Pastor Charles Holmes
15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
240 Oh, now tonight the great capstone. But just a moment, I think we got a little bit more time here; I'd like to get to some other thing. I want to...?... you the--the mark of the beast. The mark of the beast, let's take Revelations 13 just a minute. Revelations 13:15, and just read what the--what he's going to do. Revelation 13:15.
And he had power to give life unto the image... (Now, that is, unto the Protestant churches, the Protestant churches.)...
He had power, because they made a image. The Protestant churches through the--the Council of Churches, is making a place where that all Protestant fellowship will have to be united. How many knows or read of the great united building they got for the churches of the world? Sure. See? Up in--up there now, just like the U.N. nations... And all of them are there, every one of them, even to the Assemblies of God. They're there. They're there. See? It's dog-eat-dog. "As a hog goes to its wallow, and a dog to its vomit," right back the same thing (Absolutely.), almost denying their evangelical stand. And there you are, want to be big, want to act like the rest of the world, like Israel did when they seen the kings and said, "Make us a king." See?
65-1 All right, I predict that the two denominational groups, Pentecostal and the Evangelical groups, will work together in a denomination, will unite themselves together, and will become a member (all of them) of the Federation of the Council of Churches or the Council of Churches. They already belong to it--all of them. And there will come through them a forcing or a boycott, that'll stop everything but what belongs to that union of churches. That's what a... The Bible said that there would be a boycott, even to such a way it would cause people to not buy or sell unless they had received this, the mark of the beast, which is Romanism, and the image of the beast, which is Protestantism, that the image... The beast had power, authority to give the image life to speak, and it did. And that's the Confederation of Churches, when they confederate themselves together.
65-2 Now, there's many young people here. I don't know; Jesus may come this afternoon; He may come next year. I don't know when He will be coming. But remember, if I do not live to see that day of His coming--which I hope that I will, and somehow believe I will... Now if I do not see it, do not let this Word ever depart from your ears and your heart. See? Just remember, I speak in the Name of the Lord. Now, I believe with all my heart, that's the way it'll wind up. There will be like a union, a boycott. All such places as this here will be closed down. And you'll not be able to speak unless you got a permission or a license from this federation of churches to hold a service.
163 Let me make a prediction. I'm not prophesying. I'm predicting. I predict that in the next few years that all organization religions will be forced to take a stand. And they will have a union of churches, and a great boycott will follow this union of churches. All denominations will be forced into it: all of them. If they don't, there'll be a horrible boycott. Nearly every one of them today has not knowingly joined that World Council of Churches, selling their birthrights: Protestants, brothers, with the mother Catholic of Rome. They'll do that.
You know the Bible said that the tares would be bound, bundled first. They're bundling all in one great group. The Bible said they'd make an image unto the beast. I believe it'll come to pass, that shortly, that if people do not join some organization, some church, go in, their doors will be closed.
149 Then there's a persecution coming upon all those who won't unite with it, and a boycott. It'll be too late then. You've already took the mark. Don't say, "I'll do it then." You better do it now. Raamses was growing.
150 But remember, while Raamses was growing into power, in Egypt, God had Moses in the wilderness. He was growing, too. Raamses had a political system. God had a spiritual system, under a prophet, ready to come down, to speak to the people.
151 They're both growing again. It'll be a showdown, one of these days. The time ain't far off when there will come a showdown. As the natural... As the Scripture says, "The natural typed the spiritual." You can't get away from it. There it is. It's right before your eyes. It's Truth. Look at the Church now, calling out, coming into power. The Holy Spirit coming down, the mysteries of God being revealed and set in order. See? And right here, she's already in the White House. And the Church is pulling Itself together, amen, not a denomination; out of the bondage of iniquities, away from the Amorites, a people that's free. Oh!
152 God had Moses, His to-be prophet. Though he had already prophesied, and it proved that he was right, but yet he was in the school of wilderness, hid away from the rest of the world. But he was schooled, being trained, out in the wilderness.
153 The enemies will propose, always, his system. And unbelief will accept it, because the enemy is the intellectual sign.
154 Now, remember, there's only two. Don't forget this. There's only two powers. One is spiritual power, of the Holy Spirit. The other one is the Devil, working through intellectual power. For, that's where he entered, in the garden of Eden, through intellectual powers, to make Eve believe in intellectual conception, against the Word. Just as plain as it can be, the kids could get that. See? See? And that's the way it's been, all the way down.
155 Here it is, in Egypt, this morning. There is an intellectual power working in Raamses, bring him up to power. And raise him up, who knows not the freedom to let what Joseph had done, what the church had done in the beginning.
156 And now we see the same thing, an intellectual power weaving among the churches, and it's raised up to an ecclesiastical head that don't care about what the Bible said. They got their own system. It's not what the Bible said. It's what the church said. And the Protestants weaved right into that, till all their little groups, like this, "Well, sure. Well, I know It says This, but I tell you, them days is gone."
157 "Form of godliness, and denying the power." Every Scripture in the Bible points straight to it.
