provides citizens with easy, online access to government benefit and assistance programs.

Consumer CreditCounseling

100 Edgewood Ave Suite1500

Atlanta, GA.30303-3026


A nationwide nonprofit service that offers free and confidential budge, credit, andhousing counselingplusdebtrepaymentplans.Counselingisavailablebytelephone,in-personoronline.

Crime Victim CompensationProgram


503 Oak Place Suite540

Atlanta, GA30349

Victims only call: (800)547-0060

(404) 559-4177TDY

A program to assist with crime related expenses for victims of a violent crime. The programis available for those individuals who are innocent victims of a violent crime and have receiveda physical injury. The program can help compensate victims for financial hardship (lost wagesor lossofsupport),medicalmentalhealthcounseling,andfuneralexpenses.

Energy AssistancePrograms


Georgia Crime Victims Compensation
Spalding County Victim-Witness Assistance Program
Spalding County Courthouse
132 East Solomon Street 4th Floor Griffin, Georgia 30223
(770) 467-4325
(770) 467-4205

There are many programs available to assist victims, their families and sometimes witnesses in receiving immediate financial assistance for some costs associated with a violent crime, sexual assault or domestic violence. In order to qualify, the crime must have been reported within 72 hours of its occurrence and a claim must be submitted for compensation within 1 year. For good cause that deadline may be extended up to 3 years.

Georgia Legal Service(GLS)
104 Marietta Street, Suite250



GLSprovidesfreelegalservicetolowincomepeopleincivilmatterswiththemissiontoworkforequalaccesstojusticeunderlawtoallpeopleofGeorgia.GLSmeetsatMtZionBaptistChurchat 3321 East Taylor Street, the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1PM to 3 PM. Call the tollfree number to arrange anappointment

Lifeline (Landline) / Safelink(Wireless)



Lifeline is a federal program cred by the FCC in 1984 and enhanced underTelecommunicationsAct of 1996. The FCC’s Low Income Program of the Universal Service Fund is designedtoensure that quality telecommunication services are available to low‐income customers atjust,reasonable, and affordable rates. Lifeline support reduces eligible low‐incomeconsumers’monthly charges for basic telephone service. Traditionally the Lifeline program wasonlyavailable as a discount on a consumer’s landline telephone bill. SafeLink

Wireless wascreatedby TracFone Wireless, Inc. when the FCC approved the company to offer Lifeline – apublicassistance program that ensures telephone service is available and affordable forlow‐incomesubscribers. SafeLink wireless applies the Universal Service Fund subsidy to an allotmentoffreeairtimeminutesandTracFoneprovidesthewirelesshandsetatthecompany’sexpense.

Instead of receiving a subsidized monthly telephone bill for Lifeline service SafeLinkconvertsthe total amount of discounted service into minutes each month for one year. The cellphoneoffers in‐demand features: voicemail, text, 3‐way calling, call waiting, caller ID and accessto911. Exact benefits depend on the state you live in. Eligibility guidelines vary by state butingeneral,

Middle Georgia Community Action Agency,Inc
PO Box2286

Warner Robins, GA31099 (800)-422-9063


MGCAAofferscommunityserviceprogramsdesignedtoimprovetheoverallqualityoflifeand encourageself-sufficiency.Servicesarebasedattheneighborhoodcommunityservicecenter.

CommodityDistribution-providesfoodcommoditiestopersonwhomeetsincomeguidelines.FoodcommoditiesarepurchasedbytheUSDAfromAmericanfarmersandareprovidedtoeach statefordistribution.Distributionvariesfromsemi-annuallytoquarterlybasedontheavailabilityof surplusfoods.

Emergency Assistance- Assistance for food, clothing, shelter, prescriptions, orutilityassistance.

Energy Assistance - One time heating or cooling energy payment to eligiblelow-income families.

Childcare Training - Training is provided once a month to unregulated childcare vendorswho arereferredbytheDeptofFamilyandChildrenServices.

