Serials Manual.1.Doc 3/31/2011 tlf, lh, lw, trk
Serials Manual
Check-in [skip] 5
Preparing to Check-in 5
Finding a journal 6
Checking in the journal 6
Verify the date information 7
Date format 8
Months 8
Seasons 8
Date 8
Combined dates 8
Two checkin records 9
Multi-part Issues 9
Checkin Notes 9
Titles that need to be pulled 10
Titles that need the holdings relocated 11
Accompanying Print Material 11
Errata sheets 11
Indexes 11
Supplements 12
Tables of contents 12
Accompanying Non-print Materials 13
Compact Discs 14
Reference Titles 15
Special Collections Titles 15
Claimed/Late journals 15
Damaged Journals 16
Routing labels 16
Checkin Final Steps 16
Claiming 17
Generating a list of claims for a section 17
Investigating a claim 17
Swets 18
No vendor 18
Sto-e funds 18
Child order records 19
Sending claims 19
E-mail Claims 19
Print Claims 19
Fill Missing Issues 19
Missing Issue 19
Searching for a Copy of a Missing Journal 20
Filling out a Green Sheet 21
Placing an Order 22
Cataloging and Records Management 26
Cumulative Indexes 26
Item Records 26
Newspapers (Including newspapers on microfilm) 27
Active Checkin Record (mnews) 27
Active Checkin Record (Other than mnews) 28
Retained Until the Receipt of Microfilm (Reserves or Protect) 28
Retained Until the Receipt of Microfilm (Other than Reserves or Protect) 29
Limited Holding Period and Inactive Microfilm 29
Active Newspaper Not Checked In, Active Microfilm is Checked In 30
CD-ROMS with Location mrcd 31
Endowments and Gifts 31
Packages 32
Package/Parent title: 32
Child title: 32
Analyzed Serials 32
Link Item Records 32
Invoices 34
Paying a One-item Prepayment Invoice 34
Cancellations 34
Possible reasons for cancellation 35
Duplicate orders 35
Vendor Change 36
Vendor-initiated 36
Library-initiated 36
Unfulfilled, uncataloged orders 36
Print switched to ONLINE ONLY 37
Switched to Package or Membership 37
Cancellation of packages 37
Close-outs 38
Discarding Print and/or Adding Online for Single Location 38
Order record 38
Checkin record 38
Item record 39
Bib Record 39
Discarding Print and/or Adding Online for Multiple Locations 39
Bib record 39
Inactive Records 39
Invoicing, Order Notes, Cancellations 41
Ordering 45
New Subscriptions or One-time orders 45
Order Notes and Other Variable Fields 50
Current Notes 50
PrintOnline Order Format Notes 51
Perpetual backfile dates are known 52
Perpetual rights only to paid years and not to backfiles 52
Permanent access to pre-YYYY backfiles available 52
Sample Archival Access Terms: 53
Historical Notes 55
Order Notes Pub Change 61
Order Record Coding Convention 62
Guidelines for Creating New Orders: 62
Payment overflow orders 63
Title Changes 63
Analytics 63
Appendix 64
Holdings Statements 64
Textual 64
Cover Date 65
Volume or Number 65
Edition 66
Series, or other similar designations 66
Others 66
Location Statements: Preferred Forms 67
Location Codes 68
Special Collection titles at NRLF 68
Other Examples 69
Protect Binding Copy 69
Index 70
Created 3/4/2011 1:14:00 PM
Serials Manual.1.Doc 3/31/2011 tlf, lh, lw, trk
[skip to next section]
Preparing to Check-in
- Sort the journals and separate out McHenry and S+E journals.
- Toss catalogs unless they are addressed to someone else.
- Give journals with invoices or non-vendor renewals to Kelly. Check address labels on unfamiliar journals to be sure that they were delivered correctly. If any notices of frequency changes arrive, give to either Lisa or Kelly.
