Sentinel Offender Services Limited Company - Confidential

Transforming Rehabilitation

Expression of Interest for Sentinel Offender Services

The following questions will help us understand the type of services that you are looking to deliver under Transforming Rehabilitation. We have tried to keep this form as straight forward as possible to use and complete. This is an ‘open’ word document simply type your answers in the corresponding sections. We hope that it will take less than an hour for you to provide the information requested.

Please complete this form as promptly as possible and return to

Receipt of your submission will be acknowledged within two days.

  1. Company details

Organisation Name -

Company / Charity Number -

Company Website address -

Address for Correspondence -

Lead contact within your organisation -

E mail for lead contact -

Telephone number for lead contact -

Periods of unavailability for lead contact in April and May 2014 -

Alternative contact details -

Vat Registration Number (if applicable) -

Date of formation -

Organisation Annual Turnover for 2012/13 and 2013/14 (if available) -

Projected Annual Turnover for 2014/15 -

How many Full Time Equivalent Staff do you employ? -

How many volunteers do you have? -

  1. CPAs

Please indicate the CPA(s) which you are expressing an interest in and the main towns / cities you currently deliver services in:

CPA / Please X / Current delivery locations
12 – Warwickshire and West Mercia
13 – Gloucester, Wiltshire, Avon and Somerset
14 – Dorset, Devon and Cornwall
15 - Hampshire
  1. Services

Please provide brief details of any contracted services (services for which you are paid) to offenders either in the community or in Prison? (Specify the funding organisation e.g. NOMS, Probation, DWP, Local Authority)

Services you are experienced in providing and wish to deliver in support of Transforming Rehabilitation

Please provide a short description of your experience of providing the following services which you are interested in delivering as prat of Transforming Rehabilitation:

Service / Intervention / Description
Education and Training
Physical Health
Mental Health
Drugs and Alcohol
Finance, Benefit and Debt
Accredited Programmes
Women specific services
Learning Disabilities
Personality disorder
Armed Forces Veterans
Black and Minority Ethnic Offenders
Peer Support
Volunteering (for offenders)
Unpaid Work Placements / projects
Young Adult Offenders

Do you hold any quality marks or qualifications to practice e.g. Matrix quality mark? Yes / No

(Please detail below)

Do you have any evidence (research and evaluation, social impact measures for your services? Yes / No

(Please detail below)

  1. Funding

Do you have funding from other sources (e.g. Supporting People, Skills Funding Agency) that means you are looking for a partnership arrangement through Transforming Rehabilitation that facilitates routine access to customers?

(Please describe below)

Please indicate if you are interested in part payment of contract fees based on a ‘Payment by Results’ mechanism? Yes / No

Please use the space below to describe specifically the services you wish to deliver and the level of contracting that you are looking for from Transforming Rehabilitation. Please provide indicative volumes and costs for your services, whether this be a unit cost or whole service fee.


The information I have provided is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge.



Thank you for your time in completing this Expression of Interest.

We will contact you shortly.