Child Access and Visitation – Provides non-custodial parents who are havingproblems gaining access to theirchildren.

Family Resettlement Program – Assists individuals who are homeless or threatenedwith homelessnesswithrent,utilities,deposits,andfirstmonth’srentandsetupfees.Applicantmustbe a TANF family in the last quarter or end of their lifetime benefits, or whose casehas permanently closed for less than 12months.

SSI Advocacy- Assists TANF recipients, who are mentally or physically impaired and unableto become gainfully employed, through the SSI applicationprocess.

Indigent Patient Advocate – Assists individuals in applying directly topharmaceutical companies for free maintenancemedications.

Head Start- A federally funded program for low-income children ages three to five andtheir

families.Itprovidesadevelopmentallyappropriatelearningenvironmentforchildrenanda supportive atmosphere for theparents.

Weatherization- Provides for energy conservation measures on the home oflow-income homeowners and renters (with landlord permission). Services include attic insulation,window repair/replacement and measures to reduce airinfiltration.

HousingPreservation-Provideshousingrenovationstohelplowincomeandverylow-income homeowners to improve level of energy efficiency, safety andsanitation.

Salvation ArmyCorp
725 MeriwetherStreet
PO Box798
Griffin, GA30224


Administers the Project Share to assist with utility expenses if income eligible.

Salvation Army providesemergency assistance for food and medicine depending on availability of funds.

Spalding CountyDFCS

411 East SolomonStreet

PO Box1610

Griffin, GA30204


FAX: (770)412-4702

DFCS administers the followingprograms:

Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) – Commonly known as welfare, this isthe monthly cash assistance program for needy families with children under age 18. The purposeis to provide financial and medical assistance to meet basic need of families and maintainchildren intheirownhome.Theultimategoalistosupportfamiliesintheireffortstoattainself-sufficiency.Incomeandresourcelimitsapplyaswellasothereligibilityrequirementsmustbemet.Thereisafour-year(48months)lifetimelimitonTANF.Able-bodiedadultrecipientsarerequired to participate in EmploymentServices.

Employment Services (ES) - Adults included in a TANF grant are required to participate inES unless disabled or they qualify for a one-time exemption. Assessment of work skillsandexperience, Personal Responsibility and a Work Plan are developed to maximizetheparticipant’s ability to obtain employment as quickly as possible. Participants are expectedto participate in work activities such as GED classes, job Search/Job readiness,VocationalTraining,WorkExperienceorCommunityServicesthatwillleadtofulltimeemployment.

SupplementalNutritionAssistanceProgram(SNAP)-ThepurposeofSNAPistoendhungerand improve nutrition and health. The SNAP provides monthly benefits that assistlow-income household purchase the food they need for an adequate diet. The amount of benefitsdepends upon the number of people in the household and the amount of the household income.Income and resources limits apply as well as other eligibility requirement must bemet.

Medicaid - This program provides for the payment of medical assistance for individualsand families with low income and limited resources. Medicaid is a benefit for individualsreceivingTANFandSupplementalSecurityIncome(SSI).LowIncomeMedicaid(LIM)providespaymentofcertainmedicalexpensesforTANFrecipientsandtoothereligiblewomenandchildren.Right from the Start Medicaid (RSM) helps children under age 19 and pregnant women. AgedBlind, Disabled Medicaid (ABD) provides assistance to the elderly and the disabled. Medicaidpays only for services provided by a Medicaid participating medicalprovider.

Childcare and Parent Services (CAPS) - CAPS helps TANF and low-income families payforchildcare programs. Parents or guardian who have a limited income and are working,attending schoolorintrainingatleast25hoursperweekmayqualitytoreceivesubsidizedchildcare.

CAPSisavailableforchildrenfromagebirthtoage13oruptoage18,ifthechildhasspecialneeds.Childcareassistanceisbasedonthenumberofpeopleinthefamilyandthefamily’sincome. The family may be responsible to pay a portion of the childcare fee to thechildcare provider. CAPS to low-income families is based on fundingavailability.