- Turn label printer on. Verify that the printer is adjusted so that the red indicator line is about ¼” below the border of the top label. The label should print out as close to the top of the label as possible. If it’s too low or too high, adjust your printer accordingly.
- Log into Millennium as milser. Use your own initials to finish login.
Finding a journal
- Try to search for journal by title, then ISSN and publisher. If you can’t find it, check the address label. If label is correct, place in Kelly’s box. If the label in incorrect, mail to the appropriate person.
- Journals with the note “CANCELLED” go into Kelly’s box with a “cancelled” streamer. Dups are placed in the “Duplicates” holder by the printer.
- Inactive titles/title ceased go to Kelly.
Checking in the journal
Always read the checkin notes ahead of time to see if there are any special directions.
v IMPORTANT: do *not* proceed further if the box says “See PO”, the journal has an invoice, or the box says, “Give to…” If the box says “See P.O”, keep the piece together, put a blue “See PO” streamer in the journal and give it to Kelly. If it has an invoice, keep the entire piece together and give to Kelly. If the box directs you to give the journal to someone, give it to the appropriate person.
- Erase any status box notes. Status box notes are ones that say “NYP”, “e-mailed publisher”, “delayed”, etc. If in doubt, ask Kelly or Lisa.
- Match the volume and issue number on the journal to the appropriate box on the checkin record.
- Numbering is generally on the contents page, or under a copyright statement. Sometimes the number is located in the back of the journal. (European journals tend to print all of the numbering information on the cover or on the spine.) If there is a conflict, go with the number on the inside of the journal.
- If the issue numbering does not match what’s on the checkin card:
- Verify the numbering scheme if you can. Look on EBSCOnet and/or the online version of the journal. Is the number a continuation of the present numbering scheme? I.e. A volume normally consists of 4 issues, and you receive a “vol. x no.5”.
- If this is the case, and it is the first time this title has changed the numbering : checkin the issue as is and adjust the boxes accordingly.
- If this is not the first time the title has changed the numbering, i.e. a quarterly journal has had 5 issues per volume for two consecutive years, this is a frequency change and should be given to Lisa or Kelly.
- If the issue number is *not* a continuation. I.e. The issue should be v.45 no.5 and the inside cover lists it as v.45 no.4 :
- Do not renumber the checkin boxes. Instead, make a box note of Misnumbered v.<volume>:<number listed>”. Using the example above, I would make a public box note of “Misnumbered v.45:4”.
- Checkin the issue. The misnumbering usually corrects itself within a few issues. If it doesn’t, bring the record to serials cataloger’s attention.
Verify the date information
If date is absent, you will have to fill it in when you check in.
- If the box status is “Late” or “Claimed”, see the section on late/claimed journals before you proceed. Otherwise, go to the next step.
- While the box is still highlighted, click “Check in” to check in. Verify that you have the correct volume, issue number, and date. If date is absent, enter it. (see date format section below). If the issue is a combined one, see the combined issue section.
- After the first label prints, verify that the printer is still in alignment and adjust if necessary.
- If you are receiving the last issue of the volume or year, click on the checkin record to see if the journal was purchased from EBSCO or Swets. If it wasn’t, check the order record to see if the journal needs to be renewed. Renewals should be brought to Kelly’s attention.
- Also, try to check for Indexes/Table of Contents in the last issue of the volume. A good way to see if a journal may have an Index or a Table of Contents tucked inside is to look at the previous bound volumes. If you see an “Index” or “TPC” note for the previous few years, then you should leaf through the volume to see if you can find it. See below for how to check these in.
- Close the record and go to the next journal.
Date format
Use the most specific date that you can find on the journal. i.e. If the cover says “Feb 2007” and the contents page says “2007”, fill in the date as “Feb 2007” unless otherwise directed by the notes.
Months: must be abbreviated as follows: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
Seasons: Spr, Sum, Fal, Win
Date: Just the number. If issue lists a span of dates, use the latest date only, i.e. If the issue is dated Jan. 2-9th,, 2007, you would enter the date as Jan. 9th, 2007. If you can’t find a date, then just list the year.
