Snohomish Conservation District
5-Year Strategic Planning Session
Brightwater Center
22505 WA-9, Woodinville, WA 98072
April 24, 2018 - 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Conservation District Future Accomplishments Brainstorm:
Strategic Area: Overall Impact on Natural Resources Goals
- By 2022 SCD will be providing 60% of its services to priority watersheds
- By 2020, expand programs on water quantity, water catchment and addressing drought conditions, for residents, farmers and businesses
- By 2019 be recognized as the primary provider of technical assistance to all private landowners within Snohomish County and on Camano Island
- Every horse, every stable, working toward a vision of sustainable and sound horse keeping
- 80% stream length are increasing
- Regardless of income status, all SC / CI residents will have some sort of natural resource saving BMP on site
- Fish ?
- By 5 years all commercial dairies in Snohomish County have new/updates farm plans
- Every major river and stream with functioning riparian buffer
Strategic Area: Program Specific Goals
- Increased support of farmers and private landowners by about 30% in 5 years
- By 2020 SCD will increase implementation by 20%
- 15,000 Facebook follows
- Clean energy program established
- Follow-up on 10 percent of our cooperators annual ~ as least via a phone call
- Establish an effective way to assist small forest landowners, In concert with WSU and DNR
- Champion and Partner on research for adaptive farming techniques for Puget Sound region
- Be a go-to leader for schools on green schoolyards and environmental project based learning, sustain maintenance for long-term
- Involvement in urban agriculture will be increased
- Double or triple the amount of cost share going out the door
- Developed and implementing a vision for ag resilience and fish recovery with agreement from both sides
- Every site visit will have a follow up of some measure
- Increase conversion of site visits to implementation by 50%
- Improve understanding of intersection between urban and rural constituents/goals
- By 2022 have an irrigation efficiency program
- Within two years, SCD will implement a rainwater catchment campaign on Camano, based on water conservation
- Redo our website with a focus on user-centered design and usability
- Consistent presence in Darrington, Gold Bar, and more eastern communities
- Establish a stable and replicable model for the Veterans Conservation Corps Crew
- Our stakeholders understand themselves as partners in achieving success of SCD goals. We are partners in solution
- Be a regional leader in technical training
- Continue and expand our youth education programs in underserved communities in our county
- Increased internal cost share funding to reduce reliance on outside funding sources
- SCD educational programs in all school districts in Snohomish County
- Determine need for GDPR compliance
- Diking
- Writing and implementing carbon farming plans
- Under served, minority communities will know and engage with SCD regularly.
- Environmental education in k-12 a top project
- conservation and ag. Land protection through easement, etc.
- Large ag resilience projects built in diking districts.
- Programic recognition in every public school in the County.
- Increase youth education and teacher training by 50% with 25% new schools that we've never reached before.
- In two years SCD will have identified the top 5 programs we'll be good at
Strategic Area: Organizational (internal) goals
- Prioritize HR
- Hire a dedicated person to do HR
- Establish continued Rates and Charges adjustments
- Annually review the District's 5-year plan to ensure it is incorporated into its annual plan of work, that we are focused on these goals, and that we "update" our 5-year plan on an annual basis
- Digital document management
- We have such interest in our programs that we need to hire more staff or find more champions to share our message
- Streamline Financial management
- Consistent, sufficient funding
- Equity
- Continue to value our heritage and create a future that embraces our growing diversity
- Leadership in competitive compensation and employee retention
- Conservation in our office: rain catchment, recycling, etc
- Building is one stop shop and educational center
- Reduce paperwork and operate as efficiently as possible
- In 5 years all farm planners are certified at highest level
- In 1 year we will have a clearer, more succinct statement about why cooperators may trust Districts
- SCD staff are recognized as being technically sound and proficient in their planning and implementation activities, and can differentiate their delivery of services and expertise from others
- Consistent presence on Camano Island.
- I would like to see the SCD to establish a home "new building". A place where we can hold educational events, presentations and have the opportunity to be the HUB for all things conservation in Snohomish County. A place where we can bring landowners and partners together to accomplish our Natural Resources goals.
- Continue to be a leader regionally by actively working with and supporting Puget Sound Conservation District Caucus; as well as working with the WSCC, WACD, and other regional entities to better serve the needs of our communities
- New facility with sample gardens and welcoming resource room
- By 2020 we will have a new facility
- In 5 years, 90% in our service area will know what SCD is
- Convert to IP v6
- A new location with demonstration areas, classroom space, and space to rent to other groups
- Optimize our programs to target underserved populations. Match our cooperator demographics to the demographics of the county.
- SCD is more known to the public and active stakeholders in 5 years. The awareness will increase from about 5% of the population to about 10%.
- Get the rate increase!
- Diversity in staff and services
Effective Organizations:
- See presentation
District Organization:
A political sub-division of the State of Washington with authorities and structure outlined in Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 89.08
To take available technical, financial and educational resources, whatever their source, and focus or coordinate them so that they meet the needs of the local land manager with conservation of soil, water and related natural resources.
Snohomish Conservation District’s mission is to work cooperatively with others to promote and encourage conservation and responsible use of natural resources.
That the residents of Snohomish Countyand Camano Island understand how they impact natural resourcesand that they take actions to protect, enhance, and responsibly use them.
To find and promote the balance betweenprotection of the natural environment and utilization of natural resources.
- To use public funds in a prudent and efficient manner
- To inspire and implement meaningful improvements in natural resource management
- To implement Best Management Practices (BMP) that have a positive impact on natural resources
- To be accountable and available to the community to serve their natural resource management needs
- To be an effective leader in natural resource education and natural resource management
- To provide excellent service and leadership to individuals, the community, partners, and agencies
- To passionately serve and connect with the community
- To work together with individuals, the community, partners, and agencies to effectively manage our natural resources
We believe in...
