04/22/15 - Page 3 of 3






I. Call to Order and Roll Call

At 7:39 p.m. President Pino, called the Meeting to order. The Deputy Village Clerk called the roll and then led the pledge of Allegiance.

Present in Person: President Pino, Trustees Andrew, Boland, Pais, Sauer, Smith and Weiner

Absent: None

Also Present: Kathy Nelander, Village Administrator

Village Attorney J.W. Braithwaite

Kris Lennon, Deputy Village Clerk

Nancy Schumm, Schumm Consulting, LLC

Al Stefan, Village Engineer

M/M Doug Locke, 524 Castleview Court

Donna Pino, 110 Hillandale Court

John Cifonelli, 297 Oxford Road

William C. Graft, Graft & Jordan,

2800 W. Higgins Road, Suite 980, Hoffman Estates

Kris Kaitson, 623 Signal Hill Road

David Waring, 240 Woodland Drive

David Grzeslo, 298 Lakeview Place

M/M Gene McAlister, 284 Biltmore Drive

Linda Aylward, 226 Beachview Lane

Susan Allman, 425 Mockingbird Lane

Don Husted, 922 Kimberly Road

Laura Bock, 450 Miller Road

The Honorable Sarah P. Lessman, Associate Judge, Lake County


A. Motion to approve Resolution # 2744 Proclaiming Results of April 7, 2015 Municipal Election

The Resolution had been made available to the Board in advance of the meeting in their packets and set forth the results of the election as follows:

Village President: Albert R. Pino 266 Votes

Village Trustee: Edmund P. Boland 246 Votes

Village Trustee: John B. Schnure 100 Votes

Village Trustee: Janice L. Sauer 264 Votes

Village Trustee: Lawrence (“Lawre”) Weiner 206 Votes

Motion: Trustee Andrew moved to approve Resolution No. 2744 proclaiming the results of the election for Village Officials held on April 7, 2015; seconded by Trustee Pais

Discussion: There was some discussion.

Vote on Motion

By Roll Call: Ayes: President Pino, Trustees Andrew, Boland, Pais, Sauer, Smith, Weiner

Nays: None

Absent: None

Abstain: None

President Pino declared the motion approved.


There being no further business to come before the old Board, Trustee Boland moved to adjourn the meeting of the current Board sine die; seconded by Trustee Andrew and unanimously approved.

At 7:32 p.m. President Pino declared the meeting adjourned sine die.


Village Administrator Kathy Nelander introduced the Honorable Sarah P. Lessman, Associate Judge of the 19th Judicial Circuit Court and Chief Judge of Lake County, Juvenile Division, to swear in the incoming Board.

President Pino thanked Judge Lessman for her presence and added that she is also a resident of North Barrington.

Judge Lessman swore in Albert R. Pino as Village President, followed by Edmund P. Boland as Village Trustee, Janice L. Sauer as Village Trustee, and Lawrence “Lawre” Weiner as Village Trustee and each signed their respective oaths of office.


At 7:40 p.m. President Pino called the Meeting of the New Board to order. The Village Clerk called the roll:

Present: President Pino, Trustees Andrew, Boland, Pais, Sauer, Smith, and Weiner

Absent: None

Also Present: “see above”


John Cifonelli, 297 Oxford Road, addressed the Board to note his concern about the infestation of the Emerald Ash Borer on Village Ash trees especially in the Biltmore subdivision. Mr. Cifonelli explained that Village Forester Susan Allman is currently working on removing dead Ash trees from Village right of ways however; he requested that the Village consider a drastic planting program to replace the significant number of dead Ash trees within the Village.

Doug Locke, 524 Castleview Court, addressed the Board to comment on agenda Item IX. A. regarding the consideration of Ordinance 1263 regarding Biltmore Country Club’s proposal to rezone the property located at 530 Castleview Court from an R-3 (Residential) to a C (Golf Course Club).

President Pino suggested that Mr. Locke hold his comments until the matter was discussed accordingly. Mr. Locke agreed.

Kris Kaitson, 623 Signal Hill Road, addressed the Board to comment on agenda Item IX. D. regarding the consideration of Ordinance #1265 amending the Zoning Ordinance to allow limited quantities of chickens and bees. It was noted that Mr. Kaitson currently has chickens on his property as pets for his children.

Mr. Kaitson made the following suggestions to the proposed ordinance:

·  Hens be allowed to roam outside of the fenced yard while attended.

