ARTICLE II- MEMBERSHIP AND FEES……………………………………………………4
ARTICLE III- EXECUTIVE BOARD ………………………………………………………..5
ARTICLE IV- OFFICERS ……………………………………………………………………..5
ARTICLE VI- MEETINGS……………………………………………………………………..8
ARTICLE VII- OPERATIONS………………………………………………………………..8
ARTICLE VIII- AMENDMENTS…………………………………………………………….9
ADOPTION OF BY-LAWS……………………………………………………………………10
Section 1.01 Name and Location of Office. The name of this organization shall be the Sequoyah Tip-Off Club. Hereafter referred to as “The Club”
The mailing address of the principal office of the Sequoyah Tip-Off Club, Inc shall be 4485 Hickory Road Canton, Georgia 30115. The principal office of the Club shall be such location as the Executive Board may designate from time to time. The Club may also maintain offices at such other places as the Executive Board may, from time to time, determine.
Section 1.02 Definition. These By-laws constitute the code of rules adopted by the Sequoyah Tip-Off Club for the management and regulation of its affairs.
Section 1.03 Purpose. The Club exists for the purpose of enhancing the involvement of students, families, community, and the school through the support of the Sequoyah High School Basketball Program. The Club represents both the Boys and Girls programs,. The Club works to achieve this by encouraging active participation of parents and community resources in Club programs, and by working closely with the coaching staff, and the administration of Sequoyah High School.
The Club is organized exclusively to promote parent/ student and community involvement in the Sequoyah High School Basketball program; coordinate all supporting activities for the Sequoyah High School Basketball program; encourage attendance at Basketball related functions; provide services, facilities and equipment for the Sequoyah High School Basketball Program which are not provided by the school; and to be a fan and community support system for the Sequoyah High School Basketball program.
Section 1.04 Objectives. The objectives of the Club are as follows:
a) To support, promote and maintain a high standard of integrity and good sportsmanship in all athletic activities of SHS,
b) To foster and promote good will and fraternal spirit among the members of the Club and all other booster clubs at SHS
c) To promote and encourage enthusiasm and attendance at all basketball activities by the parents and families of the athletes, the students, and the faculty of SHS, and the members of the community,
d) To raise funds to assist the basketball program
e) To promote and encourage more young men and women to become involved in the basketball program at Sequoyah,
f) To establish a budget. The approved budget will then be presented to the general membership of the Club.
g) And to raise funds through concessions, season ticket sales, program sales, corporate sponsorship sales, and other fundraising activities, which shall be allocated by the Club.
Section 2.01 Membership. There shall be one class of membership in the Club; those who will support the betterment of the Basketball program at Sequoyah High School. Membership is non-transferrable and non-assignable. The Club will not limit the number of members. All active coaches, the principal, and the athletic director shall automatically be considered members of the club. Members are encouraged to attend monthly meetings, join specific committees, and contribute to the overall purpose and objectives of the Club.
Section 2.02 Membership Fee. Annual membership fees will be determined annually by the Executive Board. The membership term is defined as the one year period beginning October 1st and concluding September 30th.
Section 2.03 Members Right to Privacy. Any personal information gathered or requested by the Club is for the sole use of the Club and will not be made available to any other organizations.
Section 2.04 Voting. Voting members shall be limited to those who meet the requirements of sections 2.01 and 2.02. Any general membership motion and vote requires majority Executive Board concurrence to carry.
Section 2.05 Membership Termination. Membership in the Club will terminate on any of the following events, and for no other reason:
a) Receipt by the Executive Board of the written resignation of a Member, executed by such member or his duly authorized attorney-in-fact
b) The death of a member
c) The failure of a member to pay dues/ fees, on or before their due date; or
d) For cause, inconsistent with membership, including but not limited to conviction of any felony or crime of moral turpitude
A member terminating membership status for reasons other than death may be completely and automatically reinstated if the cause of termination is corrected before formal adoption by the Executive Board of a resolution acknowledging such termination.
