Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Joan E. Beilstein

Church of the Ascension

February 18th, 2018 – 1 Lent B

“If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

But if we confess our sins, God, who is faithful and just,

will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

(The First Letter of John Chapter 1: Verses 8-9)

Early last week – I had decided upon my theme – for this first Sunday in Lent. I was going to focus – on the personal demons – that infect our lives – and our need for repentance – for turning around – and going in a new direction – with God’s help - to become more whole and holy people.

And then – on Ash Wednesday – a 19-year old – mentally disturbed – former student of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School – in Parkland, Florida – open fired – on teachers – and students – with an assault rifle – killing 17 – and injuring 14 others.

I realized – I didn’t want to talk – about our personal demons – and our need for repentance – as individuals. For Christ’s message – in our Gospel today – about his experience - in the wilderness – and the danger – of temptations - is not just relevant – for single solitary human beings. It is also relevant – for communities – and nations.

And I believe – more than ever – that Christ’s message today – is crying out – to us – the citizens – of these United States. We must face a truth – that has for so long – too long been denied. Our national life – is infected by demons. Demons - which are making us sick. Sick with sin – because we have allowed – ourselves – to be seduced – by the temptations – that swirl around us – making us truly an unsafe – and unholy wilderness – rather than God’s promised land.

Temptation #1. From Matthew’s Gospel.

Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. He fasted forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. 3 The tempter came and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread.” 4 But he answered, “It is written, ‘One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

Americans constitute 5% of the world's population but consume 24% of the world's energy.[i]

On average, one American consumes as much energy as

o 2 Japanese

o 6 Mexicans

o 13 Chinese

o 31 Indians

o 128 Bangladeshis

o 307 Tanzanians

  • 370 Ethiopians

Americans eat 815 billion calories of food each day - that's roughly 200 billion more than needed - enough to feed 80 million people.

Americans throw out 200,000 tons of edible food daily.

The average American generates 52 tons of garbage by age 75.

The average individual daily consumption of water is 159 gallons, while more than half the world's population lives on 25 gallons.

And yet – 16 million children – in our country – struggle with hunger. With Black and Latino children experiencing hunger – at double the rate - of white children.[ii]

It is a fact – that here in our country – people are certainly not – turning down bread – in fact – we’re hoarding it – allowing others – in our own country – and throughout the world - to starve.

Temptation #2. From Luke’s Gospel.

Then the devil led him up - and showed him in an instant - all the kingdoms - of the world. And the devil said to him, “To you I will give their glory - and all this authority; for it has been given over to me - and I give it to anyone I please. If you, then, - will worship me, it will all be yours.”Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve only him.’”

The U.S.—with $63.5 trillion - in total private wealth—holds the largest amount of any country in the world – with 41.6% - of the total global personal wealth. The closest to the US - is China with 10.5%.[iii]

But our wealth is unevenly distributed - for we have the largest wealth inequality gap – of any country in the world. And the largest income inequality gap.

Around the world – we are being dubbed – as the “Unequal States of America” - due to the size of these gaps. For 45 million Americans – that 14.5% of the population – live in poverty. With this percentage - likely to increase – as our government – cuts needed assistance programs.[iv]

Temptation #3. From Matthew’s Gospel.

Then the devil took him to the holy city - and placed him on the pinnacle of the temple, - saying to him, “If you are the Son of God, - throw yourself down; for it is written, - ‘He will command his angels concerning you,’- and ‘On their hands - they will bear you up, - so that you will not dash your foot against a stone.’” Jesus said to him, - “Again it is written, ‘Do not put the Lord your God - to the test.’”

How much stronger is the United States military -compared with the next strongest power? What do you think? 1,000 times. Maybe more.

No other military - or combination of militaries -could even begin to inflict - the slightest numbers of casualties - on the United States military - in a conventional war. The U.S. spends close - to what the entire rest of the world - spends in defense. $711 billion. Per year. The next closest is China at $143 billion.[v]

In addition – as we all know – too painfully - Mass shootings in the U.S. continue - to make headlines around the world. The U.S. has 270 million guns -- more than any country. And with that - the most mass shooters.[vi]

When Jesus – was tempted – by the demons - of consuming the world’s food resources – owning the world’s wealth – and possessing the weapons of safety and might – what did he do? What did he say? He rejected them.

He did not say – “You will live by bread.” He did not say “You will live by wealth.” He did not say “You will live by might.” And he did not say – “You will live by thoughts and prayers.”

He said, “You will live by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” “You will live by worshiping and serving God alone.” “You will live by not putting God to the test.” And what does he mean by this?

And with these words – what is Jesus proclaiming to us in our own day? He is proclaiming that we will live by God’s word – of love – compassion – peace- and justice. That we will worship and serve only God – not money – not guns – not by hoarding things – other people – desperately need to survive. And that we should not put God to the test.

It is time – past time – that we must face – the disturbing truth – about our nation. For we are putting God to the test – with our denials – our complaisance – and our partisanship. And the cost – of testing God? The results are plain to see – people are starving – people are living in poverty – people are being killed – our children are being killed by – our love affair with guns.

It is time – past time - we do something – about this very destructive – and uncomfortable truth. It is time – past time - that we repent – as a nation - of our sickness – and the sins – we have allowed to proliferate.

It is time – past time – that we open our eyes – and see – that God does not want us to be great – God wants us to be holy – a promised land where all people are valued – and have the opportunity to live safe- and abundant lives.

Therefore – my friends - may we emerge from our wilderness – as Americans – and become Christ’s servants anew – my claiming our voices – marching on our feet – casting our votes – and donating our resources.

May we choose worthy servants – of our nation – whom we can serve aside – using our collective power. May we do all we can – in our homes – our churches – our communities – and in our halls of government - to drive out our demons – and heal our land.

Indeed – may we do all – in our power – to help our United States once again – walk the righteous path – and become a beacon of light – a torch of freedom – a witness of hope – a helper in need - to our world – for only then – can we honestly – claim - that we are a nation - under God. Amen.






