The following information is offered as a guide for the process of planning a senior recital.
Senior recitals are held in the Concert Hall of the CFA. After consulting with the applied instructor, the student must arrange for a recital date one semester in advance with the Event Reservations Manager in Markee Pioneer Student (342-1451). After consulting about dates verbally, the student must reserve the Concert Hall by completing the “Senior Recital Concert Hall Request Form” (included in this packet). The date is not officially reserved until the Event Reservations Manager receives the completed form. The student must also reserve the Concert Hall for the dress rehearsal using the same procedure as detailed above.
To check availability of the Concert Hall
Go to the Vitual EMS Website that is used to request space in the CFA, PSC and Velzy. You can't reserve the concert hall this way, but you can see when it is available. You do not have to have an active account or sign in to do the following:
Click on “Browse” then “Browse for Events”
Click on “Monthly List” or “Monthly Calendar”
On the right side, click on “Filter”. Change the date to the month that you want to look at.
Change Facility to “Center for the Arts”. Change Room to “Richard and Helen Brodbeck Concert Hall”
Click Apply
You will be able to see all Rehearsals and Performances that are scheduled. Please keep in mind that there are also setup and strike times scheduled and these do not show up in the Virtual EMS system.
Students must perform a recital hearing at least three weeks prior to the recital date. The selection of three music faculty members comprising the recital jury is the responsibility of the student. The recital hearing determines the student’s preparedness for performance of a recital. The student is responsible for reserving a room for the recital hearing.
The student must supply each member of the hearing committee with a typed copy of his or her proposed recital program. This is not the final version of the program and should not include translations or program notes. The program for the hearing should include proper program order and composers’ dates, and must be approved by the applied instructor.
Students must perform the entire program or portions of it, depending on the requirements of the hearing committee.
It is recommended that students work with the UW-Platteville Publications Office for the design of their recital poster. The Publications Office (located in the basement of Brigham Hall)offers their design services at no charge to the student and requires a 4-5 week notice. You must fill out a Publications Request Form (included in this packet) before the Publications Office will begin work on your recital poster. The request form should include your contact information as well as the information you would like included on your recital poster (name, date, time, place, etc.). If you have a specific idea for your poster, please include that as well. The completed form should be given the Publications Office.Posters must be approved by the student’s applied instructor before duplication. Students who choose to create their own poster design will be responsible for the printing of their poster. All posters are required to have the current University of Wisconsin-Platteville logo (which can be no smaller than ¾” high) and must contain the disability statement.
The department offers the student the option of receiving any combination of 100 posters and programs, providing all deadlines are met. For example, the student may request 80 programs and 20 posters, or 75 programs and 25 posters. Poster print requests must be turned in to the Duplicating Center (also located in the basement of Brigham Hall) at least two weeks prior to the recital date. If this deadline is not met the student is responsible for the cost of his/her posters. If the Publications Office has designed your poster, the department secretary can help you place the print order after you have approved your final proof and requested it be placed in the duplicating dropbox. Publicity must be posted noless than 14 days in advance of the recital date. Students are responsible for hanging their own posters throughout campus.
The student is responsible for typing a draft of the recital program in proper program order, with all pertinent information (title, date of composition, opus number, etc.) and with all composers’ dates. Voice students must provide complete translations for all songs sung in foreign languages. Programs must be typed into Microsoft Word in “book fold” format. (Go to: Page Layout, Page Setup,Margins Tab,Pages,then choose “book fold”from the drop down menu). Make sure you are in bookfold format before typing your program. Samples of both vocal and instrumental recital programs are on file in the music office.
The department secretary can assist you with requesting copies. Students mustwork with the Publications Office for the design of their program cover. Many students choose to have their program cover to match their publicity poster. If you choose to do this you simply have to state on the Publications Request Form “Please shrink poster to program cover size and remove the disability statement on the program cover.” Students who choose to create their own program cover design will be responsible for the printing of their programs.
Programs must be proofed by the student’s applied instructor before duplication. The Duplicating Center requires one week for completion of program duplication. The student may opt for more copies at their expense. Completed copies of the program are returned to the Music Office and the student should deliver them to the CFA Box Office before the recital.
**It is not necessary to complete both the poster and program at the same time. Posters are to hang for 2 weeks prior to recital. Design and printing of the poster should be done first! ***
Student Expenses
The student should expect to incur charges for the recital. The department pays for programs and posters only. The student is responsible for technical charges, piano and/or harpsichord tuning, and all accompanist fees. Below is an estimate of fees which the students should anticipate:
Technical charges$90.00 - $150.00
Requested tuning charges$60.00 - $75.00
Accompanist fees $200.00+
Additional Information
The recital will be recorded on a CD provided by tech services for a small fee. If you choose to have your recital recorded it is your responsibility to arrange for payment and pick-up of the CD with Tech Services.
Videotaping of recitals is allowed and is solely the responsibility of the student.
The set diagram and lighting plan must be approved in advance by both the applied instructor and the CFA Technical Staff. There is room for flexibility and creativity if the student wishes to explore this option.
Recital attire is semi-formal or formal.
The student is allowed a recital reception following the performance provided at his or her expense. All food and beverages served in the Center for the Arts must be provided and served by the UW-Platteville Dining Services (342.1341). The student may not arrange for an outside caterer or provide food or drink on the UW-Platteville campus.