References of the oral and posters presentations of the First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016.

Session 16: Root and Tuber Crops Seed Systems

Chair1 Kaiyun Xie

Chair2 Julian Smith

Session 16: Oral Presentations

Woldegiorgis Gebremedhin, McEwan* Margaret, Schulz Steffen, Medemedemiyaw Nekenkie, Mekonnen Daniel, Aragaw, Abiyot, Hailemariam Gebrehiwot and Gorfu Dereje (2016). Quality Declared Seed for Potato and Sweetpotato. Experiences from Ethiopia - From Practice to Policy. Ed. C.M. Fauquet, Electronic Proceedings of the First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016. Presentation S16-01 # 5889 2038

Anthony Pariyo*, Yona Baguma, Robert Kawuki, Christopher Omongo, Anton Bua, Francis Alacho, Apolo Kasharu, David Talengera, David Eagle and Ephrance Tumuboine (2016). Development Of A Functional Seed System For Cassava In Uganda. Ed. C.M. Fauquet, Electronic Proceedings of the First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016. Presentation S16-02 # 5912 3104

Aighewi*, B., Maroya, N., Asiedu, R., Mignouna, D., McNamara, N., Morse, S., Mawuli, A., Ikeorgu, J. and Braimah, H. (2016). Establishing entrepreneurial seed yam production in West Africa for seed and food security. Ed. C.M. Fauquet, Electronic Proceedings of the First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016. Presentation S16-03 # 2209 3099

Jorge Andrade-Piedra*, Jeffery Bentley, Conny Almekinders, Stephen Walsh and Kim Jacobsen (2016). A conceptual framework to analyze roots, tubers and bananas seed systems - Experiences from 11 case studies. Ed. C.M. Fauquet, Electronic Proceedings of the First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016. Presentation S16-04 # 4499 4224

Juma Yabeja*, Kiddo Mtunda, Rudolph Shirima, Edward Kanju, Innocent Ndyetabula, Geoffrey Mkamilo, Elizabeth Mpayo and James P Legg (2016). Clean seed systems an intervention for the management of cassava virus diseases in sub-Saharan Africa. Ed. C.M. Fauquet, Electronic Proceedings of the First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016. Presentation S16-05 # 3256 3151

Kwame Ogero*, Margaret McEwan, Jan Kreuze, Simon Jeremiah, Obadia Mayanja and Nessie Luambano (2016). Understanding Virus Degeneration Of Clean Sweet-Potato Planting Materials Multiplied In Insect-Proof Net Tunnels Under Farmer Management. Ed. C.M. Fauquet, Electronic Proceedings of the First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016. Presentation S16-06 # 4512 328

Morufat Balogun*, Norbert Maroya, Julius Taiwo, Lava Kumar, Adeola Ajayi and Robert Asiedu (2016). The Research for Development Prospects of Temporary Immersion Bioreactor Technology for High Quality seed yam production in West Africa. Ed. C.M. Fauquet, Electronic Proceedings of the First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016. Presentation S16-07 # 4706 3119

Lava Kumar*, P., Maroya, N., Aighewi, B., Zidafamor, E.J., Adzivor, S.A., Boateng, E., Oppong, F.A., Kalu, I., Ikoro, I., Alhassan, S., Danquah, P.A., Asamoh, E.A. and Coyne, D. (2016). The YIIFSWA protocol for enhancing seed yam quality and fostering seed yam certification in West Africa. Ed. C.M. Fauquet, Electronic Proceedings of the First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016. Presentation S16-08 # 4543 4226

Antony Ijala*, Francis Alacho, Thomas Awio, George Otim-Nape, Anthony Pariyo and Scovia Adikini (2016). Value addition as a driver for a sustainable cassava seed system in Uganda. Ed. C.M. Fauquet, Electronic Proceedings of the First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016. Presentation S16-09 # 6925 4206

Charles Wasonga*, Gorrettie Ssemakula and Robert Mwanga (2016). Growth tunnel cover type is a determinant of nutrient utilization efficiency in protected sweetpotato vine production in a tropical environment. Ed. C.M. Fauquet, Electronic Proceedings of the First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016. Presentation S16-10 # 5848 2044

