Human thought (frequency, vibration) reaches a combustion point at 17 seconds of pure undiluted focus. It draws another thought to it and it is exponentially more powerful. At the end of another 17 seconds, 34 seconds total, the next thought combusts, and by Law of Attraction, evolves to a higher level of energy. Again another 17 seconds to 51 seconds continues the process, and finally, if you can continue a pure thought for 68 seconds on any given subject, it will be on its way to manifestation. The key word is pure, meaning positive focus, strong energy, no resistance; to not slip into lackful thinking.

Abraham says the average person rarely finishes a single sentence without contradicting their energy, as in "I want a new car, but it is too expensive." So they say most of us haven't had much experience with ever feeling the combustion of thought that comes from 17+ seconds of pure thought.

In talking about the leverage of 17+17+17+17=68 seconds of pure thought, Abraham offers the following information:

17 seconds is worth 2,000 manhours (about a year at 40 hours per week of action taken)

34 seconds is worth 20,000 manhours (or about 10 years...)

51 seconds is worth 200,000 manhours (or about 100 years...)

68 seconds is worth 2,000,000 manhours (or about 1000 years...)

That's two MILLION manhours (or womanhours!) If we can learn to offer pure thought energy for 68 seconds at a time, action becomes insignificant.

Abraham: "Focus on “nothing is more important than I feel good.” Period. It is not necessary to focus on feeling good about oneself, focus on just feeling good; period. It is not necessary to feel good about your body, or about your financial situation; find thoughts that make you feel good. Period.

Try this:

Spend the first week writing 68 seconds about any objects that strike your fancy, but not “important”, such as blue glass, butterflies, feathers. This exercise will teach you two things: one that you can focus for 68 seconds; two, that the universe does respond to a pure vibration. When you have a level of confidence in the universe, then you can tackle your main issues.

Then every day, twice a day, write your 68 seconds about all areas in your life, relationship, abundance, house, job, etc. You will find it very easy to do. For instance, on your house, appreciate how convenient it is. Appreciate the thermostat that keeps the house at the perfect temperature. Appreciate the sewage system and the plumbing in your bathroom. Appreciate the comfort of it. Know that this house will be temporary, that you will have may others closer to the dream house you want, but meanwhile appreciate it. You see, there was 68 seconds.

Realize that 68 seconds isn't hard to find. Throughout your day, you have thousands of opportunities to do your 68 seconds. Even if your work schedule doubled, you could still find plenty of 68 seconds? Now, Esther didn't believe us at first that 68 seconds were the equivalent of 2 million man-hours. She couldn't conceive it. But since there isn't anything that we have said over the years that wasn't true, Esther now believes it and uses it.

So, we want to ask you, do YOU REALLY BELIEVE when we say that 68 seconds is the equivalent of 2 million man-hours? Because if you did, YOU WOULD FIND THE TIME TO DO THEM!!!

Who would want to bang things into place, when they know that they can spend 68 seconds and have the universe do it for them? Nobody, yet it is what the majority of you do. You would rather jump into action than do your 68 seconds. You would rather jump into action than align up your energy."

How to Get to 17 Seconds of Pure Thought: Virtual Reality and Scripting

Abraham: 'You do not script to get the thing you are scripting. You script because you want to feel good. And in order to feel good you write about something you desire.'

In teaching scripting, Abraham often talks about the movie "Delirium," with John Candy. In it, he plays a soap opera script writer, who has an accident and wakes up in the hospital. Only the hospital is the one he has written about in the soap, and he knows it is not real. All the doctors are the actors, but they are acting like doctors. The normal set is just a few rooms, but when he looks out the window the whole town is there. He goes crazy and tries to escape, telling everyone he has written them and they aren`t real. Soon someone says to him, "well, if you wrote it, and you don`t like it, change the script." And he discovers he can do that! He just writes it the way he wants it. For example, he calls about his car, and they tell him that it will take a week to fix it. He frowns at first, and then goes back to his typewriter and writes "His car was repaired immediately." And the phone rings and it is the garage, telling him his car has already been repaired.

Abraham says that Esther, in watching this movie couldn`t stop laughing. She said to Jerry - "they think it is a movie, but it is real!" Abraham has often described how Esther will notice she is in a bad place vibrationally on a subject, and sit down with her laptop to write out a new script, outlining all the parts, which helps her get to the feeling place of relaxation and acceptance and gratitude for the new situation about to unfold in her life.

One good way to start a script is the phrase, "If I had it my way . . . " Abraham says we can have it our way, if we can vibrate it and allow it. So sitting down to write a new script is fun and rewarding, because it is a quick way to manifest changes in your vibration, which soon manifests changes in your life.

There are a number of different methods for writing scripts, and they all work. One is to just write about your vision, as in the following script.

