Recreation Commission Minutes
City of Newton, NC
Meeting on Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Jim Stiver, Commission ChairmanSandra Waters, Recreation Director
Jeff CarterCouncilman, Bill Lutz
Marshall Pratt
William “Skip” Beatty
Item 1: Call to Order
Chairman Jim Stiver welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order.
Item 2: Approval of Minutes:
Commission member Jeff Carter moved for the Commission to approve the minutes from the Tuesday, February 12th regular meeting, seconded by Commission member Marshall Pratt, the motion was approved by unanimous vote.
Item 3: Old Business
- The Director discussed the following activities and events; basketball and youth indoor soccer season is finishing up, the Recreation Department sponsored the W.Y.A.A. Midget Girls Basketball Tournament Saturday, February 23 – February 28; with six teams participating (Newton, Hickory, Spindale, Burke County and two teams from Alexander County), Spring Sports Registration continues for (Volleyball, Baseball and Spring Soccer), upcoming CVCC classes (Line Dancing and Bird and Duck Carving). Assistant Director Carol Stiles was elected Region 8 chairperson for the upcoming year and the Region 8 – Inaugural Meeting was held at the Recreation Center in January, members of Region 8 include (Newton, Hickory, Lenoir, Granite Falls, Iredell County, Burke County, McDowell County, Morganton Parks and Recreation).
- Jacob Fork Woodland Loop Trail
The Director and Commission viewed the 19 minute video of the Jacob Fork Woodland Loop Trail that was filmed by Rob Glynn while riding the trail. The Director gave out a list with the volunteers who provided help on the trail. She also told the commission that she is working on bids for the sign that will be at the entrance of the trail. Trail volunteer David Shugart wants to teach beginners how to ride the trail.
- CIP Budget
The Director and Commission went over CIP’s for this year’s budget.
- Eat Smart/Move More Program
The Director went over the Eat Smart/Move More program with the group, gave out the map that highlights the different walking directions, also the County has received grant money to design and make the mileage signs that will be placed throughout the walking trail. Hopefully, the program will start at the end of March.
Item 4: New Business
- Out Going Members/New Members
Director reported that Jeff Carter, Jennifer Caldwell and William “Skip” Beatty’s volunteer times expires in March. The Director told the group that Terry Abernathy had been approved to serve on the commission, and plansare to have Kyle Smith approved at the next council meeting.
- Meeting time.
After a short discussion by Commission members it was voted that the Recreation Commission meetings will meet at 6:00 p.m. beginning at the Tuesday, March 12th.
Item 5: Other
Councilman Bill Lutz spoke on how the City Recreation Department provided many great activities for the size of the city.
Next Meeting Tuesday, March 12, 2013