New England Daylily Society

of the American Hemerocallis Society

Denise A. Pavlovich, EditorSuburban Experiment Station
240 Beaver Street, Waltham MA

November11th Meeting Agenda

9:00Set up time (volunteers are welcome)

9:00Board meeting

9:30Social time and take time to walk outside to see the NEDS daylily garden

10:00Roger Mercer

11:45Set up for Soup’s on, and thenLunch

1:30Business meeting, including a drawing of door prize plants(AGE OF AQUARIUS,CARRIED AWAYROSS SCOTT)

2:00 Roger Mercer

3:00Planning meeting for the 08 regional

3:30 Clean-up time (please volunteer)

Directions to the Waltham Agricultural Field Station:

FROM RT. 95 (aka 128): (Please note that if you are coming from the Mass Pike, you should get off at Rt 95 and go North) Take EXIT 27A off of Rt 95 (Totten Pond Rd., Waltham). Follow Totten Pond Rd. for 1.3 miles (toward Waltham & Bentley College) to end. Turn RIGHT and IMMEDIATELY STAY LEFT on Lexington St. Turn LEFT at the first LIGHT onto Beaver Street. In 0.4 mile follow the rotary 3/4 around, continuing on Beaver St. Then, pass Bentley College on both sides of the road. Field Station (1.3 miles from rotary) is the red brick building on right.

From the Editor

**Notice: Deadline for submitting items for the December Bulletin is Saturday November 18th.

(If you want the bulletin mailed to you, please send $5.00, made out to New England Daylily Society and mail it to the address below)

Denise Pavlovich, 7 Groton Street, Pepperell MA 01463; (978) 433-0445;



Another great meeting last month and we got to see the beautiful grounds at Elm Bank and also a first hand look for many of the members of the awesome job that Barbara Provest and her assistants have been able to do at the NEDS Elm Bank display garden. We got to see one of the potential meeting rooms as well as the one that is under construction for possible future use.

Special thanks to Barbara Provest on her Elm Bank presentation and Lori Jones for her Long Island National Convention. The presentations included excellent photography work by both Barbara and Lori and once again allowed for a great use of our new digital equipment.

We are in need of nominations/volunteers for elected and appointed positions right away. We need to find my replacement as President as my term ends with the December meeting and Sue Russell has decided not to continue as Secretary. As for the appointed positions, Dan Matzek is hoping to step down as August Auction Chair and Denise Pavlovich is looking to do the same as the Bulletin Editor. Job descriptions of these positions appear later in this bulletin.

Sue, Denise and Dan have all done excellent work for our group over several years and we should all express our thanks to them when you see them at a meeting. Our society will not work without our many volunteers so it is very important for our society that we keep getting different people involved in all of these critical areas. Please either volunteer yourself for consideration or try to convince someone that you think would be good in one of these roles to step up and volunteer.

At the board meeting we talked about trying to help Heritage Plantation improve their daylily gardens by providing some member donated plants perhaps this May 2007 to replace the mislabeled and simply older cultivars that they have. More on this to come next spring as we hope to have the Heritage person speak to us at one our spring meetings as well. Last summer Heritage named their beautiful daylily garden the Don Marvin Daylily Garden in honor of our charter NEDS member who has had a long association with Heritage. They have erected a beautiful sign in honor of Don and it also gives credit to NEDS as a sponsoring association.

At the end of the November meeting there will be a planning meeting for the 2008 Region 4 Convention. We need the garden owners, the already identified volunteer position holders and others who will volunteer to attend. For a regional convention to be successful it requires that basically everyone in our club do one or more tasks. Some jobs are obviously bigger than others but there are many smaller roles that need to be filled as well.

See you all in November.

--Carl Harmon, NEDS President

From the Program Chair

Greetings all Daylily lovers! I would like to introduce myself; I am your new Program Chair, Pat Wessling, and feel free to contact me with any comments or suggestions for the programs at the New England Daylily Society meetings. I will list my numbers and email below.

Saturday, November 11, 2006 we will be hosting Roger Mercer of North Carolina. Roger has been hybridizing for at least twenty years along with his career in the newspaper business. Roger has also been a daylily journal editor and worked with the likes of Steve Moldovan and Bill Munson. He has some great stories to tell! He is known for his northern hardy high bud count and well-branched plants. He is about to introduce a new crop out of over 90,000 seedlings!! He will be bringing his own program for our viewing pleasure. He is a fascinating character (as are most daylily people) and I am sure you will all enjoy his talk!

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at or call me at home 508-291-1835, I am looking forward to input from the membership as to what you want to see this coming year in conjunction with what is already scheduled.

Thanks so much, in advance, for you help with these programs!