ChildProtectiveServices(CPS)-TheCPSstaffacceptsandinvestigatesreportsofchild abuseorneglect,determineifthereportissubstantiatedandprovideprotectiveservicesand intervention.Anassessmentiscompletedtodeterminethefamily’sabilitytoprotectthechild anddevelopasafetyplan.CPSstaffpetitionsthecourtfortemporarycustodyandplacesthe child in foster care if the child is at risk. To report suspected child abuse, call DFCS or thelaw enforcement.

FosterCare(FC)-Thisserviceprovidestemporarysubstitutehomeforchildrenwhosefamiliescannot provide a safe and nurturing environment. The length of stay varies according tothe needs of the child and progress of the parents to correct the problems that led to thechild’s placementinFosterCare.ThegoalofFCistoreunitedchildrenwiththeirnaturalfamilies.Butforsomechildren,reunificationmaynotbethebestoption.Fosterparentsaretrainedvolunteerswho are willing to open their homes and hearts to children from painful situation.Spalding CountyisinneedofFosterParents.Ifyouarewillingtomakeadifferenceinthelifeofachild,call DFCS for more information and the next IMPACT training class.See

Adoption–Thisisasocialandlegalprocess,whichcreatesanewfamily,givingadopted childrenthesamerightsandbenefitsofthosewhoarebornintothefamily.Thisserviceslooks forparentsforchildrenwhowillneverbeabletolivewiththeirbirthparentsagain.DFCSworkswithadoptiveparentsthroughtheIMPACTtrainingprogramtodetermineifadoptionisthebestoptionforthefamily.Thegoalisthebestplacementforprospectiveparentsandchildren.

Marriedandsinglepersonsadoptchildrenandthereisanadoptionsupplementtoassistwithcare of some specials needs children. Call DFCS for more information and the nexttraining session.

Service Intake and Referral Assistance - This service is to provide for the emergency needsof families when other DFCS services cannot be obtained immediately. It is often necessarytocoordinateservicesandrefertootheragencies,churches,andcivicclubs,andbatteredwomen shelter,foodpantriesinordertoneedafamily’simmediateneed.


P.O. Box 2097

Hope Health Clinic

Griffin ,GA 30224

Spalding Samaritans is a volunteer based organization that allows individuals, businesses,civicgroups and churches to pool resources, exercise careful stewardship and extend careandbenevolent help to the "stranger at the door" in Spalding County. It provideslimitedemergency financial assistance for utilities to persons or families undergoingshort‐termaddressable crises.

Requests for assistance are received on the first and third Tuesday of themonthfrom 12:30pm--‐2pm. in the Community Room of the Hope Health Clinic Funds are paidtolegitimate providers of utilities, not toindividuals.

Social SecurityAdministration

1548 FlyntStreet

Griffin, GA30224





Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is also a federally funded program to providemonthlyincome for those who are over age 65, blind or who have disabilities with limited incomeand assets. Children can qualify, if they meet certain disability, income and assetrequirements. MedicaidAssistancetopayformedicalcareisanautomaticbenefitofSSI.

Unemployment Benefits

Georgia Department of Labor

1514 Highway 16, West

Griffin, GA 30223-2046

Office: (770) 228-7226

Unemployment insurance provides temporary financial assistance to workers unemployed through no fault of their own while seeking a new job. Unemployment benefits help bridge the gap between jobs by replacing part of the worker's lost income.

Veterans ServiceOffice

883 MemorialDrive

Griffin, GA30224


The U.S Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers a wide range of benefits for ourNation’s Veterans and theirfamilies.

Benefits and services are in these major categories: Compensation, Pension, HealthCare,VocationalRehabilitationEmployment,EducationandTraining,HomeLoans,LifeInsurance, Dependents & Survivors,Burial.

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