Service Coordination
Chronic Disease Management
Motivational Interviewing
The Flinders University Model
The Five A’s Model
Chronic Disease Network Meeting Dates for 2010
Upcoming Forums/Workshops/Training
Chronic Disease Resources
Health Promotion
Healthy Food Basket Results
Lap the Lakes 2010 – Wednesday 20 October
Active Ageing Network website
Bushfire Arts Recovery Projects Yarram
2010 Living Longer Living Stronger Annual Conference
Research finds people living with mental illness don’t want favours – just a fair go
Promoting Physical Activity for All Abilities’ Resource
Community Kitchens
Kids - 'Go for your life' (K-GFYL)
Care Planning Project a regional approach to improving care planning
Monash University Health Literacy Short Course 2010
2010 Gippsland Mental Health Conference
Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement
Grant Programs
Rights, Respect & Trust - Elder Abuse Project
WPCP Contact Details
Meetings for 2010- all meetings to commence at 10:30Date / Meeting / Location
23 August / Business Meeting / Community meeting room, CGHS
27 September / Executive Meeting / e-health room, CGHS
25 October / Business Meeting / Lecture Hall, CGHS
22 November / Executive Meeting / e-health room, CGHS
13 December / Business Meeting / Lecture Hall CGHS
Health Promotion Meetings
9.30am – 11am
Conference Room -CGHS / Chronic Disease Mgmt Meetings
2pm – 4:30pm
Conference Room -CGHS
Date / Date
17August / 3 August
19 October / 5 October
7 December
Service Coordination
Jo Cockwill
EO Wellington PCP
New Partnership Agreement 2010 - 2012
Thanks to all those agencies who have returned the signed partnership agreement. Your promptness is much appreciated. We currently have 10 Level 1 and 5 level 2 partner agencies.
If anyone has questions or concerns about signing the agreement or the membership level please let me know so that we can discuss this. I look forward to receiving the few outstanding documents in the next few weeks.
Chronic Disease Management
Emily Durbridge
Motivational Interviewing
Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a dynamic, constantly evolving approach to working with client ambivalence, increasing their likelihood of engaging in positive behaviour change, and encouraging self management of their chronic illness.
A component of Health Coaching, Motivational Interviewing is ‘a person centred’ directive method for enhancing a person’s internal motivation to change. It aims to assist clients to work through their ambivalence to change. The method also enables health professionals including GPs and Practice Nurses, to match effective strategies to clients’ readiness to change. Research has shown these approaches to be significantly more effective than education and information alone (Kubina, 2007)
Motivational Interviewing focuses on:
•Express empathy by accurate listening that clarifies the client’s experience, feelings and interpretations
•Amplify discrepancy between current behaviour and broader goal by weighing pros and cons
•Arguments are counterproductive and breed resistance
•When faced with resistance, review clients readiness to change
•Support belief in the possibility of change. The client is responsible for choosing and carrying out change.
Training – 6 and 7 September, Sale
We are pleased to be bringing you a two day Motivational Interviewing Course.
This highly interactive workshop will focus on practical skill development, covering the following topics:
•Spirit, rationale and principles of Motivational Interviewing
•Core skills
•Responding to resistance
•Identifying, eliciting and reinforcing change talk and commitment talk
•Providing feedback and advice
•Transferring skills to practice.
The Presenter: Helen Mentha is a clinical psychologist and experienced MI trainer. She has trained under MI founder William Miller in the United States, and is a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT). Helen will share the latest MI techniques and information with course participants.
The Flinders University Model
Developed in South Australia, The Flinders Model of CCSM is a generic approach applicable to a wide range of chronic conditions. It involves the health professional supporting individuals to self-manage by:
•Assessment of self-management capacity
•Collaborative problem identification
•Client-based goal setting
•Integrated care planning
•Motivational techniques
•Outcome measurement
It is a structured one-on-one process leading to the development of a Care Plan. Client sessions can take as long as one hour. Feedback from professionals who have used this model indicates that it is an excellent model but is so time consuming that short cuts are developed which compromise the course.
The 2 day training workshop enables participants to:
•Understand a structural framework for better chronic condition management
•Understand the theory and evidence for self-management
•Develop understanding and skill in the use of the Flinders Model
•Gain a Certificate of Competence – Flinders Model.
Dates for the Certificate of Competence 2-day Workshop are 25 to 26 August or 26 to 27 October.
For more information, please contact:
Jenny Burns
Tel: (61 3) 5260 3524
The Five A’s Model
The Five A’s Model is a counselling approach to enhance the likelihood of behaviour change. The Model is based on research about the collaborative management of chronic disease in light of behavioural principles.
A tool for health professionals, the model is based on five steps that enable health professionals to understand a person’s beliefs and knowledge about their disease. This understanding becomes the basis for how to guide discussion.
The five steps of the model are:
•Assessment – of the person’s knowledge, beliefs and behaviours
•Advise – tell about health risks and benefits of change
•Agreement – set specific behavioural goals
•Assist – developing plans to meet goals
•Arrange – reinforcement and follow up
No set course but team members would need to learn skills required.