Section 3.01 Executive Board Members. The executive board shall be responsible to act on behalf of the Club in the management of the business affairs of the organization, except for matters decided by a vote in the General Membership Meetings. The Executive Board shall consist of :
a) President
b) Vice-President: Boys and Girls
c) Secretary
d) Treasurer
e) Varsity Head Coach: Boys and Girls
Section 3.02 Executive Board Duties. The duties of the Executive Board shall include:
a) Transacting emergency business in the interval between scheduled Club meetings;
b) Creating standing committees and appoint members thereto, as deemed necessary from time to time by the Executive Board;
c) Approving the plans of the standing committees;
d) Producing and approving annual budget and goal targets;
e) Appointing Class Representatives (as defined below), to assist in communicating Club activities to the general membership;
f) Approving the President’s creation and dissolution of all necessary Committees and Chairpersons;
g) Setting the time and date of General Membership meetings and giving members timely notification; and
h) Conducting all necessary business and activities not specifically reserved by these by-laws to any other corporate member or entity.
Section 3.03 Club Action Process. If action on behalf of the Club is necessary before it is reasonable to convene the General Membership Meeting, the President shall take such action based on the majority vote of the Executive Board, comprised of 4 officers and the Head Coaches. A report of the action taken shall be made at the next General Membership Meeting.
Section 4.01 Officers. The officers shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 4.02 Duties of Officers. The duties of the officers shall include:
a) President. The President shall:
1) Preside over all activities of the Club
2) Chair all meetings
3) Appoint standing committee chairpersons with the concurrence of the Executive Board;
4) Appoint and/or dissolve all other committees as required;
5) Serve as ex-officio member of all committees;
6) Serve as the primary spokesperson for the Club, except as otherwise specified; and
7) Direct goals and budget performance
b) Vice-President. The Vice President shall exercise all duties of the President in the President’s absence, and shall assist in the oversight of all Club activities.
c) Treasurer. The Treasurer shall keep and maintain adequate and correct accounts of the Club’s properties and business transactions, manage all financial matters of the Club, and monitor and maintain the annual budget and corporate books and accounts.
d) Secretary. The Secretary shall record all Club business in the form of meeting minutes and assist with all clerical and administrative requirements of the Corporation, and give all notices as are required by law or by these by-laws.
The Treasurer will also serve as the only signing authority on any and all Club banking accounts.
Section 4.03 Nomination and Appointment of Officers. The process of nominating and appointing officers is as follows:
a) Each of the officers will be appointed annually by the Varsity Coaches.
b) The newly appointed officers shall be installed on the following October 1st after appointment. At that time the new officers shall assume their duties in all matters affecting the next school year. At that time the outgoing officers shall transfer all books, papers, records, and other belongings of the Club in their possession to the newly appointed officers. The outgoing officers shall advise the new officers as to the status of the affairs of the Club. The outgoing officers and the new officers shall be jointly responsible for the current season’s banquet.
Section 4.04 Terms. A term is defined as the one year period beginning October 1st and concluding September 30th. An individual may not serve in the same capacity for more than two consecutive terms.
Section 4.05 Vacancy. The President, with the approval of the Executive Board, shall appoint any officer vacancy that occurs mid-term, other than the Presidency. A mid-term vacancy in the office of the President shall be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Board at their first meeting after the vacancy occurs.
Section 5.01 Standing Directors Definition and Duties. Standing Directors shall be annually appointed by the Executive Board. The definition and duties of the Standing Directors is as follows:
a) Fundraising Director – Responsible for generating ideas for fundraising and to oversee all fundraising activities outside of corporate sponsorship sales, game program sales, and season ticket sales.
b) Concessions Director – Responsible for the management of all concession activities including recruiting and scheduling, recording expenses and revenues associated with concessions and acquiring all provisions required for the concession stands.
c) Corporate Sponsors Director – Responsible for the sales of corporate sponsorships for the program and for the ongoing maintenance of relationships with existing sponsors of the Club.
d) Program Director – Responsible for the creation, publication, and sales of game programs.
e) Season Ticket Sales Director – Responsible for all activities associated with the sale of season tickets – to include season ticket sales, ordering of season tickets and distribution to season ticket holders.
f) Website Director – Responsible for maintenance and support of the Sequoyah Tip-Off Club website (
g) Spirit Shop Director – Responsible for developing and managing available channels for the sale of Sequoyah High School Basketball Program apparel and spirit items.
h) Jr. Program Director – Responsible for managing activities associated with the Sequoyah Jr. Chiefs Basketball program.