-- Pat Wessling, Program Chair


Saturday, October 7, 2006 was a beautiful crisp Fall day, which brought out 37 members. This meeting was held at Elm Bank, the headquarters of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, located in Wellesley, MA. This trial meeting was arranged to provide NEDS members an opportunity to evaluate Elm Bank’s grounds and meeting facilities as a potential new meeting site. Today’s meeting took place in the Putnam Building (capacity 50) as the targeted meeting room i.e. East Wing of the Education Building (capacity 100) was not ready. On a positive note members did have an opportunity to tour the Education Building meeting room and check out the restrooms, kitchen facilities and the nearby NEDS Display Gardens.

Given the uncertainty of how much longer the Waltham Field Station will be available for meetings, we are investigating other potential locations for our meetings, Judged Exhibition and special events. Plans are underway to schedule a trial meeting at Tower Hill Botanic Gardens in Boylston, MA. Either of these locations would give NEDS much more visibility and undoubtedly increase our membership.

Our November and December meetings will be held at the Waltham Field Station.

Currently all 2007 meetings are scheduled for Waltham. Should any change of meeting location take place, it will be clearly announced in the Bulletin.

Program Highlights

•Morning: NEDS member and Elm Bank Garden Chair Barbara Provest presented on a digital presentation on the history and evolution of “The Daylilies of Elm Bank.” The garden has grown to the point where many cultivars are in need of dividing. Barbara will schedule a Spring 2007 date for members to assist with dividing.

• Afternoon: NEDS member Lori-Ann Jones presented an excellent digital presentation on the “2006 AHS Convention on Long Island, NY” -sharing highlights of the following gardens on tour: Chris Peterson, Buck Bucklin and Pat Mahoney, Bob and Mini Schwarz, Pat Neumann, George Rasmussen, Melanie and Don Vassallo, Carolyn Young, Pat Sayers, John and Muriel Stahl, Louise Peluso, Planting Fields LIDS Display Garden, Paul Limmer and Tom and Carol Ramsden.

Highlights of today’s business meeting presided over by Carl Harmon, President:

• Today’s trial meeting at Elm Bank provided NEDS members with a chance to view the meeting facilities as well as NEDS Display Garden. At this point a Spring 2007 NEDS meeting is being planned for Tower Hill. Details will be announced in 2007.

• Dan Pessoni shared the following information:

July 2006 Exhibition was held at the Waltham Field Station. Dan indicated that the Field Station’s lighting is very poor and makes judging daylilies difficult. He further indicated it would be preferable to have the Exhibition held in a more central location with restaurants nearby for the judges. He was hopeful that NEDS could identify a more suitable location, either at Elm Bank or Tower Hill- for its 2007 Judged Exhibition.

Heritage Garden Display Gardens (Sandwich, MA): NEDS’s other – and longer established- Display Garden is located at Heritage Plantation in Sandwich, MA. Don Marvin spearheaded creation of this Display Garden many years ago. Now that Don has stepped down, Dan is coordinating the NEDS-Heritage Display Garden arrangements. NEDS provides an annual Eureka catalog and annual Award of Merit daylilies to Heritage, who in turn utilize their staff to plant and maintain these beautiful display gardens! Apparently Heritage now has over 1000 cultivars, many of which are older varieties. Dan made two suggestions, which were positively received: (1) Heritage Plantation staff speak at one of our upcoming meetings and (2) NEDS should donate more recent cultivars to Heritage Plantation. Barbara Provest then suggested that we could give them divisions of many cultivars in our Elm Bank Display Gardens.

Heritage Plantation recently renamed their gardens: DON MARVIN DAYLILY GARDENS in recognition of Don’s hard work and contributions over the years to the establishment of these outstanding gardens, Congratulations Don!!

***NEDS Change of the Guard***

The end of December 2006 marks the end of the two year term of our current officers.

President (Carl Harmon) and Secretary (Sue Russell) will be stepping down. Vice President (Leila Cross) and Treasurer (Jocelyn Spragg) have agreed to stay on.

The nominating committee (Mike Huben, Dan Pessoni and Sue Russell) are working on identifying candidates to assume the President and Secretary positions.

Additionally, there are two other openings which need to be filled:

∞ Bulletin Editor (Denise Pavlovich is stepping down)

∞ August Sale and Auction Chair (Dan Matzek is stepping down)

Job descriptions for these positions are found below.

• Gary Jones, Region 4 RVP made two announcements:

1)AHS PublicationDaylilies: Fifty Year Affairbook is available for members to offer to their local library. Interested parties should provide their name, city and state to Carl Harmon today.

2)2007 Regional is scheduled for July 13-15, 2007 with Hawthorne Inn in Berlin, Connecticut serving as the Conference headquarters. Featured speakers include: Marion Miller, Helene Ferreira and Richard Howard. Exhibition Judge and Garden Judge Clinics will be included.

• Bill Chambers-Co Chair of our 2008 Regional provided a few quick updates

Several key posts have been assigned but a hotel coordinator is still needed.

At our November 11th meeting there will be a planning meeting.. Lots of volunteers will be needed to make this Conference run smoothly and successfully!

