Sentence Analysis and Editing Exercise] (10 pts)Name:
Please take the following actions on your draft and fill out this form as you go. Start your inspection with the last sentence first, and move toward the beginning of the essay. Refer to the Language and Style lecture. Print out this completed form and attach to the back of your highlighted essay.Bring completed Sentence Analysis Exerciseto your individual conference. This means you should have a full copy of your essay draft– the same one submitted to me -- with all of the elements listed below identified by highlighting. You can use highlighting feature in WORD, and then print on a color printer, or else print a clean copy of the essay and use highlighter markers.
1. Sentence variety. Underline the subject and verb of each sentence. Example: "I decided to walk home before dark" or "Upon finding myself in the midst of a canyon in which there were many geese, I decided to walk home before dark." Simple sentences = subject+verb+object ("I ate food"). How many sentences out of the total number of sentences begin with a simple subject/verb construction (where sentence starts with subject and verb: “I was,” “she walked,” “he ran”)? __/__.
2. Passive Verbs.Highlight in green all of the following passive verbs: "Is," “was,” and "were." How many times are these words used in the draft?___
2. Modifiers.Highlight in blue all modifiers such as "about" and "pretty much" and "around." How many times are these used?___
3. Adverbs.Highlight in red all adverbs (verbs that modify verbs such as "literally," "moderately," "really," "very,"). How many times are these words used? ___
4. Abstract Verbs: Highlight in yellow all abstract verbs such as "got,” “get,” “went.” How many times are these used? ___ (Recommend concrete verbs as replacements!)
5. Pronoun Usage. Underlineany instances of the pronoun “you” (direct address) and recommend a more exact pronoun to go in the place of each.
6. Pronoun Usage, Part II: Highlight in light blue any first-person pronouns “I, My, Me, Our,” etc, and test whether each is necessary. Replace with more specific pronouns.
7. Announcements. Highlight in purple (or whatever that color is) any instances of the phrases “I think” or “I believe” or “In my opinion.” Write down how many there are ___ and then cut them.
8. Using the tracking feature, correct all comma splices, fused sentences and common misspells (“though,” “through”) and homonyms (examples: “through,” “threw”).