from the main nursery office each day and signed in and out. When medicine is given to the nursery it must be in the box with the pharmacy label on which outlines the instructions and clearly shows the child’s name.

Children’s Attire/Uniform

We encourage our children to be creative and to explore by part taking in a variety of activities. Sometimes this means they may leave with their clothes not as clean as when they arrive. We recommend parents to dress children in comfortable clothing and something in which they don’t mind getting dirty. Protective wear will be provided for the messier activities; however, we cannot guarantee this will fully protect your child’s clothing.

We will offer a uniform, which can be purchased at the main office. However, this is not compulsory for the children to wear.

Meals and Snacks

It is important that you clearly state on your admission forms and update the nursery on any allergies your child has. This is taken into consideration when providing meals, snacks and drinks to ensure they are not exposed to their allergens.

All of the food and snacks we offer at Wiggles & Giggles are nutritious and part of a healthy balanced diet. Our lunches and dinners are provided by an external company called A Chef for a Seasons who specialise in creating healthy foods for young children and have menus approved by Start Well Birmingham.

You will be informed through your child’s contact diary what he/she has eaten throughout the day.

  • Breakfast club - we provide a range of healthy breakfast options including cereals, fruit & yoghurts. A drink of juice, milk or water is also provided.
  • Morning snack – During the morning session there will be a choice of fruit or healthy snack and a drink of water or milk.
  • Lunch – During lunch the children have a hot meal and a pudding, which is provided by our catering company Chef for All Seasons.
  • Afternoon snack - During the afternoon session there will be a choice of fruit or healthy snack and a drink of water or milk.
  • Dinner club – Chef for All Seasons will deliver and provide a range of healthy and nutritious meals.
  • Baby food will be provided as part of the breakfast club, lunch time and dinner club, however you may decide to provide your own if you wish. Due to different preferences and the importance of consistency, we will not provide baby formula (milk). This is provided by the parent.
  • Drinks - Water is provided through the day as well as set times throughout the day to ensure they have had a drink. Parents may provide their own drinks for their child but they must be in a bottle and clearly labelled with your child’s name.

Daily Item List


  • Ample supply of nappies, wipes and nappy sacks (cream if needed).
  • Spare clothing
  • Blanket for use in the sleeping area
  • Baby formula (milk)
  • If you are providing breast milk, please ensure it is in sealed container which is clearly labelled with the child’s name and the date of which it was expressed.
  • Appropriate clothing for the weather (e.g. scarf, gloves and hat in winter or sun hat in the summer)
  • Sun cream – labelled with your child’s name
  • Communication diary


  • Ample supply of nappies, wipes and nappy sacks (if still required)
  • If your child is using the toilet, please provide at least one spare set of clothing (if they are in the early stages of this please provide plenty of spare clothing and emergency pull up for the last pair of trousers).
  • Blanket for the sleeping area
  • A drink in a clearly labelled bottle (optional)
  • Appropriate clothing for the weather (e.g. scarf, gloves and hat in winter or sun hat in the summer)
  • Sun cream with the child’s name clearly labelled (summer only)
  • Communication diary


  • A spare set of clothes
  • Blanket for the sleeping area
  • A drink in a clearly labelled bottle (optional)
  • Appropriate clothing for the weather (e.g. scarf, gloves and hat in winter orsun hat in the summer)
  • Sun cream with the child’s name clearly labelled (summer only)
  • Communication diary

Please ensure all clothing, blankets, bottles and lunch boxes etc. are clearly labelled with your child’s name as it reduces the number of lost items and stops cross-contamination and lowers risk of exposure to allergies.

What will be the usual routine of the day?

This is a guideline to the usual routine of the day however this is flexible and dependent on the needs of the children.

Time / Activity
07:30 – 8:30 / Breakfast Club- The children will be settled in and provided with their breakfast. This will be a calm start to their day.
08:30 – 9:30
13:00 – 13:30 / Arrivals- the children have free flow play and settling in time.
09:30 – 09:45
13:30 – 13:45 / Carpet time- Children are officially registered and depending on age they will have carpet time where they will sing nursery rhymes and talk about the day.
09:45 – 11:45
13:45 – 16:45 / Free flow- Children will free flow, take part in specific learning activities (independent and adult led) and may mix with other age groups. This may change focus after snack time.
10:30 – 11:00
15:00 – 15:30 / Snack Time- On a rota system the children will have access to snack
11:45 – 12:00
16:45 – 17:00 / Carpet time- to recap the morning/afternoon and tidy up.
12:00 – 13:00 / Lunch Time- this will be done on a rota system where the children will be able to have a relaxed lunch and then take part in calm activities.
17:00 – 18:00 / Dinner Club- Children who stay past 17:00 will have a light snack (warm and cold options), take part in a calm activity and get ready to go home.
13:00, 17:00 or 18:00 / Departures- Parents will collect their children from the main office (children staying will be able to continue to play)
The Baby Room / The baby room will not stick to this routine. This room is the most flexible in the nursery and will revolve around the specific needs/wants of the children. As they get closer to the toddler room the usual routine will be gradually introduced.

Key Workers and What They Do

After a week or two of settling in we look at which member of staff you child feels most familiar and comfortable with. This person will become their key worker. The key worker is your main point of contact when talking about your child as they will spend a lot of the day with you child and oversee their learning journeys and next steps. They will personalise the child’s experience at nursery by getting to know their interest and needs and tailoring the activities and learning challenges to suit your child.

Nappy Changing and Toileting Needs

We have changing areas and child friendly toilets which suit the needs of the children’s ages and stage of their toilet training. Staff follow a strict procedure to change nappies or children who may have had an accident (see intimate care policy). For those children who are toilet training we try to replicate what they experience at home to make the transition easier. Therefore, it is important for parents to keep their child’s key worker up to date with their routines. Our toilet facilities contain; smaller toilets with inserts to allow the children to be confident and comfortable; potties and training urinals; steps to help with access to the toilet and sink and finally a changing area. There is a specific section on the intimate care policy that parents need to read and carry out.