• Congratulations to the following October 2006 Door Prize winners:

Harriet MooradianPat Wessling

StartleCarl Wickstrom

Searching for BlueHarold Cross

Door prizes will be available at the May 2007 meeting.

If there are any omissions or corrections to this summary please notify me immediately.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at our November 11th meeting in Waltham!

Respectfully submitted,

Susanne S. Russell

NEDS Secretary

(781) 245-6161

JOB DESCRIPTIONS for current NEDS openings (11/06)


The President of the New England Daylily Society (NEDS) is elected for a two (2) year term by a majority vote of the NEDS membership.

Duties and responsibilities of the NEDS President include:

Sets the agenda for and conducts all Executive Board meetings.

Sets the direction and goals for the organization.

Represents NEDS at the annual Region 4 Board meeting and other regional/ national daylily events.

Works closely with Executive Board members to keep the organization vital and viable.

Appoints all committee chairs, subject to approval of the Executive Board

Contributes to each monthly NEDS bulletin, on a topic of her/her choosing.

Signs legal documents for NEDS, as needed.

Maintains effective lines of communication with the Executive Board and the general membership.

Encourages and supports member participation in all events.

Notifies the membership when a scheduled meeting needs to be cancelled, due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances.

Conducts the Executive Board and General business meetings.


The Secretary of the New England Daylily Society (NEDS) is elected for a two (2) year term by a majority vote of the NEDS membership. The Secretary must be a resident of Massachusetts, as required by the state of Massachusetts and NEDS tax exempt status.

Duties and responsibilities of the NEDS Secretary include:

Participates in all scheduled Executive Board meetings.

Conducts the Executive Board meeting and General business meeting in the absence of the President and Vice-President.

Records the minutes of all Executive Board meetings and general business meetings. These minutes are then distributed to the Executive Board members within a week following the meeting.

Contributes Secretary’s input to each issue of the NEDS bulletin.

  • Monthly meeting attendance plus names and locations of new members.
  • Summary of morning and afternoon programs.
  • Minutes of the general business meeting
  • Winners of monthly door prize drawing

Contributes to the biannual Region 4 newsletter, providing NEDS calendar of events, meeting locations

and other information of interest to Region 4-AHS members.

  • Submission deadline for Fall/Winter issue: September 15th
  • Submission deadline for Spring/Summer issue: March 15th

Purchases name tags and maintains a sign in attendance sheet for all meetings. This numbered list is used for the monthly door prize (daylily) drawing. Immediately following each meeting, attendance is emailed to both the meeting facilities manager and NEDS Treasurer (as our facility use fee is currently based on number of attendees).

Conducts monthly door prize drawing and maintains a running list of winners.

Schedules NEDS meeting dates at the U Mass Field Station (Waltham, MA) with facilities manager Debbie Beaubien. This information is distributed to Executive Board members, Bulletin Editor, Program Co-Chairs for dissemination among membership.

Maintains the NEDS Policy and Procedure Handbook, incorporating updates and revisions as needed.

Maintains a NEDS Contact List: Names/mailing address/telephone and email addresses of Executive Board members, Committee Chairpersons and Other Contacts

Maintains hardcopies of all NEDS Bulletins, Executive Board and general business meetings, as well as correspondence and other information.

Assists with other NEDS activities and functions, as needed.

August Plant Sale/Auction Chair

This person works within defined budget to purchase daylilies, which he/she grows for 3 years before dividing them for inclusion in an August sale and auction.

Morning Sale: Members bring in plants to sell to the public. Plants are sold on “bargain tables” ($10+ cultivars, all selling for $5 each)

Afternoon Auction: a major fundraisers, open to members and the public.

Tasks to be done to prepare for event:

  1. Put a notice in the Summer bulletin and via handouts to the public (coordinate with Publicity Chair) asking for donations to the auction, and for individuals who will be selling to let chairman know how many tables are needed
  2. Send out an email asking for donations.
  3. Recruit an auctioneer, organizer of auction table, 2 runners, 2 or 3 recorders, someone to collect money from individual bidders, treasurer (or designate).
  4. Create bidding cards, sign up sheet, and sheets with numbers (for the recorders to record bids for a range of bidders).
  5. Bring pencils, calculator, money (for making change) and paper.

Tasks to be done after the event:

  1. Find out how much money was made from the tables & auction.
  2. Co-ordinate clean-up.
  3. Put a thank you notice in the September bulletin.

Bulletin Editor

The editor is responsible for the NEDS Bulletin production, and as such should be proficient in computer word processing, spreadsheet processing, and e-mail. Nine (9) editions are produced per year (October edition through Summer Edition).

The Editor must collect all articles from contributors and assemble the articles. The Bulletin is produced based on a template that has been used over time, but may be modified.

The Editor will state a due date for contributions. This will be in the prior month’s bulletin. A notice may also be sent to board members, (via e-mail), if articles are not received by the posted deadline The Bulletin deadline will be set such that recipients receive the document approximately 10 days before the meeting for which the Bulletin is produced.