Service Learning
Grade 8 LA/SS
Ms. Kiemle, 2013-14
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead
The Goal:
Participate in service to one’s community through the self-selection of a project that can utilize one’s interests and strengths.
The Process:
- Read and return the Parent Letter as proof that your parents are aware of and understand this out-of-school requirement.
- Read through the list that Ms. Kiemle has provided of local organizations that would welcome your service. Check out the websites and talk to your family and friends about potential service possibilities. (Note: You options are not limited to this list. Local churches, scouts and our own PLMS Honor Society are also options, as long as you are doing work and not just attending services or meetings . . .)
- Select several that you are interested in and begin to make contacts. A decision of what you will do is due on November 6thwith the Planning Sheet.
- Begin your service work. Be sure to note the dates and hours worked so that it will be easy to know when your hours have been completed.
- Take at least 3 photos of you with your service recipients! (You will use these for your poster and during your presentation at the Service Learning Fair.)
- When you have finished the required hours, be sure to have the supervisor sign off on the enclosed check sheet for verification. YOU need to fill in the dates, etc.
You will create an attractive poster that will be shown as an inspiration at the PLMS Service Learning Fair on May 28th from 3:00-5:30 p.m. Specific poster instructions are listed on a sheet titled Service Learning Requirements, but remember: you need PHOTOS that document your service! Attendance at the fair is not mandatory, but if you do not attend and share your experience and learn about other students’ service, you will need to use Home Room to complete a related assignment.
Common Questions and Answers
Q: How much service must I do?
A: You must be involved in at least 15 hours of community service.
Q: Can I include service I completed this summer?
A: ONLY the 6 hours required for Honor Society. You must complete during the school year, beginning September 4th (I am glad that you were involved in service this summer!)
Q: Can we work with each other?
A: Yes, you may work individually or with a group. However, you must each complete your own poster and presentation.
Q: Can we baby-sit or visit old relatives as part of our service requirement?
A: You may not baby-sit for siblings or family members or neighbors. Babysitting for an organization or the larger community is ok. You may work with seniors, but they may not be your own relatives.(I hope you are already assisting them!)
Q: We could get a lot of hours participating in 30 Hour Famine or Relay for Life. Does that count?
A: You may participate in Hour Famine and Relay for Life, but you may only count 5 of the hours.
Q: When do our service choices need to be made?
A: Although your service plan may change throughout the course of the school year, youneed to have an initial plan developed by November 6th.
Q: When do our posters need to be finished and presented? When do our hours have to be completed by?
A: Completed posters and presentations are due on or before May 26th. Your hours need to be completed by May 21st.
Q: How many points is this project worth?
A: Verification Sheet: 30 points Poster: 20 points
Service Learning Verification Sheet
(If you do service at more than one place/organization, you will need to use a new Verification Sheet. The only other sheet that can be used – instead of this one – as proof of service is the honor society forms. You can politely ask Mrs. Little to make you a copy before you turn it in.
When this is completed, turn in to Ms. Kiemle to keep until May 21st.
Name of Student: ______
Name of Organization: ______
Service(s) Performed: ______
Dates of service/Hours Completed:
Supervisor’s Name: ______
Signature: ______
Phone/email contact: ______
□ -This student’s service was exemplary.
□-This student got the work done.
□ -This student was a distraction to my organization.
Service Learning Verification Sheet(Sample)
(If you do service at more than one place/organization, you will need to use a new Verification Sheet. The only other sheet that can be used – instead of this one – as proof of service is the honor society forms. You can politely ask Mrs. Little or Mrs. Herman to return it to Ms. Kiemle when she is done with it.)
Name of Student: Elmo
Name of Organization: Eastside Baby Corner
Service(s) Performed:
- Organized baby clothes into categories
- Packed up clothing into bags
- Organized hygiene products
Dates of service/Hours completed:
10/12/09: 2 hours
11/13/09: 1.5 hours
12/12/09: 1 hour
3/12/09: 3 hours
Supervisor’s Name: Big Bird
Signature: Big Bird
Phone/email contact: 505-334-0976
□ -This student’s service was exemplary.
□-This student got the work done.
□ -This student was a distraction to my organization.
Service Learning Project Planning Form
Name: ______Date ______
If I am working with others, they are: ______
What is/are the community need(s) that I/we are addressing (i.e. homelessness, environment, etc.): ______?
What is the general description of your service learning project idea (it could include multiple places): ______
Why do I think this/these project(s) is important?
What are some things that need to happen in order to complete this project. (I.e. call an agency, set up a meeting, talk to the principal, contact a congress person, find a park, etc.). Be very specific.
I need to…Check Off when completed
What help am I going to need from my parents/guardian: ______
What help am I/we going to need from Ms. Kiemle: ______
“I am only one; but I am still one. I cannot do everything, but I still can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do.” --Helen Keller
Goal: Participate in service to one’s community through the self-selection of a project that can utilize one’s interests and strengths.
The Process:
Read parent letter. Have parents read and sign parent letter. Tear it from packet and return it to school on Wednesday, 6November 2013(5 pts) Keep all other paperwork at home or in binder.
Participate in class discussion about REQUIREMENTS. Ask questions and write down answers that are important to you.
Check out websites, talk to friends, family, teachers, coaches, pastors, scout leaders, etc., looking for service opportunities.
Select several that you are interested in and begin to make contacts via phone or email.
Turn in your Service Learning Proposal on or before November 6, 2013 (5 pts)
Begin your service work. Be sure to note the dates and hours worked so that it will be easy to know when your hours have been completed.
When you have finished the required hours, be sure to have the supervisor sign off on the enclosed check sheet (you fill in the dates, etc.) for verification. Occasionally, the “advisor” is your mom or dad. Just let your teacher know if this is the case. These sheets will be collected by your teacher on presentation day. (5 pts)
Reflection and Poster:
Following your service experience, in one paragraph, you will reflect on five questions. You should have one paragraph for each service performed. Reflections must be typed.
Reflection Questions:
- What inspired you to pick this as your project?
- If you served on behalf of a non-profit organization (Foodbank, Northwest Harvest, etc.), explain who they are and what they do. Use their website or interview someone to get this information.
3. Explain what you did for your service.
4. How do you think your service benefited this organization, the people it serves and/or the community (local or international)?
5. What impact did this experience have on you?
(See other side for Presentation Requirements) ------→
Service Learning Presentation Requirements:
You will present your service learning project in class May 23rd
You will also participate in PLMS’ second annual Community Service Fair, Tuesday, May28th in a30 minute time slot from 3-5:30 p.m. In class, we will cover all the ways you can “participate.”
Poster-For your presentation, you will create an attractive 3-paneled poster to be displayed as inspiration to others. This is the type of poster used at science fairs (20 pts)
Posters need to include:
- The name or names of the organization or individual served--BOLDLY and COLORFULLY displayed.
- Your name proudly displayed!
- Your typed reflections. Reflections should stand out, with borders or colorful paper backing them.
- A minimum of three pictures of you performing your service. If taking pictures is not allowed at your organization, find pictures on the Internet of the outside of the building, or of things representing what you did. You might need to get creative, but this is doable!
- A colorful border for your poster so that it stands out.