National Officers Election
Voting in the National Officers election closed at midday on Wednesday 18 November 2009. The following members were elected and will take up office at Annual Conference 2010:
Senior Vice-PresidentNina Franklin (President 2011)
Junior Vice-PresidentMarilyn Harrop (President 2012)
TreasurerIan Murch
Examiners of Accounts Hilary Bills & Alyson Palmer
Details of the results have been circulated to secretaries of associations and will also be published in the January 2010 edition of The Teacher. A copy of the Independent Scrutineer’s report and the Certified Election Result Sheets are available for inspection by any member at NUT Headquarters or any Regional Office or the Wales Office.
Deputy General Secretary
Nominations for the Deputy General Secretary election close on Wednesday 2 December 2009. Ballot papers will be despatched on Wednesday 6 January 2010 to all those in membership at that date including retired members (but excluding students). Ballot papers must be returned to the independent scrutineer, Electoral Reform Ballot Services, The Election Centre, 33 Clarendon Road, LondonN1 ONW by not later than midday on Wednesday 27 January 2010.
Executive elections - District seats and the new black member constituency seat
Nominations close Mon 11 January 2010
Ballot opens Wed 3 March 2010
Ballot closes Midday Wed 24 March 2010
To vote in the election for the new black member constituency seat, a member must be shown in the union’s records in an ‘other than white’ ethnic origin category. Please ensure your membership record is updated by the date the ballot opens - 3 March 2010. To vote in an Electoral District Executive Election, a member must be in membership of a local association within the electoral district at the date balloting commences. Retired members may vote in Executive elections but not student members.
Other equality group member constituency seats for LGBT and disabled members will follow in 2012. Union records will also form the basis for establishing these constituencies. Members who identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender and members who are disabled are also urged to update their membership records. This information will be stored confidentially and not shared with divisions and associations.
To update your membership details call 0845 30 1666 or 020 7380 6366. Alternatively you can do this online at and click on ‘Update your membership’.