Southwell TourisPartnership
The Southwell Tourism Partnership was established in April 2004. Its members include the Town Council, the Minster, the Workhouse, the Racecourse and representatives from Experience Nottinghamshire and the District Council. The members of the Partnership all put on individual events and as a group we have the opportunity to bid for funding to support tourism activities in and around Southwell and to develop joint events.
To help us to gauge what sort of events and activities topromote it would help to have feedback from residents and visitors about what we do and what you would like to see happen locally.
Please return your responses, hard copies to:The Tourist Information Centre,Church Street - the Library, King Street or SouthwellTown Council,The Old Courthouse, The Burgage, Southwell NG25 0EP by18th November 2009. Or by e-mail to:(see the article in October’s Bramley or ring Southwell Town Council on 816103 for instructions on downloading and return)
Section I – please tick one or more as appropriate
1. Are you?MaleFemale
2. In what age category are you?18 years or younger19-35 years
36-64 years65+ years
3. Are you a resident of?SouthwellNearby village
Other (please specify or give your postcode)
4.Why do you come to Southwell?I live here Visit friends and family
To eatTo shop
To socialise in the pubs and inns
To attend cultural activities/performances
e.g. at the Minster, film shows, theatre, Southwell artist’s exhibition
To attend ‘club’ activities (e.g. U3A, Civic Society, sport activities or events)
To attend church services and activities
Other (e.g. to attend community eventssuch as Family Funday, Lantern Walk)
5.Do you view Southwell as aTourist/heritage centreLeisure attraction
Shopping centre
6. How often do you visit Southwell?At least once a weekA few times a month
A few times a yearOnce every couple of years
7. How do you travel to Southwell? DriveBus
Other (please specify)
8. What attracts you to the Southwell PriceQuality of goods, services and food
shops, restaurants and markets?UniquenessProximity to where I live
(e.g. independent shops & boutiques)
Personal servicePleasant historic environment
Other (please specify)
9. Please tick any of the special events Family FundayBig Draw
in and around Southwell you have Mystery Plays Beating the Retreat
attended in the past 12 months and add Folk FestivalLantern Walk
any others not included in the list: Tonya’s Challenge Quaker Tapestry
Other Minster events Southwell Open Studios
Poetry Festival Library events
Sculpture exhibition Workhouse events
Bramley Festival Continental Market
Racecourse meetings or events
Other (please specify)
10. What events/activities would you like to see more of or introduced to Southwell? Please list them below.
Section II
Howimportant to you are the following tourism aspects of Southwell
(Please circle 1= not very important 5= very important)
A. Available parking G. Friendliness of shopkeepers & businesses
1 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 5
B Guided tours and itineraries H. Extended opening hours for shops & restaurants
1 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 5
C. Self guided walking tours I. Diversity in retail outlets/shops
1 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 5
D. Tourist Information Centre J. Cultural events, fairs, markets and performances
1 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 5
E. Green spaces and parks K. Cleanliness
1 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 5
F. Landmarks and attractionsL. Safe and pleasant environment
1 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 5
Section III
Are there other amenities/facilities you would like to see introduced to Southwell?
Please list them below:
Thank you again for completing the questionnaire. It would be very helpful if you would indicate your postcode
If you would like to be included in the prize draw please add your name and full postal address or e-mail below: