Unix Server Build Document

Server build document

Installing latest Patch Cluster

Network Configuration


Offline (Configure to reboot)

Setting NIC card speed



Setting up the environment

Selecting the shell

Configuring the .profile

Create the man page catalogue

Disable Keyboard abort sequence

Remote root access

Remote FTP access

Server build document

First of all it is an idea to have in mind the disk layout required for the configuration of the server. NOTE: It is highly recommended that the swap partition be twice the size of the physical memory in the server.

Once the basic Solaris software has been installed, it is highly recommended that you down load the latest Solaris 8 Patch cluster, it is recommended you always down load the latest version rather than relying on an older version that you have already stored. You can click on the following link to download the latest release: Latest Sun Cluster.

Installing latest Patch Cluster

Ftp file to server in BINARY format

cd /<directory where patch is>(Try to always place in /tmp)

unzip 8_Recommended.zip

cd 8_Recommeneded


Once the cluster has been installed you will need to reboot the server, use a clean shutdown:

init 6(Or for completeness)

/usr/sbin/shutdown –i6 –g0 –y

Network Configuration

First of all edit the /etc/hosts file to check that the correct ip address and hostname are in your file for the server you have just created, also at this point it is a good idea to add in the other servers with there addresses that this server will need to contact.

Once this has been completed you will need to add a default route/gateway to the server, there are two ways in which this can be done:


route add net default 1

(The “1” at the end signifies how may hops, this should be set to one as it is the first thing the server hits is the NIC card)

Offline (Configure to reboot)

vi /etc/defaultrouter

The other file you may to need to edit will be the /etc/netmasks. This will depend on the network configuration at the site.

Setting NIC card speed

You should always force the NIC card to communicate at 100 Full Duplex. There are different families of servers, and each of these name the network adapters differently. Below is a list of what you would need to enter to set the cards.



ndd –set /dev/hme instance 0

ndd –set /dev/hme adv_100fdx_cap 1

ndd –set /dev/hme adv_autoneg_cap 0


ndd –set /dev/qfe instance 0

ndd –set /dev/qfe adv_100fdx_cap 1

ndd –set /dev/qfe adv_autoneg_cap 0


ndd –set /dev/eri instance 0

ndd –set /dev/eri adv_100fdx_cap 1

ndd –set /dev/eri adv_autoneg_cap 0


ndd –set /dev/ce instance 0

ndd –set /dev/ce link_master 0

ndd –set /dev/ce adv_1000fdx_cap 0

ndd –set /dev/ce adv_1000hdx_cap 0

ndd –set /dev/ce adv_100fdx_cap 1

ndd –set /dev/ce adv_100hdx_cap 0

ndd –set /dev/ce adv_10fdx_cap 0

ndd –set /dev/ce adv_10hdx_cap 0

ndd –set /dev/ce adv_autoneg_cap 0


For hme,eri,qfe you need to edit the main system file (/etc/system)

Care must be taken because is there is an error in this file the server would not start, also ensure there are no blank lines. The demonstration below uses hme if you are to use other cards replace hme for your card type i.e. eri

vi /etc/system

*Force hme into 100 Mbps full duplex mode

set hme:hme_adv_100fdx_cap=1

For cards ce:

vi /etc/rc2.d/S99net-tune


#Set NIC to 100 Mbps full duplex

ndd –set /dev/ce instance 0

ndd –set /dev/ce link_master 0

ndd –set /dev/ce adv_1000fdx_cap 0

ndd –set /dev/ce adv_1000hdx_cap 0

ndd –set /dev/ce adv_100fdx_cap 1

ndd –set /dev/ce adv_100hdx_cap 0

ndd –set /dev/ce 10_fdx_cap 0

ndd –set /dev/ce 10_hdx_cap 0

exit 0

Setting up the environment

Selecting the shell

Once you have selected the shell that you are going to want to use ensure that it is clearly defined in the /etc/passwd file. You can either change this using the admintool program or by editing the /etc/passwd file. NOTE: If you get this incorrect for the root user the system will not start and you will have boot off of the cdrom and manually alter the entry so be careful. Below is an example of if you were going to use Korn Shell.


Configuring the .profile

This section will depend on the shell you have chosen the example profile below is based upon the user using the Korn Shell.


PS1="($LOGNAME@`hostname`) \$PWD> "


stty erase ^H

export EDITOR

alias rm='rm -i'

The above profile is very simple it is setting some basic paths for you to access to user certain utilities, it then sets your command prompt, it will basically display your username, hostname and your current directory. After it then sets you default editor in this case it is the vi editor, it also sets you delete key to user the backspace rather than the delete key itself. The last line is basically setting an alias so if you tried to delete any files it would first ask you if you are sure, it changes the action of the rm command to use the interactive –i flag.

Create the man page catalogue

catman –w

This will allow you to search the man pages by using the keyword flag (-k)

Disable Keyboard abort sequence

Edit the file /etc/default/kbd, and ensure you have the line


After you have edited and saved the file from the command prompt enter in the command kbd –i the will read the configuration file again so the setting will takes effect immediately.

Remote root access

If you require to log into the server remotely as root you need to edit the file /etc/default/login. One you have this file open edit the line and ensure it is set at #CONSOLE=/dev/console. If this is set then you can only log in as root at the console itself.

Remote FTP access

Ensure the file /etc/ftpusers exists and that all users from the password file are in here, this will stop them connecting to the server via ftp. If you want a allow a user to access the server via ftp then either before their username add a # or remove their username from the file

Tullett plcPage 1 of 6Craig Richards