Public Financial Management Systems Survey

About You

Government institution & department

Current financial system

What financial system is currently used?

A number of commercially available (commercial off the shelf, COTS) package

Anintegrated commercially available (COTS) package

Custom-built bespoke system(s)

Manual processes supported by office systems

If COTS, please indicate name of package(s)

If bespoke, please indicate technologies used, if known

What do the current financial systems support / provide?

End-to-end / financial processes(e.g. online workflow / authorisations, issue payments)

Enhancedcontrols over transactions (e.g. commitment control, record audit trail)

Recording of transaction data(resulting from manual processes)

Recording of batched data (resulting from manual processes and ledgers / reports)

Who uses the financial system to enter data?

Finance office personnel

Personnel across all government departments

All processes undertaken by government personnel

All processes undertaken by organisation(s) external to government (outsourced)

Mixed – some processes performed by government personnel, some undertaken by organisation(s) external to government (outsourced)

If mixed, please indicate which processes are outsourced

Is your government undertaking PFM reforms?




If ongoing or planned, please indicate [planned] start date and expected duration (or end date) of reforms

Ongoing reforms / planned reforms

If no reforms are ongoing or planned, please proceed to next section section.

Are the reforms funded by and, if donor funded, in what form?

Bi-lateral donor(s)
Multi-lateral donor
Government funded / Grant
Partial grant / partial loan

Where are the reforms being implemented?

Federal level
Regional level
Sub-Regional level / Across finance / treasury offices only
Across all sector offices / public bodies
Both finance / treasury offices and all sector offices/ public bodies

Which areas are within scope of the reforms and at which stage is each area? Please add any additional areas at the end of the table

Area / Completed / Ongoing / Future / Not applicable
Medium Term planning
Public Investment Programming
Budget preparation(e.g. new classification, basis)
Cash management, incl. disbursements
Budget execution–commitment, payments, receipts
Accounting (e.g. new classification, basis, standard)
Revenue collection
Asset Register / Accounting
Debt & loan management

What financial systems is the reform implementing?

A number of commercially available (commercial off the shelf, COTS) package for each area

An integrated commercially available (COTS) package, IFMIS

Custom-built bespoke system(s)

Some COTS elements, some bespoke elements (including office systems)

Systems not being implemented as part of reforms

If COTS, please indicate name of package

If bespoke, please indicate technologies used, if known

Performance and satisfaction with current / planned systems

Which system are you rating? Please rate the new system if reforms are being implemented and are suitably advanced for system to be rated.

Current system in general use

New system currently being implemented

Which reports are currently produced and how are they produced?

Report / Manually produced (incl. use of office systems) / Partially automated, partially manual / Fully automated / Not produced
Daily registers – receipts, payments etc
Account balances
Transaction listing for account balance
Monthly budget execution (variance) management reports
Government financial statements
GFS reports
Reports for external stakeholders (e.g. donors)

What is speed / ease of undertaking following actions in the financial information system?

Very slow /Very fast /
Inputting data, e.g. journals, payments
Enquiring / reporting account balances
Enquiring / reporting transaction listings
Producing management reports

Who provides systems administration? (e.g. set up new users, create new reports, set up new cost centre, provides help)

Individual users

Accountants / functional specialists in line departments

Accountants / functional specialists in FMS department

IT department

External organisation

Who provides changes to the system? (e.g. new screens)

Accountants / functional specialists in FMS department

IT department

External organisation

Who drives the design of the system?

Accountants / functional specialists

IT department

External organisation / software supplier

How do you rate the financial system?

Verycould doOKGoodGreat
Poor better
Meets information needs
Speeds work
Improves control
User friendly
Available assistance
On schedule
On original budget
Improves on current

system(s), if applicable

Overall satisfaction

How has the reform (where applicable) impacted the following areas?

Compared to before the reforms

HigherAbout sameLower
Staff turnover
Staff costs
Recurrent / running costs

LessAbout sameMore

Empowered users
SlowerAbout sameFaster
Responsiveness of support

What are the aims of the reforms?

What are the major concerns / risks associated with the reform?