Food Enforcement Service Plan
1.1The Framework Agreement on Local Authority Food Law Enforcement which was developed in consultation with Local Authorities sets out the Food Standards Agency’s expectations on the planning and delivery of food law enforcement.
1.2This Food Enforcement Service Plan covers Clackmannanshire Council’s entire food enforcement function in accordance with the Framework Agreement. The Food and Licensing Team is responsible for all Food Safety matters in Clackmannanshire. Stirling Council carries out the Control of Feedingstuffs under a joint working agreement.
1.3This plan covers the period from 1 April 2006 until 31 March 2007.
2.0Service Aims and Objectives
2.1The aims of the Food and Licensing Team are:
- To ensure that Food Business Operators in Clackmannanshire hygienically produce food that is safe to eat and that meets the nature and quality expected by residents and visitors alike;
- To give advice, information, guidance and education on all matters relating to food safety and standards to Food Business Operators when required;
- Maintain an accurate database of food premises;
- To investigate complaints concerning food safety and food standards.
2.2 These link to the Council’s aims of:
- Creating strong, active, safe and caring communities;
- Achieving local economic stability and prosperity;
- Improving the health of the people of Clackmannanshire;
- Ensuring the people of Clackmannanshire receive the highest quality services for the public pound.
2.3The Council, in working towards its aims, follows the Core Values of:
- Commitment, trust and partnership;
- Maximising quality of life;
- Respect and dignity;
- Equity, fairness and inclusion.
2.4The Food and Licensing Team will achieve these aims by meeting the following objectives:
- Ensuring that staff receive regular training to meet the requirements of Continuing Professional Development and provide access to current reference material, legislation and codes of practice at all times;
- Enforcing the requirements for registration and approval of food businesses;
- Taking part in Food Safety Week to promote food safety to all residents and visitors to Clackmannanshire.
- Completion of inspection programmes and other interventions in accordance with statutory requirements and the Code of Practice and Practice Guidance issued by the Food Standards Agency (Scotland).
3.1The Clackmannanshire Council area is in Central Scotland, bordering the River Forth and neighbouring Stirling, Perth & Kinross and Fife. It has a population of 49,000, around half of who live in the main town and administrative centre of Alloa.
3.2The Authority’s area of approximately 30,377 acres includes a band of rural countryside, so that farms, dairies and private water supplies also fall within its responsibility. The main industries are agriculture and brewing.
3.3In 2006, permission was given for a waterfront development of the Docks area of Alloa, which has been in decline since the 1960s. A new railway line between Kincardine and Stirling, reconnecting Alloa to the national rail network for the first time since 1968 is currently under construction.
3.4Clackmannanshire Council has 18 elected members. There are four service areas:
- Chief Executives Services
- Corporate Development Services
- Development and Environmental Services
- Services to People
The Team Leader (Food and Licensing) is responsible for daily management of the food safety function. Stirling Council carries out Feedingstuffs enforcement under agreement.
Development & Environmental Services
Organisational Chart
3.5The Council has appointed Glasgow Scientific Services, 64 Everard Drive, Springburn, Glasgow, G21 1XG, to provide the services of Public Analyst, Food Examiner, analytical and laboratory services.
3.6Clackmannanshire Council’s food service is provided by the following teams that also deliver the other services listed alongside:
Food and Licensing Team
/ Infectious Disease ControlRegulation of Private water supplies
Smoking legislation enforcement
Civic Government Licensing consultations
Planning consultations
Nuisance complaints in licensed premises
Stirling Council
/ Joint working agreement (incl. Feedingstuffs)3.7Clackmannanshire Council has 481 food businesses. Of these:
- 65 Category A & B (Food Safety)
- 6 Category A (Food Standards)
- 159 Category C (Food Safety)
- 64 Category B (Food Standards)
- 339 Category C (Food Standards)
- 181 Category D and below (Food Safety)
- 76 Un-rated (Food safety)
- 72 Un-rated (Food Standards)
1 Premises is approved under Regulation 853 for Dairy Products.
3.8There are two businesses undertaking specialist processes. One produces yeast products such as Autolysed Yeast, Distillers Yeast and Bakers Yeast. The products are produced for the domestic and international market. The other processes seaweed from Indonesia and the Phillipines to produce a single product E407a (Carrageenan). It is also for both domestic and international markets.
3.9Service Delivery is undertaken from Council offices at Lime Tree House, Alloa, FK10 1EX. Office hours are from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday. However, the Council operates a system of Flexible Working between 8.00 am and 6.00 pm. Core hours are 10.00 am to 12.00 pm and 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm. Out of hours visits are undertaken where necessary.
