Senior Project Rubric Student name: ______
Does not meet the requirement for explaining materials needed for the workout.5 pts / Does not discuss what areas of wellness can be improved upon or for any success.
5 pts / Does not discuss safety factors in paper.
5 pts / Does not discuss the cost factors for the program.
5 pts / Has no family history given and does not show any evidence for this.
5 pts / Has no chart to follow and is “winging” it through the experience. BAD CHOICE
5 pts
Briefly discusses the equipment needed and where they might get it. Is lacking the full explanation.
10 pts / Wellness is not an important focus part of the paper. Success is just getting the two weeks over with.
10 pts / Safety is talked about in less de-tail and is not an important part of the process.
10 pts / Gives only one example of how much it would cost for a membership to a fitness center or Y.
10 pts / Only gives the diseases with no explanations.
10 pts / Hand-written with no time table or specific training area.
10 pts
Gives explanations and de-scribes the materials that need to be used in the workout.
13 pts / Uses words that would describe wellness and success for the experience. Wants to improve or maintain wellness in their life. 13 pts / Safety is discussed in relationship to self. Describes issues related to safety.
13 pts / Gives multiple examples of how much it would cost for a membership to a fit-ness center or Y.
13 pts / Lists the history and diseases of family members. Gives brief descriptions of who and why.
13 pts / Computer generated. Have components of exercise and time table.
13 pts
Detailed information is given for all the equipment needed for the workout. Under-stands that there will be costs for the equipment and facilities used in a different environment.
16 pts. / Great detail is given in all areas of wellness. Ex-plains where they are lacking and gives evidence of success they are having now. Understands that this process is a life-long adventure.
16 pts. / Significant explanation is given in safety. Body as well as equipment is discussed in the paper. Peers are also including in this area.
16 pts. / Gives specific examples of how much it would cost for a membership to a fit-ness center or Y. Specific fitness clubs are included.
16 pts. / Family members are singled out with full explanation why this has an effect on the writer.
16 pts. / Computer generated. Easy to read and follow. Gives specific information on exercise and time table. All exercise components are addressed and understandable.
16 pts.
TOTAL: 96 POINTS Comments: