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Monday, November 28, 2016

Pepin Area School District LMC

510 Pine Street


A.  Action-Call to Order

President Tim Stajkowski called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.

B.  Action-Roll Call: Tim Stajkowski, Betty Glander, Debra Larson, Gordon Riesgraf and Ardyce Johnson.

Roll call attendance was taken, all members present. Also in attendance was Administrative Assistant Dawn Terpstra.

C.  Action-Approval of Agenda

President Tim Stajkowski stated the agenda was posted at three public buildings: post office, Bank of Alma, and Pepin Area Schools. The press was notified of the agenda and was run in the Courier Wedge. Debra Larson made the motion seconded by Ardyce Johnson to approve the agenda as posted. No discussion, motion passes, 5 – 0 yes voice vote.

D.  Information-Public Comment


E.  Action-Approval of Minutes

1)  Regular School Board meeting October 31, 2016.

Betty Glander made the motion seconded by Gordon Riesgraf to approved the minutes of the regular school board meeting on October 31, 2016 as presented. No discussion, motion passes, 5 – 0 yes voice vote.

F.  Information-Announcements:

District Administrator Quinton congratulated the Football team on their 5th straight Level III playoff participation, conference championship season, and the Regional Finalist Volleyball Team. Additionally, Caiden Haake on being named 1st team all state on both offense and defense.

G.  Information-Policy Committee Report

Committee member Betty Glander updated the board on the November 2, 2016 Policy Committee Meeting. District Non-Discrimination Policies, Procedures and Practices are being reviewed.

H.  Information-Pupil Services Director’s Report

1)  Update on school events

Pupil Services Director Rachel Pommerening was excused from the meeting as she is on maternity leave.

I.  Information-Administrator’s Report

1)  96th annual Education Convention

District Administrator Quinton invited the Board to join him at the annual Education Convention.

2)  Audit

District Administrator Quinton stated he has not received the final audit information and will bring it to the next meeting.

3)  LED Field Lighting Project

District Administrator Quinton informed the board the LED Field Lighting Project will be completed as soon as the ground freezes.

J.  New Business

1)  Resignations

District Administrator Quinton presented the board with a letter of resignation from her teacher aid position from Heidi Bergquist. Gordon Riesgraf made the motion seconded by Ardyce Johnson to approve the resignation of Heidi Bergquist as presented. No discussion was held, motion passes with a 5 – 0 yes voice vote.

2)  Fall Sports Coop Renewals

District Administrator Quinton presented the board with the Fall Sports Coop Renewals with Alma School District. Debra Larson made the motion seconded by Gordon Riesgraf to approve the Fall Sports Coop renewal with Alma School District as presented. No discussion, motion passes with a 5 – 0 yes voice vote.

3)  Action-66.030 Agreements

a) EEN Services with Durand

Contracts unavailable, Mr. Quinton will bring to the next meeting.

4)  Action-Donations


K.  Action-Approval of Vouchers

Gordon Riesgraf made the motion seconded by Betty Glander to approve hand payables #23226 - #23277 & #23124 in the amount of $87,018.79, Voucher checks #23278 - #23336 in the amount of $33,993.25 and ACH Payments in the amount of $79,537.71 for a grand total of $200,549.75. No discussion was held, roll call vote was taken, motion passes with a unanimous roll call vote.

L.  Information-Set Future Meetings

1)  Regular Board Meeting-Monday, December 19 at 7:00 p.m.

2)  Policy Committee-Recess

3)  Community-School Partnership-Recess

4)  Buildings and Grounds Committee-Fall Recess

O. Action-Executive Session.

The Board will convene to closed session as authorized by state statutes 19.85 (1) (c) (e) (f): To consider various employment matters, including hiring, dismissal, demotion, promotion, compensation, performance evaluations and disciplinary matters, and/or personal information of specific persons which, if discussed in public, would be likely to have a substantial adverse effect on the reputation of the person. Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session.

The purpose of the closed session is to discuss personnel matters.

Debra Larson made the motion seconded by Betty Glander to move into closed session as stated by President Tim Stajkowski. Roll call vote was taken, the motion passes with a unanimous roll call vote.

Debra Larson made the motion seconded by Betty Glander to reconvene into open session. No discussion, motion passes with a 5 – 0 yes voice vote.

P. Action-Adjournment

Gordon Riesgraf made the motion seconded by Ardyce Johnson to adjourn. No further discussion was held. Motion passes with a 5 – 0 yes voice vote.