Combined dates: Combined dates should be entered in the following format:
· Months: first month, a slash, then second month and year, e.g. Jan/Feb 2007. If an issue spans December and January, it should be entered as Dec/Jan 2006/2007. If issue spans three months, i.e. Jan, Feb, Mar 2007, then you enter the first and last month only and the year, e.g. Jan/Mar 2007
· Seasons: first season, a slash, then second season and year, e.g. Spr/Sum 2007. If an issue spans Winter and Spring, it should be entered as Win/Spr 2006/2007. If issue spans three seasons, then you enter the first and last season only and the year, e.g. Spr/Fal 2007. If issue spans four seasons, just list the year.
· Combined issue numbers: Sometimes a journal will combine two or more issues when there are separate boxes for the individual issues I.e. One journal will be listed as v.25, issue 4-5, but the card has a box each for v. 25 issue 4, and v.25, issue 5. If this is the case, proceed as follows:
o Highlight one of the boxes.
o Right click and select “Box Menu”->Delete boxes
o Delete the box.
o Highlight the remaining box and click “Checkin”.
o Fill in the date information if needed. With a combined weekly issue, do not use the complete date, continue to use the latest date. Fill in the issue information by listing both issues with a dash between them, keep the volume numbering the same (using the example above, the issue number would be 4-5) Do *not* use a slash because it creates problems for Preservation.
o The exception to this is if a combined issue spans volumes, i.e. One issue is labeled v.44:4/v.45:1. Check in the volume number as 44/45 and the issue as 4/1.
Two checkin records
If a title has two checkin cards and one is protect, always checkin to protect first if you only have one journal available. If you have two, check the best copy into protect.
Multi-part Issues
If an issue of a journal comes in two pieces, with the same volume and issue number, and different parts (ex. the numbering is listed as v.18 no.4 part 1 and v.18 no.4 part 2) -- check to see if the page numbering is continuous between the two physical pieces.
If it is:
- Make two boxes, both should have the same volume and issue number.
- Put the box note : “pt. 1” in one box and “pt. 2” in the other
- Checkin the pieces
- If the box note doesn’t print with the label, write it in under the call number in black pen. Do not skip this step because the box note is part of the call number.
- Label, secure, and shelve as usual.
Checkin Notes
1. Check in as usual unless there’s a note that says otherwise. If no label prints, write the call# inside the book.
2. Secure and label as usual (if there is a label)
3. Place an analytic streamer in the journal and place on the analytic shelf in the cage. If you have been trained in analytic cataloging, skip this step and catalog the journal.
1. When you checkin the journal, put the title inside the box note.
2. A label may not print, this is fine.
3. Secure the journal.
4. Put a “classed sep” streamer in the journal and place on the classed sep shelf in the cage. If you have been trained in classed sep cataloging, skip this step and catalog the journal.
Checkin as usual. Secure, label, and give to serials cataloger with a streamer.
Checkin as usual. Place a “BIND” streamer in the journal. Secure, label, and place on the Preservation shelf when done.
1. Checkin as usual. Secure, label and place on the Services shelf when done.
2. Set next expected date note
3. If you see the note – “Set next expected date <timeframe> from current receipt date”, please pay particular attention to it. Failure to set it will result in claiming and renewal errors.
4. To process journals with this note:
- Checkin the journal as usual.
- The box next to the issue you checked in won’t have a date. Double-click on the box.
- In the “Expected Date” field, key in the date as specified in the note, i.e. If the note states “set next expected date 1 yr. from current receipt date” you would key in a date one year from when you received the current journal.
- Click “Ok” and save your changes.
Titles that need to be pulled
Use a lavender streamer (blue will work, too, but a lavender one is easier) Fill out which issues need to be pulled and the action needed. Sign and initial the streamer and leave it in the issue you checked in.