Session : 4 Posters Presentations

Stephen Angudubo* (2016). Analysis of Potential Demand for Clean Cassava Planting Material in Uganda. Ed. C.M. Fauquet, Electronic Proceedings of the First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016. Poster SP16-01 # 1098 3132

Ssemakula*, G., Kizito, A., Namakula, J. and Kigozi, C. (2016). Improving Sweet-Potato Seed Systems In Uganda Through An Innovative Technology That Keeps Clean Vines Closer To Farmers. Ed. C.M. Fauquet, Electronic Proceedings of the First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016. Poster SP16-03 # 2231 160

Norbert Maroya*, Morufat Balogun, Aighewi Beatrice, Samson Ogbole and Robert Asiedu (2016). Seed yam production using single node vine from plants in aeroponics. Ed. C.M. Fauquet, Electronic Proceedings of the First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016. Poster SP16-04 # 3362 2080

Evelyn Boateng* (2016). Assistance Administrator. Ed. C.M. Fauquet, Electronic Proceedings of the First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016. Poster SP16-06 # 4572 392

Stephen Frimpong* (2016). Sustainable intensification of yam production in dryland regions The case of northern Ghana. Ed. C.M. Fauquet, Electronic Proceedings of the First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016. Poster SP16-07 # 4648 4221

Aighewi, B., Aihebhoria*, D. and Balogun, M. (2016). The response of yam (Dioscorea. rotundata Poir) tuber portions to positive selection for quality seed yam. Ed. C.M. Fauquet, Electronic Proceedings of the First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016. Poster SP16-08 # 4828 2009

Ogero*, K.O., Jeremiah, S.C. and McEwan, M. (2016). Use of affordable net tunnels and decentralized inspection schemes in improving sweetpotato seed system management. Ed. C.M. Fauquet, Electronic Proceedings of the First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016. Poster SP16-09 # 4512 3166

Mathias Ndalahwa, Juma Yabeja*, Kiddo Mtunda, Innocent Ndyetabula and James Legg (2016). Impact of socio-economic, cultural and geographical factors on adoption of Community Phytosanitation in managing cassava virus diseases in Tanzania. Ed. C.M. Fauquet, Electronic Proceedings of the First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016. Poster SP16-11 # 3256 4209

Sam Namanda*, Robert Mwanga, Gerald Kyalo, Jan Low, Sylvia Magezi, Anna-Marie Ball, Charles Musoke, Gorrettie Ssemakula and David Talengera (2016). Triple S method assuring availability of sweetpotato planting material in Northern Uganda. Ed. C.M. Fauquet, Electronic Proceedings of the First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016. Poster SP16-12 # 4607

Sam Namanda*, Robert Mwanga, Gerald Kyalo, Jan Low, Sylvia Magezi, Anna-Marie Ball, Charles Musoke, Gorrettie Ssemakula and David Talengera (2016). Cleaned Planting Material Increases Sweetpotato Yield More Than Five Times In Uganda:Usefulness Of Tissue Culture Science. Ed. C.M. Fauquet, Electronic Proceedings of the First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016. Poster SP16-13 # 4607

Anna-Marie Ball, Charles Musoke*, Sylvia Magezi, Sam Namanda, Robert Mwanga, Gerald Kyalo, Jan Low, David Talengera and Gorrettie Ssemakula (2016). Developing Formal Seed System For Sweetpotato In Uganda: Essentials And Prospects. Ed. C.M. Fauquet, Electronic Proceedings of the First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016. Poster SP16-14 # 4690

Session 16 Oral Presentations Accepted but not Presented


Session 16 Poster Presentations Accepted but not Presented

Chipungu Felistus*, Mueller Emily, Chiona Martin, Mudenda Simon, Low Jan and Heck Simon (2016). Sweet-Potato Variety Dissemination Road Map In Zambia From Screen House To The Farmer. Ed. C.M. Fauquet, Electronic Proceedings of the First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016. Abstract SP16-02 # 2185 309

Oteng-Darko*, P., Otoo, E., Kyei-Baffour and N. Agyare, W. (2016). Growth And Yield Response Of Three Aeroponically Propagated Yam Varieties Under Four Different Nutrient Concentrations. Ed. C.M. Fauquet, Electronic Proceedings of the First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016. Abstract SP16-05 # 3406 275