This approach offers a communication style that acknowledges the expertise people have in living with their condition. It provides only the amount of information and level of detail people desire.
Chronic Disease Network Meeting Dates for 2010
Chronic Disease Network Meeting Dates for 2010 to be held from 2:30pm till 4:30pm at CGHS Conference Room, CommunityHealthBuilding, Palmerston St, Sale:
Tuesday 3 August
Tuesday 5 October
Tuesday 7 December
Please ensure your agency is represented at the network meetings, as we have guest speakers at each meeting providing some professional development and we are developing the network to incorporate the partnership plan. We are doing some interesting work on the Human Services Directory and Infoxchange Service Seeker Database.
Upcoming Forums/Workshops/Training
Please note that the Using PDSA cycles and data for Continuous Improvement in Chronic Illness Care forum scheduled for 18 August 2010 at the Traralgon Vineyard has been cancelled.
The Gippsland Workforce Development Working Group decided at its last meeting to transfer funds received for this event to the Gippsland Care Planning Working Group as this activity falls within the scope of this group.
If you have any further queries regarding this event please contact Linda McCoy on 56243500 or via email
Workshop: How can the internet help you manage your health?
Come along and find out:
•how to source quality and trusted health information
•the best health sites to use on the internet
•how to better understand and manage your health care
Information specialists from The Royal Melbourne Hospital and the State Library of Victoria are offering FREE computer-based workshops for the public. Bookings are essential.
When:Choose one of the two remaining workshops
Wed 4 August, 4-6pm
Fri 20 August, 10am-12 noon
Where: State Library of Victoria, 328 Swanston Street Melbourne (Melway ref: 1B N1)
Who: Everyone is welcome but bookings are essential
How: Email or phone 8664 7099
Australian Disease Management Association
6th Annual National Disease Management Conference
Chronic Disease Management and the Australian Health System
Thursday 19 and Friday 20 August, 2010
Crown Promenade, Melbourne
Key themes for the 2010 National ADMA conference ‘Chronic Disease Management and the Future of the Australian Health System’include:
•DM and the Health Reform Agenda; investment in DM by Australian States and Territories and the Private Sector;
•models of care (Chronic Care Model, Patient-Centred Medical Home Model, Guided Care);
•indigenous health initiatives;
•e-health and technology;
•building bridges between tertiary and primary care (super clinics, integrated care & community care centres); and
•the consumer perspective.
Other streams include: self-management; initiatives for elderly chronic disease patients and programs/services which have demonstrated outcomes in quality, clinical outcomes, cost effectiveness and efficiency.
For a copy of the Conference Program please go to:
Public Health Association of Australia 40th Annual Conference
Public Health in a 21st Century Society: New ways of knowing, doing, living
Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide
Monday 27 to Wednesday 29 September 2010
PHAA is pleased to be able to provide a program boasting a diverse range of speakers covering a wide variety of topics that will be of interest to those working in the Public Health and related service delivery, research, policy development and program delivery sectors.
The 2010 Conference focuses on the impact on our health of how we live, work, and play in today's world. The conference will address how public health is affected by 21st Century ways of 'knowing, doing and living'.
Knowing:What new forms of knowledge drive the 21st Century? What are the effects on public health?
Doing:What new issues, practices, programs and priorities inform public health in the 21st Century? What are the consequences for researchers, policy makers and practitioners?
Living: What new social structures, work and leisure environments are being created in the 21st Century? What are the impacts on population health?
Information about this year's PHAA Annual Conference is now available at:
Chronic Disease Resources
ADMA Clearinghouse – check out the latest resources added to the Clearinghouse:
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Australia's national agency for health and welfare statistics and information:
Life! Taking Action on Diabetes (Life!)
Chronic Disease Self-Management Special Interest Group
The next meeting of the Chronic Disease Self-Management Special Interest Group is on 19 August and looks at how health professionals can assist consumers to access evidence-based information on the Internet.
Health PromotionRachael Dooley
Healthy Food Basket Results
Rebecca Lade
Irregular access to safe, nutritionally adequate, culturally acceptable food from non-emergency sources is known as ‘food insecurity’. Food insecurity can have a detrimental impact on physical, mental and social wellbeing. In 2007, 4.1% of people in Wellington were found to be food insecure, that is, in the previous 12 months they had run out of food and had not been able to afford to buy more. The aim of this study was to investigate the cost and availability of healthy food in the local government area (LGA) of Wellington in order to inform future health promotion work addressing food security.
During May 2010, a Victorian Healthy Food Basket (VHFB) survey was conducted in 21 stores across 15 towns located in Wellington. The VHFB is designed to meet the nutritional requirements of four different family types for a fortnight and can be employed to assess the cost and availability of food.
Eleven stores in Wellington had all 44 items in the VHFB; while at least 80% of the VHFB items were available in 14 of the stores surveyed. The median cost to purchase the VHFB for a family of two adults and two children in Wellington in May 2010 was $444.79. This is equivalent to 34.59% of a family’s income if on unemployment benefits. The VHFB was found to be cheaper in towns with a large chain supermarket and more than one store. These towns were also more likely to have a full basket of food available.
