TEACHER: Johnson SUBJECT: ART GRADE: 7th DATE: 12/19/2011

UNIT: African Art: Textile Necklaces
GPS Standard(s):
VA8MC1: Engages in the creative process to generate and visualize ideas.
VA8MC2: Identifies and works to solve problems through authentic engagement.
VA8MC3: Demonstrates how artists create and communicate meaning in artworks.
VA8MC4: Participates in aesthetic dialogue about his/her artwork and the artwork of others.
VA8CU1: Discovers how the creative process relates to Art History.
VA8AR1: Crits personal artworks and the artwork of others using both visual and verbal approaches.
VA8AR2: Reflects and expands the use of visual language throughout the artistic process.
VA8AR3: Plans and presents appropriate exhibitions of works of art.
VA8C1: Applies information from other disciplines to enhance the understanding and production of artworks.
VA8C2: Develops fluency in visual communication.
VA8PR1: Engages in art making with care and craftsmanship.
VA8PR2: Creates artwork reflecting a range of concepts, ideas, and subject matter.
VA8PR3: Produces an array of 2D and 3D artistic processes and techniques using a variety of skill sin a drawing to convey meaning and idea.
VA8PR5: Develops and maintains a portfolio of artworks.
Enduring Understandings: Students will be able to identify the jewelry of the Maasai tribe of Eastern Africa. Student will perceive that the Maasai have a different perception of beauty than their cultures. Students will fabricate jewelry inspired by the adornments of the Maasai tribe.
UNIT ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Who are the Maasai? Why do they dress the way they do?
Who are the Maasai people? Why do they dress differently? / How can I create artwork inspired by the jewelry of the Maasai? / How can I create artwork inspired by the jewelry of the Maasai? / How can I create artwork inspired by the jewelry of the Maasai?
Students sketch out necklace design; assign meaning to colors. Begin initial knotting of necklace. Formative. / Students continue on necklaces. Begin to add beads and different colored threads. ¼ completed. Formative. / Students continue of necklaces. Add beads, thread, and add new patterns. ½ completed. Formative. / Students complete necklaces. Show completed necklaces to Ms. J for grading. Students take home necklaces.
Where do you think this person lives? What do you think s/he does for a living? List three important things you notice about him/her. / This is a Maasai person. List two facts you learned yesterday about the Maasai (other than the fact that they live in Africa). / The Maasai wear a lot of jewelry. List one reason the Maasai wear lots of jewelry. / Did you like this project why or why not? Did you like the painting part of this project? Why or Why not?
Intro to the Maasai ppt
Define key terms: Maasai tribe, culture, aesthetics, East Africa
Discuss the reasons for Maasai adornment.
Walk students through pre-planning
Demo on how to begin necklace. / Review ppt about Maasai
Demo how to begin necklace and how to continue necklace.
Demo how to add beads to the necklace
Review project expectations
Circulate and aid as needed. / Review ppt about Maasai
Stress the importance of going slow, taking your time with respect to positive results.
Demo how to add patterns
Review project expectations
Circulate and aid as needed.
*be prepared to push students to finish in the event of short schedule on Friday* / Review ppt about Maasai
Stress the importance of going slow, taking your time with respect to positive results.
Demo how to finish off the ends of your necklace.
Review project expectations
Discuss turn-in procedures
Circulate and aid as needed.
2-3 students respond to the warm up
Student participation in definition of terms.
Studio Session
-work on sketches
-begin necklaces / 2-3 students respond to the warm up
Students re-define key terms
Students re-define project expectations
Students view color change demo and bead adding demo
Begin adding beads and different colored threads / 2-3 students respond to the warm up
Students re-define key terms
Students re-define project expectations
Peer critique
View demo about adding patterns
Studio Session
*be prepared to push students to finish in the event of short schedule on Friday* / 2-3 students respond to the warm up
Students re-define key terms
Students re-define project expectations
Studio Session
Show completed work to Ms. J. for grading
Take home completed work
Provide modified drawing tools as needed. Encourage peer mentorship. Provide templates as needed.
Break down information into tangible steps for Josh. Aid students with knot-tying as needed; (lean on peer mentorship!) / Provide modified drawing tools as needed. Encourage peer mentorship. Provide templates as needed.
Break down information into tangible steps for Josh. Aid students with knot-tying as needed; (lean on peer mentorship!) / Provide modified drawing tools as needed. Encourage peer mentorship. Provide templates as needed.
Break down information into tangible steps for Josh. Aid students with knot-tying as needed; (lean on peer mentorship!) / Provide modified drawing tools as needed. Encourage peer mentorship. Provide templates as needed.
Break down information into tangible steps for Josh. Aid students with knot-tying as needed; (lean on peer mentorship!)
Review project expectations for the next class. Interact with matrix about previous lessons if time allows. / Review project expectations for the next class. Discuss any difficulties the students had with in-class work. Interact with matrix about previous lessons if time allows. / Review project expectations for the next class. Discuss any difficulties the students had with in-class work. Interact with matrix about previous lessons if time allows. / Discuss favorite parts of art; favorite projects etc. Discuss least favorite parts.
Students are to view the presentation –available on the art blog. The teacher will spend time in a mini-conference during class to aid the student in the project expectations. Any more studio time that is needed can be made up –at the request of student or teacher- before school. / Students are to view the presentation –available on the art blog. The teacher will spend time in a mini-conference during class to aid the student in the project expectations. Any more studio time that is needed can be made up –at the request of student or teacher- before school. / Students are to view the presentation –available on the art blog. The teacher will spend time in a mini-conference during class to aid the student in the project expectations. Any more studio time that is needed can be made up –at the request of student or teacher- before school. / Students are to view the presentation –available on the art blog. The teacher will spend time in a mini-conference during class to aid the student in the project expectations. Any more studio time that is needed can be made up –at the request of student or teacher- before school.