Serving in our Community:
2nd Quarter Leadership Project
Presentation and Rubric
Purpose of Project:Students in the Leadership class study and practice many skills to enhance their abilities as role models and leaders in both our school and general community. This project will allow the students to practice these skills in authentic situations.
Presentation Requirements:
In a 3-5 minute presentation that utilizes a visual aide you must complete the following:
- Explain the purpose of your project. Please also briefly explain the procedure that took place in the completion of your project.
- Explain how this project was intended to benefit the greater Steamboat community.
- Describe what you learned about yourself (as individuals) by completing this project (focus on your personal strengths and weaknesses, challenges you faced, our overarching goals for the class, etc.)
- Describe how you would improve/change your project if you were to do it again. Assess how successful your project was for yourself and those it intended to benefit.
- Address the question, “what now?” Will anything continue to happen because of your project? Will it be ongoing or will it leave a lasting impact/change on you or the community?
Your Presentation Should Also (as applicable to your specific project):
- Share photos or examples of what you did.
- Share specific information about those who participated in/benefitted from your project.
- Share how the community was altered/changed/inspired/improved/etc. because of your project.
- Share any response or reaction that your project received.
- Share the difficulties or triumphs that your project raised for you and/or how it was a personal struggle or success for you.
- Share what accomplishment made you the most proud during the completion of this project.
- Share whether or not you feel that this project was worth it in the end.
- Share anything else that you feel is most relevant or important for your particular project.
Please make these presentations interesting, brief, articulate and well-rehearsed. A grading rubric is on the back of this and will need to be turned in when you present.
Making a Difference in Our Community:
2nd Quarter Leadership Project Rubric
Advanced / Proficient / Partially Proficient / UnsatisfactoryPurpose / Purpose of project is clear and pushes students beyond what they would normally do. Intent of project clearly goes beyond “getting it done” and aims to meet all of the requirements of the project in a realistic manner. / Project’s intentions are honorable; however, it may be lacking clear purpose or seems to be something that the students would have done without the requirement of the project. / Project’s intentions are unclear; however, it seems that the student intended to complete a thoughtful project. At this point there are questions as to the purpose of the project. / Project is lacking focus and purpose or does not seem to be completely thought out or achievable in the amount of time allotted. Purpose may seem selfish or self-serving more than community oriented.
Procedure / Procedure is logical and well thought out while maintaining the bulk of the responsibility on the students without passing it along to other people. / Procedure lacks detail or passes too much detail to other people rather than the people responsible for the project. / Procedure is unrealistic, illogical or too unclear to follow. / Little responsibility is taken on by the students and most is placed on outside parties.
Benefit / There is a “measurable” benefit for a person or group outside the students that was not previously being met. The benefit is real and valuable- not simply something that the students wanted done. / There may be a benefit for others, but it may seem to be something that the students created more than a legitimate need. Or it may be difficult to assess who would benefit from this action. / Project serves the students’ needs more than the community’s or does not actually reach the intended goals due to lack of community connection. May seem more selfish than selfless. / Little or no community benefit is evident in the project.
Evaluation / Students thoughtfully reflect on the success of the project. Grade will not be based on the success of the project but the sincerity and legitimacy of the reflection and assessment. / Students may seem to ignore some details or realities in the assessment or does not seem to take personal attributes into account in overall evaluation. / Students do not seriously evaluate the success of the project. Evaluation is lacking in maturity and sincerity. / Little or no personal evaluation is presented for evaluation.
Through / Students completed the appropriate steps, in a reasonable amount of time, to complete the project. This was self-monitored and fulfilled the expectations for everyone involved. / Students may not have followed through with project to the full extent which impacted the overall success of the project. / Student’s lack of follow through led to an incomplete project or a project that strayed from the original intent more than was reasonable. / Student’s lack of follow through created problems or disappointments for other people. Another group or community need may have been let down by this project.
Itself / Presentation is prepared, well-rehearsed, articulate, easy to follow, visually appealing, interesting and time appropriate. All aspects of the presentation have been completed with careful attention to detail. / Presentation is lacking a few of the characteristics identified in the Excellent category. May be complete, but feel rushed or thrown together. / Presentation does not meet the expectations as outlined on the reverse side of this paper or does not explain the project in a manner that the audience can understand or follow. / Presentation is barely attempted or inappropriate for the audience and purpose.