SESSION 4, “Our Organization: How We Work Together”

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Slide 1 à Title slide

v  welcome to the class

v  today’s focus:

Ø  church’s structure

Ø  our denomination & regional conference

Ø  how to become a member of the church

Slide 2 à


v  Faith Covenant Church (inner circle)

v  Great Lakes Covenant Conference (second circle)

v  Evangelical Covenant Church (third circle)

v  Kingdom of God (outer circle)

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v  Covenant Churches use a congregational system of governance

Ø  This means that the Congregation as a whole has ultimate authority in decision-making.

Ø  Visual flow chart

§  Congregation: meets semi-annually (January & May)

§  Church Board: meets monthly

§  Executive Committee: meets monthly

§  Commissions: meet monthly

§  Task Forces / Special Committees: meet as needed

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v  Covenant Churches are autonomous (self-governing) but not independent (we are in voluntarily association with one another)

Ø  more on relationship with the denomination later

v  Faith Covenant Church has a Board / Commission structure

Ø  The Church Board gives overall direction to the church’s ministry

Ø  Specific areas of ministry are carried out by Ministry Commissions

Ø  The chair of each Ministry Commission is on the Board

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v  Church Board

Ø  Senior Pastor

Ø  Associate Pastor(s)

Ø  Corporate Officers (see below)

Ø  Deacons

Ø  Ministry Commission chairs

v  Corporate Officers

Ø  Chair

Ø  Vice Chair

Ø  Recording Secretary

Ø  Financial Secretary

Ø  Treasurer

Ø  Terms: Each officer can serve for one three-year term

v  Slide 6 à Board Responsibilities:

Ø  Provide overall ministry direction and administrative oversight.

Ø  Develop recommendations for presentation to the congregation.

Ø  Add or discontinue Ministry Commissions.

v  Slide 7 à Executive Committee

Ø  Members:

§  Chair

§  Vice Chair

§  3 Deacons

§  Senior Pastor (ex-officio)

Ø  Responsibilities:

§  Oversee the general administration, spiritual welfare and ministry of the Church.

§  Provide direction and help to establish long-range planning goals for the Church’s ministry.

§  Work closely with the members of the pastoral staff.

§  Serve in an advisory capacity to the Church Board.

§  Seek to foster harmonious working relationships and good communication between the Ministry Commissions of the Church (Serve as liaisons to each of the Ministry Commissions).

§  Serve as Board of Trustees where law requires action(s) by Trustees.

§  Act as the Pastoral Relations Committee.

v  Slide 8 à Ministry Commissions

Ø  List

§  Adult Discipleship

§  Children’s Ministry

§  Congregational Care

§  Evangelism and Outreach

§  Fellowship

§  Finance

§  Missions

§  Properties & Administration

§  Women Ministries

§  Worship, Prayer & Music

§  Youth Ministry Team

Ø  Participants:

§  Open to members and friends of the Church

·  don’t have to wait to be asked

·  can approach a ministry chair / pastor / church leader

§  Exceptions: Finance and Worship, Prayer & Music Commissions shall consist of members of the church only.

§  In all other Ministry Commissions, a majority of the Ministry Commission members must be members of the church.

§  All Ministry Commission members who are non-members of the Church must profess and affirm the same Christian faith experience expected of church members.

Ø  Selection: selected by the Church Board following the Spring Semi-annual Meeting.

Ø  Term: one-year (except Commission chair)

Ø  Commission Chairs

§  Confirmed at Semi-annual Meeting (May)

§  Term: one three-year term

v  Slide 9 à Nominating Committee

Ø  Six members + church chair and senior pastor

Ø  Term: three-year terms / two members elected annually

§  only true “election” in our structure

Ø  Choose their own chair and secretary

Ø  Responsibilities: recommend persons to be confirmed by the congregation:

§  for all Church Board positions to be filled (at the Spring Congregational Meeting).