- Stewardship, service, friendliness, compassion, understanding, creativity
- Respect, communication, advocacy, innovation, inclusiveness
Highlights of Partner & Cooperator Survey:
See presentation
Suggestion to tweak the survey and continue this work at any and all events we have
Diversity in Conservation:
Diversity in Conservation:Ideas for elements of diversity in conservation
- Training for our staff on interactions within cultures
- Identify what services are appealing with different groups…market analysis…offer those programs
- Identify ways to connect with people…e.g. groups
- Go out to established group, cities, churches, others
- Not just fish and ag…nontraditional…inclusive mindset
- Increase the diversity of our partner set…amplify what we do with partners
- Reaching out via food banks and other centers
- Focus on making relationships…diversity would occur from making relationships will achieve more diversity
- Printed materials in different languages
- Defining the diversity…and what it means to the CD
- Educational programs can be intimidating
- Expand our service boundaries into underserved
- Circles of influence, cultural centers, ambassadors to work with
- Find what folks can educate us on
- Educational programs need to be approached with sensitivity to where they want to be in conservation…matching old country with where they are now
- Resources (time and funding) will be needed
- Look at where the natural resource goals match…explore with diversity consultant
- Food production linkage
- Staff well trained on cultural acceptable to the various cultures
- Imagine ourselves living in the country of origin of those we would like to serve
- Find out what the focus of the individual is and match our services
- “if you want to change culture…change your habits”
How we fit into Overall SnoCo and Camano Conservation:
- Awesome staff and SCD team (with Board, Associates, and partners).
- Project champions across our district; which aim to protect natural resources.
- Passion; technical assistance to private landowners; total engagement with private landowners and partners; voluntary, non-regulatory; facilitation of natural resources partnerships (public, private, ...). Nurture passion and voluntary stewardship.
- We have a unique opportunity to be the hub of partnerships to amplify the passions of private landowners and partners, locally and regionally, to create
- Being a champion in the community for climate impact strategies
- Carbon farming (sequestration, education innovation)
- We have a unique opportunity to be the hub of partnerships to amplify the passions of private landowners and partners, locally and regionally, to create
- Leading the way in non-regulatory, conservation, education, and technical assistance. By serving as, the "Hub" for conservation assistance and education resources.
- Innovation ( research, programs, BMPS)
- Be an organization who is trusted on all sides
- Innovation
- Being a liaison between the private landowner and regulator
- Educating populations of Snohomish and Camano Is on the importance of using good environmental practices
- Being the known and trusted local expert that inspires stewardship of natural resources with Snohomish County and Camano Island residents.
- Our relationships with landowners and the community
- Technical assistance and BMP implementation
S.M.A.R.T Goals Overview:
Goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely
Goal Development:
Overall impact on natural resources Goals
Programs specific Goals
Organizational – internal processes Goals
Strategic Area / GoalsOverall impact on natural resources
(Derek, Carrie, Kate, Kristin, Steve, Laura /
- Sequester carbon to slow climate change through land use & management choices
- Improve water quality in priority watersheds
- Protect priority working and natural lands in proximity to population centers
- Enough water in summer for fish, agriculture, and human use
- Improve terrestrial and aquatic habitat through increased riparian planting
Programs specific
(Michael, Carson, Fraser, Eric, Kathryn, Cameron, Bobbi, /
- Expanded and transparent CS program delivered to specific users(disadvantaged, livestock, riparian, LID, Etc)
- Measure effectiveness of existing programs using a particular matrix for doing so.
- Prioritize existing programs (which may lead to cutting) for effectiveness, adequate staffing, budgets
- Prioritize new programs based on(need, funding, staffing, and develop effectiveness criteria
- Follow-up procedures, criteria, effectiveness for all programs
- Develop a way to replicate our successful programs into new and innovative area
Organizational – internal processes
(Mike, Fraser, Kari,
Alicia, Brett, Adanette, Cindy, /
- Operational / operations: Our goal is to develop an organizational structure that allows us to operate efficiently and knowledgeably. (Safety, database, and on-boarding of new staff)
- Funding - Secure sustainable funding to achieve goals and to implement the 5-year plan and 1-year work plan.
- Communications: Our goal is to develop a communication plan which allows for open and transparent dialogue between staff, board, public and partners; and they / we are all fully informed and able to actively communicate and speak to SCD activities/programs.
- Building - Our goal is to build or find a new facility within 5 years that allows us to highlight and educate residents about best management practices (BMPs) to conserve natural resources, and is a functional work space for staff, partners, cooperators and board.
- Training - Develop annually for employees, associates, and board members: Training plans that enhance the value of each team member that fosters their personal growth, and matches the goals of the district.
- A new database that will document and track our activities, contacts, relationships --- user friendly, fast, effective, adaptable
- Vertical underdrain out there
- Interactive web-based program…show activities of work in county
- Have information and data on the cloud
- Carbon farm plans
- Central location for solid manure hammer mill for pelletizing and distribution pellets elsewhere
- New user-centric website – based on user needs…usable on hand held devises
- Rainbed marketing
- Establish a marketing program
- Significant expansion of veterans program
- Career connected learning for students…environmental communications specialist
- Figure out how to bring agriculture education in classrooms or vice versa
- Energy conservation work…
- Multi-language information
- See above for diversity ideas
- Regular cultural competency training in marketing, and
- Diversity…SCD definition and “North Star” – cultural, etc.
Group Assignments:
See above