3.10Clackmannanshire Council has an enforcement policy that was approved by committee in 1991. This policy is currently the subject of review. The existing policy is available on the Council’s website The revised policy will also be available after approval by committee.
4.0Service Delivery
4.1Food Standards Inspectionsare carried out in accordance with risk using Food Safety Act Code of Practice (Scotland).
Premises manufacturing food are visited with an emphasis on ensuring food safety management systems are in place to ensure consistent and continued compliance with food standards legislation. Low risk premises are subject to the provisions of the Council’s alternative enforcement strategy (AES).
Premises are provided with an inspection report in writing following every inspection.
4.2Food Safety inspections are carried out in accordance with the Food Safety Act Codes of Practice (Scotland)
4.3The planned numbers of inspections to be carried out this year are as follows:
Food Safety
A / 14B / 25
C / 60
D / 28
E (AES) / 14
Food Standards
A / 4B / 53
C / 72
4.4The Food & Licensing Team will deal with food complaints that relate to food hygiene and food safety, composition or incorrect labelling of food. The Trading Standards service at Stirling Council will deal with complaints relating to feeding stuffs.
4.5Clackmannanshire Council supports the Home Authority Principle and, although not a home authority for any business in Clackmannanshire, has a policy which requires its implementation by officers dealing with complaints.
4.6Clackmannanshire Council recognises the importance placed on giving advice to businesses and will respond to requests for advice in a comprehensive way and in accordance with Council policy. Advice and information will also be made readily available when an officer recognises that there is a need for such assistance even when it has not been requested.
4.7Clackmannanshire Council has a sampling policy and the associated programme of sampling is formulated annually. This includes both formal and informal sampling and the submission of complaint items for analysis wherever an officer believes this appropriate having regard to the policy. The sampling programme is undertaken by the Environmental Health Technical Officer and all samples are submitted to the Public Analyst at Glasgow Scientific Services.
4.8All outbreaks and suspected outbreaks of food poisoning are investigated in accordance with the guidance issued by the FSA on investigation and control of outbreaks of food borne disease in Scotland. Close liaison with Forth Valley Health Board is maintained and advice obtained from the Consultant in Public Health Medicine (CPHM). Notifications of food related illness and disease from the CPHM are investigated.
4.9Clackmannanshire Council has a policy on dealing with Food Safety Incidents that is in accordance with the Code of Practice (Scotland). Demand from this type of incident is normally expected to be very low.
4.10Clackmannanshire Council participate in the Scottish Food Enforcement Liaison Committee system of liaison groups informing and responding to the main National Committee in its membership along with Falkirk, Stirling, Angus, Dundee, Fife and Perth and Kinross Councils of, Central, Fife & Tayside Food Liaison Group which endeavours to ensure consistency both locally (within the area covered by the Group) and nationally with the SFELC, the FSA and LACORS. The Authority also liaises with FVHB and HPAS where appropriate.
The Team Leader (Food and Licensing) will attend these meetings where appropriate. Another member of the Food and Licensing Team will attend the liaison group meetings also where this is practical.
4.11Clackmannanshire Council will take part in the National Food Safety Week in June. The participation will be led and organised by the Technical Officer.
5.1Costs involved in the service are:
Staffing / £180,560Transport / £7,668
Sampling / £14,547
Equipment / £33,178
Training / £17,737
Legal action is taken by the Procurator Fiscal and no costs to the authority are involved.
5.2Clackmannanshire Council will maintain a staff of three full-time equivalent Environmental Health Officers who will be qualified, trained and experienced in all aspects of food safety enforcement with the Council area according to the Food Safety Act 1990 Code Practice and the Council’s Authorisation Procedure.
5.3One half time equivalent Technical Officer will be employed who will be authorised to undertake informal sampling in accordance with the Councils Authorisation Procedure.
5.4All food enforcement staff will receive the necessary training and continuing professional development to ensure they remain qualified to carry out their duties. A plan of internal training consisting of 3 hours every month will be prepared and all staff required to attend unless exempt by their line manager. All training needs for food enforcement staff will be assessed at annual one to one interviews and progress checked against this plan at an interim 6 monthly interview.
5.5The Team Leader (Food and Licensing) will monitor the quality of food law enforcement in Clackmannanshire in accordance with internal monitoring procedures. Records will be kept of this monitoring and action taken where necessary to correct any deficiencies found in service quality.
5.6Clackmannanshire Council will carry out a performance review of the service every year based on the Service Plan.
5.7The performance review will identify any points of deviation from the Service Plan. Where appropriate, the reasons for that deviation will be stated.
5.8The Authority will set out any relevant improvement plan or service development identified as necessary by the review or quality assessment. The Team Leader (Food and Licensing) will incorporate any areas identified as requiring improvement in subsequent Service Plans.