§  to serve as delegates to the Covenant Annual Meeting & Great Lakes Conference Annual Meeting

Ø  Members may serve on other Ministry commissions but not as the Chair

v  Task Forces / Standing Committees

Ø  Purpose: established to plan, organize & carry out certain projects that don’t fit under other ministry commissions

Ø  Examples:

§  St. Lucia Planning Committee

§  Vision Committee

v  Website:

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v  Basic information

Ø  Organized in 1885

Ø  Headquarters: Chicago

Ø  Constituency:

§  Originally mostly Swedish immigrants

§  now a community based church that reflects the diversity of America

Ø  Size

§  724 churches

§  average attendance: 153,000

§  ethnic diversity – 3rd most diverse, 20% of churches are ethnic

·  African-American, Latino, Korean, Vietnamese, Haitian,

§  growth – fastest decadal growth rate among all US denominations – over 50%

v  Slide 11 à Characteristics

Ø  missional: reaching out to neighbors near & far

Ø  devotional: encouraging a vibrant personal relationship with Christ

Ø  biblical: grounded in the Word of God

Ø  connectional: helping Christians find & maintain relationships with each other

Slide 12 à double click Relationship w/local churches

Ø  cooperative: doing together what we couldn’t do alone

Ø  examples: world mission, higher education, etc.

v  Slide 13 à Ministries

Ø  Education

§  North Park University (Chicago)

·  4 year liberal arts college

·  graduate programs: MBA, Nursing

·  graduate seminary

¨  masters programs: pastors, youth pastors, church educators, missionaries

¨  doctor of ministry: preaching

§  CHET – training for Hispanic pastors in southern California

§  Covenant Bible College

·  3 locations: Alberta, Canada; Windsor, CO; Quite, Ecuador

·  one year program on discipleship

Ø  Benevolence

§  2 hospitals à one of only 3 church groups that still operate hospitals

·  Swedish Covenant (Chicago), Emmanuel Medical Center (Turlock, CA)

§  regional retirement centers: closest – Covenant Village of the Great Lakes, Grand Rapids

Ø  Ministry: credentialing & care for 1800 pastors

Ø  Publications: Covenant Companion, Covenant Home Altar, Missionary Prayer Calendar

Ø  Youth ministry

§  CHIC: a triennial gathering for all Covenant high school students (grades 10-12)

Ø  Slide 14 à World Mission fields


Mainland China
Central Asia

Central & South America



Czech Republic

South Africa

Burkina Faso
Central African Republic
Equatorial Guinea

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v  10 Regional Conferences & one ministry region Alaska

Ø  radio station KICY in Nome – broadcasts into Russia as well as Alaska

Ø  Church planting: with local churches & regional conferences

§  National Covenant Properties: a Covenant “bank”

·  provides a variety of investment opportunities for churches & individual donors (CD, IRA, etc)

·  this money is lent out to new churches for property & buildings at a small percentage over investing rate

v  Events

Ø  Annual Meeting (June)

Ø  Feast: triennial prayer gathering, usually just before the Annual Meeting

Ø  Women Ministries Triennial

Ø  Midwinter Pastors’ Conference (February)

v  Slide 16 à Financial Support

Ø  voluntary contributions by members churches & individuals

Ø  2/3 of the operating budget funded by local churches goes to world mission or church planting & revitalization in the US

v  website:

Slide 17 à



v  Area: lower MI, OH, KY, TN, western NY, western PA

v  Camps

Ø  Portage Lake – Manistee, MI

Ø  Mission Meadows – Jamestown, NY

Ø  Covenant Mountain Mission – Jonesville, VA

v  Ministries

Ø  church planting & revitalization

Ø  help churches seeking pastors

Ø  resources for local churches

v  Financial support: from conference churches & individuals

v  website:

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v  Membership in Covenant Churches

Ø  The Covenant Church is a “believers’ church” in regard to church membership (i.e., one must have a personal faith in Christ to become a voting member of the church).

Ø  Our Goal: be broad enough to include all who know Christ as Savior and Lord and narrow enough to include only those who know Christ as Savior and Lord

§  this only applies to membership

§  there are people at all different stages of faith or seeking who attend our church and participate at some level

Ø  Slide 19 à Membership Requirements

§  Personal faith in Jesus Christ

§  Have received Christian baptism (either infant or adult)

v  Slide 20 à Steps Toward Membership at Faith Covenant Church

Ø  Attend all 4 sessions of the Discovery Class

Ø  Complete and submit a written membership application

Ø  Meet with representatives of the Evangelism & Outreach Commission to share one’s personal story of faith in Christ

Ø  Recommendation by the Board for membership

Ø  Be affirmed & received into membership by a vote of the congregation

Ø  Be publicly welcomed into membership at a worship service at which time public confession of faith is made via answering a series of faith questions

Ø  Enjoy a New Members brunch

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v  The Four “Core Classes”

Ø  Discovery à Membership: commitment to Jesus and Faith Covenant Church à COMPLETED!

Ø  Growth à Maturity -- forming the habits necessary for spiritual growth

Ø  Ministry à serving -- discovering & using God-given gifts & abilities in serving him & others

Ø  Mission à sharing the Good News with others -- through word & action