
Acolytes: Declan Fledderjohn

Greeters: Trish Swingle

Lay Readers: Liz August

Nursery: Priscilla Fledderjohn/Brianna Purcell

Ushers: Natalie Lubold (C ), Sandy Frantz, Ken Miller, Thaddeus Sampson,

Linda Rischoni, Bea Durham

Sound Volunteers: John Butari, Bruce Neely, Jeff Karchner

Lay Support:

Cards: Faye Mertus, Nancy Miller Flowers: Lois Schwartz Telephone: Pat Greenawald

This Week’s Schedule

Monday - CAYC Band – 6:15p; Womyn’s Chorus – 6:30p; Council – 7p
Tuesday – Garden Club – 10a; Zumba – 6:30p; Bells – 7:30p

Wednesday – Friendship Club – Noon; Neighborhood Dispute Settlement – 5p;

Prayer Group – 6p; TAIZE Worship – 7p

Thursday - Kid’s Choir – 6:30p; AA Mtg. – 7p; Choir – 7p; Hbg.Assn. C&M – 7p

Friday - TOPS – 10:30a

Saturday – Used Toy Consignment Sale (8a-4p); Game Club – 10a

Birthdays (Nov. 9-Nov.15): Mille Artz, Jody Link, Christian Freeman, Vi Bretz, Brian Leonard, Christopher Webb, Al Kifer, Michael Shafer, Bonnie Cox, Minhenga Yogo, Liz August, Courtney Jones-Armour. Birthday info is available in the Messenger each month and can also be found on our website at

Attention all Parents of Young Children! Six different Activity Bags for infants-toddlers, ages 2-4 & ages 5-8 are located in the back of the sanctuary and are available to help keep children occupied. Bags can be taken and then returned after worship. Bible activity sheets are also available from the ushers.

During worship we invite you to leave your children in our Church Nursery. Infants will remain in the crib nursery with caring volunteers. Supervised play for the older children will take place in the preschool room next door. Both are located in the hall beside the Sanctuary.

Congregational Life is looking for people to provide goodies for Fellowship Hour on Sundays after each service. Please sign up on the poster outside of the office.

The 2015 Bonus Books are here! Cost is $28.00 w/$7.50 going to the church! Help the church earn $150 (20 books) while saving yourself money!

Thank you for being with us today.

The Altar flowers today are presented to the Glory of God in honor of Christopher Riordan by Woody & Bonnie Cox and in honor of the marriage of Sue Duff & Anna Kohr.

Today the Remembrance Book is open to the pages acknowledging the Gifts given to the Glory of God in loving memory of Lee J. Artz.

The 2015 Altar Flowers and Bulletin Sponsorship book is now available in the office. The cost of the Flowers is $14/vase and $20/bulletin.

We are promoting church family connections by sending cards for special occasions, illness or injury, and sympathy. Please sign your name or write a note on the cards on the table at the back of the Sanctuary. This week’s cards: Vi Bretz is celebrating her 96th Birthday, Al Kifer is celebrating his 75th Birthday, Arlene Randby who was recently hospitalized and congratulations to Sue Duff & Anna Kohr who were married in our church yesterday.

Congregational Meeting today after church! We are pleased to inform you that two additional candidates have agreed to accept a position on the 2015 Church Council. Jim Richardson is being nominated as a Deacon of Stewardship, and Lisa Miller is nominated as a Deacon for Children and Youth Faith Development. These candidates are in addition to the nominees included in the Congregational Meeting packet previously mailed to everyone in the congregation. All nominees will be voted on during the meeting today immediately following the combined worship service at 10:00 a.m. If you forgot your packet, extras are available on the table in the Narthex.

Join us for House Church tonight. We’ll have a light supper at 5:00pm followed by Communion Worship at 6:00pm in the Parlor.

You are cordially invited to attend this month’s Church Council meeting on Monday, November 17 at 7:00 p.m. in the parlor. The packet for this meeting is available on the bulletin board near the office. There will be a seating area for non-Council members to observe the meeting. Additionally, there is a time at the beginning of the meeting for non-Council members to address Council. If you are interested in doing so, please contact me at 991-4124 by noon the day of the meeting, or via e-mail at . This is a great opportunity for you to learn more about how the work of your Church Council is being conducted. Hope to see you there! - Cindy Gnech

The SOCIAL JUSTICE LEAGUE will be meeting on Wednesday, Nov 19th at 7:30 pm. Be a part of the decision-making process of social issues to pursue. All are welcome to attend!

Church decorating for the holidays will be Sunday, November 23rd from 2 to 6 pm. Everyone is invited to come help us decorate the church for the holiday season! This is new this year as we want to make decorating a fun, festive, and family affair. There will be snacks and refreshments during the afternoon as we decorate. A meal to follow.


All adult classes are open to anyone who wishes to attend. Classes are Sunday mornings at 9:30 am.

The Chapel Group, led by Helen Ferguson, is studying the book of Ezekiel.

