Stephen Cooper – Seoi-Otoshi lesson plan


Start Time / Intensity / Duration
0 mins /

Welcome & Introduction

/ 1 mins

Line up class on the mat; Za Rei (Kneeling Bow) the students on.

Sensei introduction: - Steve Cooper etc….

Objective: - Demonstrate & teach the throwing technique of Seoi-Otoshi (Drop Shoulder throw)

Explain that the throw can be performed in various ways, but all will involve either one or both knees making contact with the mat.

I will demonstrate the single knee & arm technique.

Advantages of the throw: - getting under centre of gravity, hard to counter with a throw, less power required as there is little lift.

Warning! Care when lowering the knee to the mat (no crashing to the mat!).

Start Time / Intensity / Duration
1 mins /

Safe Warm Up

/ 5 mins

Conduct a suitable Warm up - with the class lesson content in mind.

Start Time / Intensity / Duration
6 mins /

SEOI-OTOSHI (Drop Shoulder throw)

/ 10 mins


Demonstrate Seoi-Otoshi (the whole throw) using suitable Uke’s (Receivers) and get the class participants to try it.

Demonstrate the throw broken into parts, again with multiple Uke’s: -

(1) Entry, (2) the shoulder drop & (3) the final throw – allow participants to try each part twice each.

Now finally bring all of the parts together as a whole. Again allow the participants to try.

If time allows: - talk about following through to Newaza (ground-work), also demonstrate ‘the spring’ action.

Start Time / Intensity / Duration
16 mins /

Lesson Close

/ 1-2 mins

Line up the class

Check participants understanding of the lesson contents. What was tricky etc.

Warning! do not use to many times in randori / competition and care when lowering the knee to the mat i.e. no crashing down!

Check for any injuries or problems during the lesson.

Invite questions give the answers and then Za Rei off.

17-18 mins /

End of Session

From a basic right-handed grip

Tori takes a big diagonal step to his left with his right foot, placing it just outside and in front of Uke’s right leg.

Tori pulls up with his left hand, he lifts his left knee high and spins on the ball of his right foot driving the left foot across just above Uke’s knee. Tori the drops his body weight under Uke pulling him over with his hands twisting at the waist and turning his shoulders to throw Uke flat on the mat.

Intensity / Very low / Low / Medium / High / Very High