158 Now you see why I want to tape this and send it to the people. The hour has arrived. Truth has got to be known. The exodus is at hand. See?
159 The--the intellectual part looks perfect. And it is perfect, it's exactly; but, perfect, the inspiration of Satan.
163 I'm going to say something here. It's not a doctrine. I'm just prophesying. You know what's happened? It's going to come to a place, soon, mark my word, that all denominations are going to have to join the Ecumenical Council. If they don't, they can't have the support of the Council. Therefore, there'll be a boycott, and nobody can go to these churches, or go to any churches; unless you have a mark from your own church, you cannot buy or sell. You see it just as it was, so is it going to be again, a mark unto the beast. And the church, they're realizing that, spiritual people.
164 And you Pentecostal people, anyhow, are recognizing it. You've begin to feel it. When your churches, many of the organizations of the Pentecostal; and I don't have to call your names, but you know right now they are, they are coming into it. They've done witnessed that they were. And when you do that, what are you going to have to do? You're going to have to forfeit your Evangelical teaching of the baptism of the Holy Ghost. You're going to have to forfeit your doctrine of the Bible.
165 And the members is not going to stand for it. Real born-again Christians will die, first. They are born by the Word. They know this thing is coming. Yes, sir.
204 The hour that we're living, the ecclesiasticals, of spirits uniting together now and bringing them all to this big one slaughter, to blot out. It's already in writing here, in this nation now, that these churches has to be closed unless you're with the organization. It's a union, it's a boycott, just like the mark of the beast.
205 And now you see what the beast is, don't you? It's a power. And a power, ecclesiastical power, Jesus said, "It'd be so close like the real thing, it'd deceive the very Elected if it was possible." But He promised to have something here for us in that day, that we wouldn't be deceived, and that's the Word, and Christ to make It manifest to us. They're supernaturals, devils, unseen to the eye, but you can see what they're doing. See?
206 Notice, while that group is a riding, making themselves ready to stomp out everything that won't agree with them, there is another group being made ready, after while, Revelations 19. The next time the Church is heard, She comes, also, not upon exactly horses, but the Bible said, "He was on a white horse, and the host of Heaven was following Him upon white horses." That right?
207 While this group down here has got two thousand bond at the river Euphrates, and has been bound for two thousand years, also that church has bound the Holy Ghost for nearly two thousand years, under martyrdom back there, and under the church ages. It's been bound, not at the river Euphrates, but at the door of creeds and dogmas, that the Holy Spirit can't work in the church because of man-made systems. But She is going to be liberated, She is coming back, that's what the Bible said. And those two meet one another on the battlegrounds, Lucifer and Michael again, like in the beginning. They've been bound for two thousand years, almost, almost two thousand years.
208 Not exactly two thousand, 'cause the Romans kept on going, Titus in A.D. 96, and on down like that, kill the Jews. The Romans! Who was it killed the Jews? Who was Titus? A Roman general. The blood rolled out the gates down there, up to the... oh, and slaughter them, the women, children, and everything. Didn't Ezekiel 9 say they'd do that? "Go through the midst of the city and set a mark upon the people who sigh and cry," the--the Holy Spirit. And the rest of them, "the slaughtering man come forth," that would been bound; hold them, hold them, until they went forth and slaughter everything that was in there. Little women, women, children, babies, and everything else, they were all slaughtered. Exactly.
209 Here it is again, repeating itself. And here is that ecclesiastical system coming right back, smothering out, tramping out everything that's called God. Oh, they got their systems, and organizations, and denominations, but that don't have nothing to do with the Bible. They'll tell you quick they don't even believe in It. Yes, sir. "Say what the church says."
210 It's what God says! That is the Word. The Bride is with the Words; they're One. How can they be One? When that Word, that's wrote in There, becomes in you, and make--make you and the Word becomes One. That's exactly what He promised.
211 Then, It interpret. God don't need an interpreter. They say, "Well, we interpret It like this." You've got no right to interpret nothing. God does His Own interpretation. God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. Who interprets that? He said, "A virgin shall conceive," and she did. That don't need any interpreter; it's already interpreted. God said these things would happen in this day, and it is. It don't need no interpreter. It interprets Itself. Oh, my!
212 Revelations 9:1, under the Fifth Trumpet, their king... Notice, Revelations 9:1 now, the king of this great group of two hundred thousand horses. They had a king over them, and, if we notice, it was a fallen star. "Why art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer?" Oh, how Doctor Smith got that so scrupled up there, but, it's all right, see, wasn't for his hour. See? All right. "Was the bottomless pit; their king was the king of the bottomless pit."
213 Revelations 17:8. I wrote something down here. I'm just going to read it. You see here, Revelations 17:8. I want to see what it says here, 'cause I don't know just how to hit this next, 17:8.
And the beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and shall go into perdition: and they that dwell upon the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life--of the life from the foundation of the world, when they beheld the beast which was, which is not, and which yet is.
214 See, "was," one pope dies, another one ascends. "Beast which was, which is not, which is; which is not, which is." Don't change its order; it's pope, the same time, everything. Everything has to go in the same system.