Section 5.02 Team Representatives Definition and Duties. Team Representatives shall be annually appointed by the Executive board. The definition and duties of the Class Representatives is as follows:
a) Freshman Boys Team Representative – To be eligible for appointment as a Freshman Boys Team Representative and individual must be a general member in good standing and the parent of at least one freshman Boys member of the Sequoyah High School Basketball team. The Team Representative is responsible for all coordination and communication within their respective class.
b) Junior Varsity Girls Representative – To be eligible for appointment as aJunior Varsity Girls Representative, an individual must be a general member in good standing and the parent of at least one junior, sophomore member or Freshmen member of the Sequoyah High School Junior Varsity Girls Basketball team. The Team Representative is responsible for all coordination and communication within their respective class.
c) Junior Varsity Boys Representative - – To be eligible for appointment as a Junior Varsity Boys Representative, an individual must be a general member in good standing and the parent of at least one junior, sophomore, or Freshmen member of the Sequoyah High School Junior Varsity Boys Basketball team. The Team Representative is responsible for all coordination and communication within their respective class.
d) Varsity Girls Representative - – To be eligible for appointment as a Varsity Girls Representative, an individual must be a general member in good standing and the parent of at least one member of the Sequoyah High School Varsity Girls Basketball team. The Team Representative is responsible for all coordination and communication within their respective class.
e) Varsity Boys Representative- To be eligible for appointment as a Varsity Boys Representative, an individual must be a general member in good standing and the parent of at least one member of the Sequoyah High School Varsity Boys Basketball Team. The Team Representative is responsible for all coordination and communication within their respective class.
Section 6.01 General Membership Meetings. Regular meetings of the Club shall be held on the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM unless otherwise indicated by the Executive Board.
Section 6.02 Executive Board Meetings. The Executive Board shall establish its own procedures for scheduling and noticing meetings of the Executive Board, provided no such meeting shall be held without notice to all of the members of the Executive Committee.
Section 6.03 Meeting Format. All meetings shall be conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order unless otherwise specified in these by-laws.
Section 7.01 Execution of Documents. Except as otherwise provided by law, checks, drafts, promissory notes, orders for the payment of money, and other evidence of indebtedness of this Club shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President. Contracts, leases, or other instruments executed in the name of and on behalf of the corporation shall be signed by the Secretary and countersigned by the President, and shall have attached copies of the resolutions to the Executive Board (certified by the Secretary) authorizing such execution.
Section 7.02 Books and Records. The Club shall keep correct and complete books and records of account, and minutes of the proceedings of its Members, Executive Board, and Directoral Committees. The Club will keep a membership register giving the names, addresses, and showing classes and other details of the membership of each, and the original or a copy of its By-Laws including amendments to date certified by the Secretary of the Corporation.
Section 7.03 Inspection of Books and Records. All books and records of this Club may be inspected by any Member, or his or her agent or attorney, for any proper purpose at any reasonable time on written demand under oath stating such purpose within thirty days of receipt of such demand.
Section 7.04 Loans to Management. This Club shall make no loans to any of its Directors or Officers or to any of its key management or other personnel.
Section 7.05 Club Assets. No member or Incorporator may have any vested rights, interest, or privilege of, in, or to the Club’s assets, functions, affairs, or franchises, or any right, interest, or privilege that may be transferable or inheritable, or that will continue if his or her membership ceases, or while he or she is not in good standing.
The Executive Board may authorize secured transactions or other dispositions of Club assets without approval by the Members.
Section 8.01 Proposal of Amendments. Any member in good standing may propose an amendment to these By-Laws at any monthly meeting.
Section 8.02 Presentation to the Executive Board. When a proposed amendment is made, it shall be read and recorded into the minutes of that meeting. Thereafter, the amendment shall be read into the minutes of the next meeting of the Executive Board, but not sooner than fourteen (14) days from the date of the initial proposal of the amendment.
Section 8.03 Approval of Amendments. All amendments must be voted on and approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Executive Board. Upon passage, amendments shall be recorded in the By-Laws.
Adopted by the Executive Board by resolution and vote of ______(number for) to ______(number against) on ______(date) at 4485 Hickory Road Canton, GA 30115