NOVEMBER 14, 2017

Training for returning Troop Cookie Managers was held from 7:00pm to 7:30pm.

I.Welcome & Shout Outs

Many thanks were given to Amy Ashley and her troop for hosting the Juliette Gordon Low BirthdayCelebrations for Daisies.

 Special thanks to all the troops who assisted with the Crosspointe Community Halloween Bash and the parents who stayed to help out as well - Amy Ashley, Rachel Truhlar, Tricia Waugh, and Nancy Clauss

Shout outs were given to the newest members of our Service Unit Leadership Team: Rachel Truhlar - Recognitions Chair, Mandy Hamilton and Nancy Clauss - Encampment Organizers, and Liz White – SHARE Chair

Our SU made our recruitment goal for October 31 thanks to the amazing work of our Troop Organizers. Council has deemed this Girl Scout Year the Year of the Troop Organizer and certificates were presented to the Troop Organizers in attendance at the meeting.

II.Resource Table Announcements

Packets from Council were not available for November since our Membership Specialist, Micki, was ill and couldn’t make the meeting.

The Springfield/Burke Training Blitz is coming up on Saturday, November 18. If you haven’t done your Basic Leadership or Program Level Trainings, there is still room available. There’s also a Gold Award Workshop for Teen Scouts. You can register online using the Events Tab at

 Encampment Patches from last yearwere available for pick up.

III.Inclusion of ALL GIRLS

Girl Scouts is open to ALL girls, but as troop leaders we may be presented with challenges when it comes to incorporating girls from different cultures or backgrounds, girls or parents who speak different languages, girls with disabilities, or even girls with certain food or other allergies. If at any point you need help with these or other inclusion issues, you can get answers or resources by . There is a new Inclusion Team that is handling all requests.

IV.It’s Almost Cookie Time

SimmyYau, SU Cookie Manager,made announcements about the upcoming Cookie Season and passed out cookie materials to troops. Cookie Season starts December 18th. All trainings have been done. If you have a Cookie Manager who needs training, please contact Simmy. Information about the online cookie sales will be e-mailed soon. Rosters of girls will be uploaded into eBudde as of December 1, so get all your girls registered and set to go.

 TheCookie College for Brownies and Daisies on Friday, January 5 from 5:30pm to 8:00pm at the Laurel Hill Elementary School Cafeteria is FULL.

V.Fall Sales Deliveries

Amy Jones, SU Fall Product Sales Manager, announced that she will be sending an e- mail tomorrow about Fall Sales items and pick up times. All items need to be picked up prior to Thanksgiving. Our Service Unit sold about $500 more this year in Fall Sales, which is great! Incentives should come in during December.

VI.Money Matters

The first Money Manager Report is due December 15, which covers activity through November 30.

 If any troops haven’t set up their Bank Accounts yet, please contactPriti about that. You can also contactPriti about training if your Money Manager needs training or about submitting ACH forms for cookies sales.

VII.SHARE Your Love of Scouting

As an Association, we are ahead of where we were last year with SHARE, which is great news. As a Service Unit, we have raised $2,699 so far, which means we’re at 53% of our goal. Although that sounds like great news, there are a few important things to note:

-That money has come from only 26 donations.

-There are 329 girls in our Service Unit, so that means only 7.9% of families have donated.

-We need 60% of families to donate in order to earn our girls the My SU Loves SHARE patch.

The SHARE Report was made available so troops could check the status of donations via their troop.

An End of Year Letter went out to all parents to promote giving to SHARE. This is great way to bring up SHARE with your parents and remind them to donate at year end. Also, Tuesday, November 28 (the Tuesday after Black Friday and Cyber Monday) is called Giving Tuesday. Council will have a push for SHARE donations on Social Media. This is also a great way to remind parents to give to SHARE by sharing Council’s content or having your parents give on Giving Tuesday.

The Precious Medals Ceremony will take place on Thursday, May 24 at Christ Church on Ox Road this year and our SU is in charge of this event. More info to follow.

VIII.Volunteer Opportunities & Upcoming Events

Camp White Rock Treehouse Camping is coming up this weekend on Nov 18-19. It is supposed to be cold, so the Dining Hall was reserved for sleeping. Any questions, contact Lea Johnson. She will be sending out an e-mail with final details.

Liz Merck needs all reservations and payment for the Escape Room Field Trip on December 9th.

SimmyYau made an announcement about the Cadette Amaze Journey being offered by the Chesapeake Children’s Museum. Her troop will be attending but she’d like to open it to other troops. More info to follow.

On January 19, from 7pm to 9pm, Girl Scouts are invited to make no-sew blankets for Blanket Hearts, a nonprofit organization, at the Crosspointe Community Center. Spaces are limited. For more information see the website.

 An organizer is needed for the Crosspointe Easter Egg Hunt on March 24. If interested, please let Liz Merck know.

IX.Registrar Update

Megan Marzluff reminded folks to use their Early Bird Coupons before they expire in December!

X.Preview of December Meeting

The December meeting will cover Thinking Day, Adult Recognitions, and there will be a Holiday Gift Card Exchange. Everyone interested in participating should bring a gift card for $10 that is wrapped.


Congratulations to this month’s raffle winners who received apple cider scented candles!