·  Roosters be allowed, if hatched on the property, unless they prove to be a nuisance.

·  The slaughter of a chicken, if necessary, be performed out of public view.

President Pino thanked Mr. Kaitson for his suggestions.

David Waring, 240 Woodland Drive, addressed the Board to discuss drainage concerns regarding the stormwater lift station owned by the Biltmore Country Club and the effects on his property, specifically erosion along the stream bank on his property as well as, the property located at 568 Golfview Drive. Mr. Waring is of the opinion that the amount/rate of water released from the pump station is causing damage to his property and trees.

Mr. Waring explained that the Village looked at the issue. However he requested that the Village continue to research the matter further as he is of the opinion that the water pumped from the lift station is not a “natural flow”. Mr. Waring noted that he has a photographic history of how the stream banks have eroded over the years.

President Pino stated that the Village engineers are currently looking into the matter.


There was no one that wished to speak.



B. Motion to approve 4/22/15 Vouchers for payment of bills

was removed from the Consent Agenda for further discussion.

Motion: On motion of Trustee Boland, seconded by Trustee Weiner, the consent agenda

consisting of the following agenda items was approved:

A. Approve Minutes of Regular Board Meeting, 3/18/15

C. Approve the Treasurer’s Report for the 11th month of Fiscal Year 2015

D. Approve Resolution # 2745 re-appointing Elia Torres as Deputy Clerk

E. Approve Resolution # 2746 re-appointing Kris Lennon as Deputy Clerk

F. Approve Resolution # 2747 re-appointing Kathy Nelander as Village Clerk

G. Approve Resolution # 2748 re-appointing Kathy Nelander as Village Collector

H. Approve Resolution # 2749 re-appointing Albert R. Pino, Emergency Program Manager

I. Approve Resolution # 2750 re-appointing Albert R. Pino, Finance Committee Member

J. Approve Resolution # 2751 re-appointing Pete Boland, Finance Committee Member

K. Approve Resolution # 2752 re-appointing Pete Boland, President Pro Tem

L. Approve Resolution # 2753 appointing Lisa Milczarek as Parks & Recreation Commission Member

M. Approve Biltmore Country Club request for Fireworks Display on Friday, June 26, 2015

Discussion: There was no discussion.

Vote on Motion

By Roll Call: Ayes: President Pino, Trustees Andrew, Boland, Pais, Sauer, Smith and Weiner

Nays: None

Absent: None

Abstain: None

President Pino declared the motion approved.


B. Motion to approve 4/22/15 Vouchers for payment of bills

Trustee Boland stated that he had requested that Item B be removed from the Consent Agenda, payment of bills, in order to reduce the amount to be paid on the Ruekert-Mielke Invoice #110673 from /$7,800 to $978.25. The invoice was billed in error.

President Pino inquired about amount billed for the information technology services in the amount of $11,490.40 to Enhanced Networks.

Village Administrator Kathy Nelander explained that software updates and licenses were needed including an email migration. She noted that the funds were taken out of the FY 2014/2015 budget.

Trustee Weiner asked if there should have been a bidding process, legally.

It was noted that the Village Attorney would review the Village Code and the matter would be revisited toward the end of the Board meeting.

Motion: Trustee Boland moved to approve to approve 4/22/15 Vouchers for payment of bills reducing the amount to be paid on the Ruekert-Mielke Invoice #110673 from $7,800 to $978.25to and exclude Invoice #2015206 in the amount of $11,490.40 to Enhanced Network until further review by the Village Attorney; seconded by Trustee Pais.

Discussion: There was some discussion.

Vote on Motion

By Roll Call: Ayes: President Pino, Trustees Andrew, Boland, Pais, Sauer, Smith and Weiner

Nays: None

Absent: None

Abstain: None

President Pino declared the motion approved.


A.  Consideration of Ordinance # 1263 Approving the Rezoning from R-3 (Residential) to C (Golf Course and Club) Zoning for the property located at 530 Castleview Court upon petition of Biltmore Country Club.

1.  Summary presentation by Petitioner

Attorney William C. Graft, Graft & Jordan, representing Biltmore Country Club, addressed the Board. Attorney Graft explained that the Biltmore County Club (BCC) is seeking rezoning of the property located at 530 Castleview Court from the R-3 District (40,000 S.F. Minimum Lot Area) to a C District (Golf Courses and Club) in order to convert the property to open space with extensive natural landscape and incorporate a small “short game” golf practice area.