There are many small towns in Wellington where a full VHFB is not available. The purchase of healthy food in Wellington can cost up to 37% of an unemployed family’s income. This is considerably higher than the Victorian household average of 17% and may be unaffordable for many people. These findings are consistent with similar studies in rural Victoria. The results of this study will assist in identifying interventions for specific communities, populations or stores that may increase access to healthy and affordable food in Wellington.
Influence of body dissatisfaction on young women’s sexual risk-taking behaviour Jodie Pullman
I am conducting a research project with Dr Darryl Maybery an Associate Professor in the Department of Rural and Indigenous Health towards a Master of Biomedical Science Part 1 at Monash University.
The aim of this research project is to examine the relationship between body dissatisfaction and sexual risk taking behaviour in young women aged 18 – 25 years.
It is hoped that the information gathered will help in understanding these behaviours and may assist in the development of appropriate health promotion strategies that may improve sexual decision making in adolescent girls.
We are seeking females aged 18-25 years of age who reside in the Gippsland area to complete a 20 minute questionnaire.
Survey link:
Your assistance will potentially lead to major benefits for the field of sexual health by learning more about what influences sexual risk taking in young women which could assist in the prevention of these behaviours in the future.
Please feel free to either complete the questionnaire or distribute the survey link to your networks.
If you have any questions about this study please contact Jodie Pullman on (03) 5143 1600 or Associate Professor Darryl Maybery on (03) 5128 1000.
2010 CO-OPS National Workshop – Call
The 2010 CO-OPS National workshop is a unique event bringing together practitioners, researchers and funding bodies working in community-based obesity prevention to learn from each other, promote best practice and develop professional networks.
Run over two days at the Hilton in Sydney, the workshop is free to attend. This will be the biggest gathering of practitioners, researchers and funding bodies working in community-based obesity prevention in Australasia in 2010.
For more information visit the CO-OPS website at:
Registrations for the CO-OPS 2010 National Workshop are now open and we have already filled/ confirmed (?) 1/3 of the places.
Last year this FREE two day National Workshop was overbooked and people missed out. To ensure this doesn’t happen to you submit your registration now. Registrations are processed on a first come first served basis.
This dynamic event will include keynote speakers, presentations from practitioners, workshop sessions andpeer-led concurrent sessions.
Keynote speakers include:
- ProfessorBoyd Swinburn, the Alfred Deakin Professor of Population Health and Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Obesity Prevention at Deakin University and Co-Chair of the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF)
- Associate Professor Steve Allender, Director of the CO-OPS Collaboration at Deakin University.
- A representative from the Department of Health and Ageing will provide an overview of current government initiatives to address obesity, including the Government's response to the National Preventative Health Strategy.
- You, yes you! CO-OPS exists for practitioners so we need you to share your work and questions. So submit an abstract or bring a question or idea to share
Abstract submissions close Friday 20 August
When:Wednesday 20 & Thursday 21 October
Where:Hilton Sydney
What else:The 2010 CO-OPS National Workshop coincides with the Australian and New Zealand Obesity Society ANZOS annual conference 21-23 October “A Time for Change: Meeting the challenges of the future”
For more information call +61 3 5227 8929 or email
Lap the Lakes 2010 – Wednesday 20 October
The ‘Go for your life’ ‘Lap the Lakes’ is on again! It’s time to start lobbying work colleagues, family members and school mates to organise your team to take part in this year’s event.
‘Lap the Lakes’ 2010 will be held on Wednesday 20 October at Lake Guthridge and Lake Guyatt and is an Inclusive Event in which people and children of all abilities are encouraged to participate. The event comprises teams of four people making their way around the 3.3km circuit with all team members’ times being recorded to find the fastest team in the men’s, mixed and women’s events.
The ‘Go for Your Life’ van will be in attendance, providing fun and entertainment for children as well as the Gippsland Water truck to allow competitors to fill up their drink bottles. Free health food options will be available to competitors on the day and 25 per cent of proceeds from the event will be donated to the Rotary Club of Sale, while each member of the first 70 teams to register will receive a free T-Shirt commemorating the day.
Please contact Rachael for an entry form –
Active Ageing Network website
Check out the Active Ageing Network website as there have been a number of updates including the addition of an Older Adult Fitness Instructor Register. This newfunction allows Older Adult FitnessInstructors to register their detailsforpotential employers to find an instructor that suits their needs. Please visit more details.
Bushfire Arts Recovery Projects Yarram
Jenny Feist
The Yarram projects are all going well. The amphitheatre project is part of the overall concept plan for the new skateboard park and is progressing well. The overall plan includes radially-sawn seats placed around the amphitheatre, the Memorial Park and the Courthouse Gallery. The group are also taking delivery of their pizza oven and are about to start working with the mosaic and landscaping artist. Finally they are also working on the DVD, recording stories about local bushfire experiences, as well as collecting photographs and footage.