Wednesday 27th June St Cyril of Alexandria

10.00am Mass

Friday 29 JuneST PETER & ST PAUL

12 noon Mass

Sunday 1st July 13th SUNDAY OF THE YEAR

9.30am Parish Mass

NB. No 6.00pm service because of Fr Ed’s Ordination



All Saints’ Church, Aston-on-Trent

Sunday 1st July at 4.00pm

Bishop Roger will preside. Please support Fr Ed!

Walsingham Youth Pilgrimage: 30th July-3rd August

Bishop Philip North and his team are leading this year's pilgrimage on the theme Generation Hope, into the Future with Mary. Fr Giles is involved in taking a group from Derby Diocese. Any 11-18 year oldsinterested in a week camping at Walsingham with services, other events, and a band in a Big Top, should please contact Father Giles for further details.

St Laurence’s Pilgrimage to Walsingham

14th - 16th September to be led by Fr Giles

The cost is £134 and £82.80 for children. There is some transport available. We still have a few places to be filled so, if you are interested, please put your name on the sheet on the table at the back of church. A deposit of £30is payable to Andy Sheasby for any new sign-ups and a further deposit of £20is requested for those already signed-up. Please join us! Liz Holton

Centenary Commemoration of the Chilwell Shell-filling Factory Explosion – 1st July 1918

This year marks 100 years since this local disaster.Over 130 people were killed, including 25 women. Another 250 were injured. It was Britain’s worst wartime civilian disaster. At the time, the government tried to cover up the extent of destruction so as not to weaken national morale. Chetwynd Barracks now occupies the site. St Mary’s Church, Attenborough (where many of those killed are buried) has organised lots of events to commemorate this, including an exhibition at the church running 25th June - 1st July and a family day on Saturday 30th June from 2pm in the church grounds.


Bishop Roger Jupp SSC (Vicar) 0115 973 5168

Fr Tom Barnfather SSC 07570 597873

(Associate Priest at Holy Trinity, Ilkeston)

Fr Giles Orton SSC 07768 827101

(NSM Assistant Curate for both parishes)


Mrs Pat Taft 0115 973 5019

Mrs Sandra Ware 0115 972 3862

PCC Secretary: Dr Helen Champness 0115 973 2610

Administrator: Mrs Liz Holton 07791 596404

Hall Bookings: Contact Mrs Ware see above

Fr Roger:

Visit us at:


Contact us at:

The Parish Church of St Laurence,

Long Eaton


The Nativity of St John the Baptist

9.30am Parish Mass

BlueHymn Book

Entrance Hymn –387

Gloria – 27

Offertory Hymn –580

Communion Hymn –480

Final Hymn –263


God our Father, you raised up John the Baptist

to prepare a perfect people for Christ the Lord.

Give your Church joy in spirit

and guide those who believe in you

into the way of salvation and peace.

First Reading

Isaiah 49: 1-6

Response to the Psalm

I thank you for the wonder of my being

Second Reading

Acts 13: 22-26

Gospel Acclamation

As for you little child, you shall be called

a prophet of God, the Most High.

You shall go ahead of the Lord

to prepare his ways before him.


Luke 1: 57-66,80

Prayer over the Gifts

Father accept the gives we bring to your altar

to celebrate the birth of John the Baptist,

who foretold the coming of our Saviour

and made him known when he came.

Communion Antiphon

Through the tender compassion of our God,

the dawn from on high shall break upon us.

Prayer after Communion

Lord, you have renewed us with this eucharist

as we celebrate the feast of John the Baptist,

who foretold the coming of the Lamb of God.

May we welcome your Son as our Saviour,

for he gives us new life, and is Lord for ever and ever.


Our Preacher at Mass is Fr Giles

& our Organist is Frankie Storer