I see all of us filled with and surrounded by love in all our lives, feeling warm and at ease with ourselves. Feeling loved, all the time. We are the adored children of a doting universe. Everyone we come in contact with uplifts, loves and warms us to the depths of our souls. Everywhere we look we see love and light. All the love that we are reflects back to us from the thousand tiny reflective surfaces of our lives, and we receive small flashes of love from every direction, even the most unexpected places! We feel secure and loved in all we do, everywhere we are, no matter whether we are with others or alone. We are loved! This love fills us and then overflows us, flowing out to warm everyone who comes in contact with us. We are welling pools of love, and that love attracts loving individuals into our lives, who reflect back to us more of the same! There is much love for us EVERYWHERE! How wonderful to be so surrounded by and filled with love!

Another way is to focus on what you love, as in the following script:

I love people who genuinely like themselves. I love people who can laugh and can laugh at themselves. I love people who make me laugh. I love people who love to play, are curious, intelligent and yet have an endless sense this is not the be all and end all. I love people who make me think. I love people who love to learn. I love people who let me be. I love people who listen and speak with an open heart and an open mind. I appreciate deeply the courage of people who will tell me their truth while they know it isn’t mine. I love creative, imaginative people who see connections I don't see. I love people who take risks and think for themselves. I love people who can hug with ease and have a twinkle in their eye. I love people who are up to some mischief...they don't always follow "the Rules!" I love people who are allowing themselves to flow toward their own expansion ...intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. I love generous, passionate, compassionate pure positive energy people ...I love you guys...

A friend shared a script with me recently about her perfect mate, and it occurred to me as she was reading it, that it was a script about him, rather than about her. It felt kind of clinical to me, and I didn't notice the excitement that builds in a script where 17 seconds is actually being achieved over and over. Almost every sentence started with "he is." Our point of power is with "I am."I suggested she might try rewriting it beginning, "I am a wonderful wife. I have a wonderful husband. Let me fill you in on all we have been doing since we got married." And then, as she got to each of the details, to begin writing a little story that she remembered about their time together illustrating that detail from the list of mate characteristics she had already compiled. "He gives me flowers, especially roses" becomes: "I remember how, one Saturday during our whirlwind courtship, on the first week anniversary of our first kiss, he sent me roses. And what roses! Oceania roses - the longest stems I have ever seen! They are the most delicate peach color, and the fragrance was exquisite. Each one was more perfect than the next. The mass of a dozen of them was so awesome, and I was able slip two out, and put one in a bud vase in the bathroom, and another in my bedroom, so that everywhere I went that day in my home, I was reminded of the glory of him. In one short week, it felt like he changed everything in my whole life. I felt settled, sure and secure, in the midst of the greatest excitement I had ever experienced. I just glowed that day when I thought about him, and now, here, 10 years later, I still do. He is still that romantic. What a guy!"

Can you feel the difference?

Whatever method you choose, write something that makes you feel good! I write scripts often, and what I notice is that, although the details sometimes change dramatically, the manifestation usually has the same feeling as the original script!


Write a detailed, delicious description of one small aspect of something you want. For example, perhaps you want a romantic relationship. Write the details of an evening you spent with your [imagined] loved one that you would consider romantic, for example:

"Last night my new partner took me out for a romantic dinner. We went to an exquisite restaurant. The waiter was remarkably attentive, when I got up to go to the salad bar, he folded my napkin for me and hung it neatly on the arm of my chair. The view of the sunset out the window was exquisite! There were even deer grazing at the very edge of the woods as it was getting to be dusk. Of course, it was hard to tear my eyes away from the beautiful blue eyes of my partner to even see the sunset! I am so enraptured by this extraordinary being I have attracted into my life. Our conversation was so delightful, bouncing between delicious sensual innuendo, and fun metaphysical debate. In fact, I feel he is expanding my mind daily, with new ideas, practices, processes and ways of thinking. I have never felt so stimulated, at all levels, with a partner before!"

Remember to place yourself squarely in the middle of the drama you are writing! Instead of saying "I see two people on the beach, " say "My partner and I are walking hand in hand down a deserted beach on a warm, sultry night, under a sky full of stars!"

An Alternative Technique for Those Who Prefer to Draw Than Write :

An artist friend wrote me this: “I bought a very colorful set of 16 felt-tip markers with which the child in me is very happy. So when I get them out I already start feeling semi-excited and appreciative before I have done anything else.

I take a blank sheet of paper for every subject. And then I doodle/draw the story or the perfect situation, while telling it out loud to myself. (When I was a child I have seen entertainers do that sort of thing.) I have my favorite color of blue reserved for myself, so I know that the blue figure is me. And then like a comic book, I just fill the page with the ingredients until in some cases it is completely full; but at least until I feel that I have covered all the main positive ingredients. And with everything I draw, I tell what it is and does and how I feel about it. I see that this really keeps me focused and happy while doing it, sometimes way beyond 68 seconds.

Have fun!