The group that meets in Room 4 upstairs, led by Sharon Clark, is studying I Corinthians, a rich reflection on what it means to be the church, as well as analysis of some of the chronic ways in which church health and vitality are undermined from within. The brilliance of Paul’s letter is that all of this is grounded theologically and in the gospel. He doesn’t simply say, “Now, now, can’t we just all get along?” His argument is a much deeper one. It is based on what God had done in Jesus Christ.

The Parlor Group is studying the DVDS series "The Holy Land Revealed" by Dr. Jodi Magnes, a professor at UNC Chapel Hill in Classical Archaeology. Nov. 16 Alexander the Great and His Successors; Nov. 23 The Helenization of Palestine and Nov. 30 The Maccabean Revolt.

Our new group that meets upstairs in Room P, (former pastor’s office) led by Jane Graeff, is using a series entitled “Faith Weaver.” This curriculum is offered for the children’s and teens’ classes also. The intent is to weave together a family’s journey in faith by teaching the same Bible truth across all age levels.

Children & Youth fAITH DEVELOPMENT

Sunday School classes are held Sundays at 9:30 am. Classes are for toddler through High School. Stop in the church nursery on the main floor in the hallway beside the Sanctuary for directions to the appropriate classroom. We encourage you to bring your children & youth every week, but know that it’s not always possible – so bring them as you are able. They are always welcome!

Youth Fellowship news: In November our Youth will help decorate the church for Christmas, visit Bethany Children’s Home, attend the Youth Retreat at Hartman Center and Bake Cookies for the Truckstop Ministry. For more information about upcoming youth events, contact our Youth Director, Andrew Clark at or 657-8204.

This month’s TAIZE Worship is a week earlier on November 19 at 7:00pm in the Phillips Chapel. Then on November 26 we will gather ecumenically for Thanksgiving Eve Worship at 7:00pm at Epiphany Lutheran Church (1100 Colonial Road).

Last notice! You have 14 days to buy a gift card for Weis or Giant at the grocery gift card table outside Fellowship Hall. Gift cards will go to the residents at Kindred Place for Christmas.

A Time For Giving Back - During the Thanksgiving season, please remember those less fortunate. On November 23 please bring items for Thanksgiving dinner and place them in front of the Altar. Turkeys should be put in the freezer. Items can also be brought in earlier. Place the items in the bags decorated by the preschool class in the Alcove. Thank you!

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”

William Arthur Ward

We need moss for the Putz - if you have some in your yard you’d be willing to share with us, contact Linda Bender at 657-1540 or . We need it by November 23 at the latest.

The Second Annual Holly Trail will be Sunday December 21 from 2-6 pm. Would you be willing to open your home up for visitors to see your holiday decorations? Please contact Mike (602-5542 or ) or Greg (657-8204 or ) for more information. Proceeds will benefit the Bethany Children’s Home.

Free Spirit East Holiday Workshop - Saturday, November 22 from 8 am to 4 pm

This event, at Colonial Park UCC, will feature new and gently-used children’s items, perfect for the little ones on your holiday gift-giving list! Toys, games, DVDs, books, holiday apparel, cold weather gear and more! All at a fraction of the price of retail prices! Crafters and vendors will also be on hand to give you some great personalized gift ideas! Don’t empty your wallet while filling stockings this holiday season! Shop with Free Spirit East and save! CPUCC will be hosting a “Snack Shop” as a fundraiser for the church. We’ll be offering hot dogs, BBQ, drinks and homemade goodies. If you’d be willing to donate hot dogs, rolls, or goodies, please let Linda or Kathy know.

Bethany Children’s Home - You don’t have to wait for gift suggestion ideas and in long checkout lines here! We have a wish list for you to get started on right away (on the bulletin board in the alcove near the sleigh)! Bethany Children’s Home has made their 2014 Wish List and they’re asking for help buying for the teen residents. Check out the list of fun things you can buy to make Christmas a little brighter for teens going through tough challenges in their lives. Please place the unwrapped gifts in the red sleigh in the Alcove after Thanksgiving. WHAT! DON’T CHRISTMAS SHOP!!! Please consider giving a cash donation to Jenny Gassert and she will do the shopping for you. Purchased gift cards will be collected at the grocery card sale table outside Fellowship Hall.

Ellen DeStefano has retired from the church office volunteer staff. I hope you’ll join me in expressing your appreciation for Ellen and all of the wonderful things she’s accomplished over the past 5 years. Her specialty is cutting things perfectly (something I can’t do even with the paper cutter)! She’s also been instrumental in updating the 6 bulletin boards, working with attendance records, copying the audio recordings of the Worship Services for our music staff & homebound members, mailings and post office runs and so much more… She has been a valued & trusted volunteer/friend and her talents will be missed! Thank you Ellen for all you have done to make my life easier these past 5 years. – Kathy Neely

The Friendship Club will meet on Wednesday, November 19 at noon. All church members and friends age 55 and older are invited. Bring your lunch. Dessert & coffee will be provided. On Thursday, November 20 the club will be traveling to the American Music Theatre.

The December newsletter deadline is today. If you have a submission for Church Family News or an article about an upcoming event, please email the church office today at .