Attorney Graft explained there was some opposition from residents however; noted that he spoke to each objector personally and provided his contact information to facilitate further discussions, if needed.

Attorney Graft noted that BCC purposely filed the petition for rezoning with a landscape plan anticipating resident inquiries; especially for those residents who reside on Castleview Court.

Attorney Graft indicated that Brain Thomson, Golf Course Superintendent, received an email 4/22/15 from Village Engineer John Tierney requesting a revised landscaping plan that relocates the proposed evergreen and shrub planting along Castleview Court out of the Village right-of-way. Attorney Graft stated that BCC will need suggestions moving forward.

Trustee Andrew inquired about the location of the proposed evergreen trees which was indicated by Attorney Graft.

President Pino noted that Village Engineer Tierney was not present to address Attorney Grafts inquiries.

Trustee Boland stated that it was his opinion that evergreen trees are essential for screening.

There was brief discussion among the Board about the location of the evergreen trees within the Village right-of-way and whether evergreen trees were the most effective trees to plant in the right-of-way. Tree bonds were also discussed.

Village Attorney J.W. Braithwaite explained that conditions such as landscape features may not be added to a rezoning ordinance. However he recommended that, if approved, the Village President withhold his signature until the details have been worked out prior to the May Board meeting.

It was noted that the Plan Commission approved the proposed landscape plan. Attorney Graft stated that BCC is willing to work with the Village to reach an amenable solution.

Trustee Pais stated that he attended the Plan Commission Hearing and noted that the residents had three main issues of concern including:

·  Noise

·  Lighting

·  Trees

Attorney Graft noted that there would be no need for lighting; golf ends at dusk and; the club is agreeable to the placement of trees for screening.

Trustee Sauer noted that the target greens are typically not used often and, accordingly, the short game will not be overly crowded or noisy. Attorney Graft stated that the club’s practice green is located west of the clubhouse.

It was noted that the 7:00 a.m. would be the earliest tee time.

2.  Comments from audience

Doug Locke, 524 Castleview Court, addressed the Board and noted that he lives next door to 530 Castleview Court. Mr. Locke stated that it was his opinion that BCC has not kept its past promises and that their attitude is poor toward their neighbors. He noted that BCC has not maintained its cart barn or foliage and there is currently graffiti behind the cart barn. BCC employees stand behind the cart barn and smoke and talk on their cell phones. He explained that he reported a crumbling stone wall located near his house that remains in poor condition.

Mr. Locke stated that it was his opinion that the proposal violates the Village Comprehensive Plan and decreases his property value.

Nancy Locke, 524 Castleview Court, addressed the Board and stated that it was her opinion that the proposal violates the Village Comprehensive Plan, decreases her property value and interferes with the neighborhood character.

There was brief discussion among the Board and audience members about the condition of the existing house located at 530 Castleview Court.

David Grzeslo, 298 Lakeview Place, addressed the Board. Mr. Grzeslo stated that he serves on the Plan Commission and noted that there are certain sections of the Village Comprehensive Plan that remain unchanged in the new proposed Plan, Specifically, Chapter 6/Residential Neighborhoods and Housing, Village-wide Strategies including bullet points:

·  Properties should continue to be zoned and maintained within their current designated zoning.

·  Take a proactive stance with residents to plan and plot out the Village.

Mr. Grzeslo continued with Chapter 6/Residential Neighborhoods and Housing, Biltmore Area Strategies, highlighting additional language that remains unchanged including:

·  Established single family residential uses and permitted densities of 1 acre or more must be strictly maintained.

·  …Within the existing Village boundaries, established residential uses and permitted densities should be preserved, including large lots fronting on the east shore of Honey Lake.

Mr. Grzeslo stated that it was his opinion that the Board would be setting a precedent if the rezoning is approved. He mentioned that the Plan Commission approved the proposed rezoning petition with a vote of: 4 yay, 2 nay, 1 abstain.

It was noted that Mr. Grzeslo was in attendance at the evening’s Board meeting as an individual and not as a Plan Commission member.

Trustee Pais stated that he was on the Plan Commission in 2004 when the Village updated its Comprehensive Plan. He was of the opinion that the proposed rezoning is not inconsistent with the Village Comprehensive Plan. He indicated that the issue appears to be more that the club needs to manage the behavior of its staff.

Attorney Graft explained that golf caddies take part in a training program however; should the Village feel that additional training is needed, specific to the proposed rezoned property, the club is willing to enhance the caddy training program.