Subject to Parish Council Ratification
Minutes of the Meeting of Catton Parish Council held in Catton Village Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday1st June2017.
- Present: The Chairman, Councillor G Peel, T Stevens, C Merry, R Blanchard, A Rawlings and B Harrison. Apologies were received from CouncillorR Morley.
- The minutes of the Meeting ofThursday 4th May2017wereconfirmed as correct and signed. Matters arising therefrom to be dealt with under the relevant heading of the agenda as the agenda is progressed.
- Declaration of Interest. The Parish Council (model Code of Conduct) Order 2012.
To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. There were no declarations.
- Open Forum.
Councillors Kay West and Andy Strangeway were in attendance.Three members of the public also attended the meeting, some of whom raised issues for the attention of the Parish Council.
- To confirm the minutes of the Catton Annual Meeting held in Catton Village Hall o Thursday 4th May 2017. The minutes were agreed and signed.
- To appoint a representative of Catton Parish Council to The Catton Village Hall Committee. Councillor Harrison agreed to take on this role.
- East Riding of Yorkshire Council items of Interest. There was nothing to report.
- Planning.
- 17/01006/PLF – Erection of a carport to side – Northolme Main Street Low Catton East Ridingof Yorkshire YO41 1EA – Dr D S Blades – Planning Permission granted subject to conditions.
- 17/01494/STOUT – Outline – Erection of a prison complex with associated perimeter fencing, access, parking, landscaping and infratstructure (access and scale to be considered – Land to The West of HM Prison Full Sutton Moor Lane Full Sutton East Riding of Yorkshire YO41 1PS – Ministry of Justice – Strategic – Outline Planning Permission. This item was discussed at length and various concerns were raised, in particular how the construction traffic would access the site if permission is granted, it was agreed that in the response to ERYC Planning Department, CPC would request that a regulated route should be used by all construction traffic to ensure that large vehicles do not use the small, narrow roads. Also, serious concerns were raised about the volume of trafficusing the A166, this road is already at capacity, with a bottleneck at the bridge in Stamford Bridge, infrastructure is not in place to support the additional traffic that would come from a new prison. With two new housing estates already under construction in Stamford Bridge and the impact of those additional road users not yet fully realised, it is clear that Stamford Bridge could not accommodate such a large increase in road users. CPC will recommend to the Planning Departmentthat Stamford Bridge would need a bypass to alleviate the traffic issues created by a new prison in Full Sutton. It was agreed that CPC would object to this planning application and all Councillors were in agreement.
- Highways and Footways.
- To discuss matters relating to the Village Taskforce.
It was agreed that a letter of thanks should be sent to the Village Taskforce in the coming months to thank them for the work they have undertaken in the villages.
Attention was brought to potholes along Loft House Lane, the Parish Clerk was asked to write to Highways to request that the potholes are repaired.
The condition of Low Catton Road, at the Low Catton end was raised, the drop off at the side of the road needs attention, ERYC Highways Department have been made aware of the condition of this section of road and CPC have been advised that work is planned to improve the drop off.
- Environment and Community matters
- To discuss matters relating to the Parish website. Councillor Peel requested some out of date content relating to past events should be removed.
- To report on drainage issues in Low Catton. This issue is due to be considered as part of the ERYC Scrutiny Committee in July. Councillor Strangeway sits on this committee and it was suggested that Councillor Strangeway will approach the Chairman to find out if they will consider listening to a case study of someone directly affected by this problem. Councillor Peel is planning on attending the committee meeting.
- To discuss funding options available to purchase a defibrillator for the villages. This item will stay on the agenda for discussion at a future meeting.
- To discuss the proposed removal of Public Payphones in both High and Low Catton. The signed contract has been received from BT. The telephones will now be removed from the boxes and BT will advise when this has been completed. There has been an offer, from a gentleman in High Catton, to paint the boxes once the adoption has been completed. The gentleman has also volunteered to take on the management of the telephone box.
- Finance. Payment was authorised on the following accounts:
- C. Moore – Clerk Salary June 2017 (May hours) £209.60
- HMRC (April, May, June) £55.20
- C. Moore – Clerk Expenses (June 2017) £9.45
- Annual Donation to Catton Church £200.00
- To agree the application for the Transparency Grant fund 2017-18. It was agreed that 3 hours per month will be claimed for with this grant application, the grant application was agreed by all Councillors and the Parish Clerk will submit the application via ERNLLCA.
- Parish Precept received £2932.50
- Refund of VAT received £219.83
- Communicaiton.
Councillor Merry will write the next article for The Link.
- Councillors Questions.
There were no questions.
- Administration Matters.
- Correspondence Received
No correspondence has been received.
- To agree the document to be used for the Catton PC Risk Assessment.
The previous years risk assessment was handed to Councillor Blanchard to review alongside the spreadsheet prepared for the risk assessment for 2017-18. Councillor Blanchard will work with Councillors Peel and Stevens to complete the risk assessment.
- Date and venue of next meeting.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 6th July at 7.30pm in Catton Village Hall.
As there was no further business the meeting was closed at 9.00pm.