THEME: / 4.07 – Agri-environmental statistics
TITLE: / Action 1 – Pilot studies on estimating non-agricultural use of pesticides and Action 2 – Pilot studies on estimating the content of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in agricultural products
Title of the specific action(s) proposed for a grant (Please tick the boxes below as appropriate) / Yes / No
Action 1: Pilot studies on estimating non-agricultural use of pesticides / þ / □
Identity of the applicant: (official name in full) / University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest
Overall maximum duration of the action(s) requesting a grant (in months): / 30
Official name in full: / University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest
Acronym: (if applicable) / USAMV B
Official legal form: Public entity3 / Public entity
Street address: / 59 Blvd. Marasti
Postcode: / 011464
Town/City: / Bucharest
Region (if applicable): / …
Country: / Romania
Telephone: / +40 (21) 318 25 64
Fax: / +40 (21) 318 25 67
E-mail address: /
Action 1: Pilot studies on estimating non-agricultural use of pesticides
(if applicable)
Family name: / CIMPEANU
First Name: / SORIN MIHAI
Position/Function4: / DEAN / PROJECT LEADER
Telephone: / +40213184718
Fax: / +40213184718
E-mail address: /
Contact person
Family name: / TeodorescuFirst Name: / Razvan
Position/Function4: / Contact person
E-mail address: /
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine – Bucharest (UASVM)
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest (USAMVB) is one of the oldest educational institutions in Romania.
The University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest is a modern educational institution which carries out all forms of higher education, to study their license at Masters and PhD.
UASVM Bucharest includes in its structure, seven faculties:
§ Faculty of Agriculture.
§ Faculty of Horticulture.
§ Faculty of Animal Husbandry.
§ Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
§ Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Land Improvements (FEELI)
§ Department of Biotechnology (the only of its kind in the country).
§ Faculty of Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development.
Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Land Improvements (FEELI)
The first concerns the preparation of specialists in land improvements dating from 1886. Then, at the Superior School of Agriculture, the predecessor of the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest today, occurred in the syllabus and courses of Rural Engineering, held by the mathematician Florian Pomponiu.
After the revolution of December 22, 1989, Department of Land Improvements was founded back in the building previously owned. The following year appeared in college and specialization of Environmental Engineering and became the current name: Faculty of Environmental Engineering Land Improvements. The two specializations of the faculty, called a Land Improvements and Rural Development and the other called Environmental Engineering have been accredited by the National Council for Academic Evaluation.
Our faculty FEELI is involved in a lot of national and international research projects.
Engineering and Environmental Protection in Agriculture (4 years of study, full-time and part-time courses) prepares professionals to monitor quality and ensure environmental compliance with specific legislation in this area for conservation, management and remediation of water quality, soil and air controlled storage, management and recycling, global climate change mitigation, for the elaboration of environmental impact and preparing balance sheets for non-conventional energy production and use of biomass based in particular for design and execution of environmental engineering (water treatment plants, landfills, etc..), to assess environmental conditions to determine the limitations that they generate on farming land, for ecological reconstruction of degraded lands for environmental impact assessment of engineering works for process development, equipment and technologies in environmental engineering and consulting, technical assistance and research in engineering and environmental protection. Acquire the ability to graduates of specific techniques of environmental engineering background to agree to offer technological needs of nature, in the spirit of sustainable development.
The key person involved in this project are:
Mrs. Neata Gabriela is associated professor in University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, she is PhD in agriculture and she/s main activities and responsibilities are: Fertilizers and Pesticides used in agriculture and horticulture; Problems of environmental protection regarding the use of fertilizers and pesticides in agricultural use and also in nonagricultural use. Also Mrs. Neata has competence in environmental pollution with fertilizers and pesticides, the assortment of pesticides used in agriculture and non-agricultural goal, competence in UE Regulations regarding the use of pesticides, competences in laboratory physic and chemical tests for the compounds of soil, substrates, plant and waste materials, analyses of fertilizers and lignocelluloses materials.
Mrs. Israel Florentina is lecturer in University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine and she is PhD and has over 10 years of experience in research team coordination and collaboration in national projects (PNCDI-I, CEEX, PNCDI-II) and international ones (PHARE 19343.07.01/2007, ERA-IB EIB10.013).
Mr. Campeanu is President of CBAB and he is also full professor at University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest. He developed research in the field of organic and inorganic chemical compounds, biochemical compounds and Pesticides.
Mr. Campeanu published 124 scientific papers printed in specialized publications, 92 scientific papers presented at scientific conferences and published in volume. Also he pulished 16 books. He has over 35 year of experience in both research and project coordination. Mr. Campeanu has been involved in scientific projects 19 projects including 7 projects PN 2, a project coordinator, a project CEEX and the rest are national projects, he was key expert in one PHARE project.
Project team involved in this project has been involved in the Transition Facility project in consortium with Irecson, Ecoind and INCPPP, regard pesticides placed on the market 2009 -2010 the team involved in this project has participated, as experts in BIOTEHNOL Research Centre (currently under research by the Centre USAMV runs under national and international law). Publication pesticides placed on the market it is attached to this application form.
Team members are working in a public institution that trains specialists in agriculture, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, horticulture, processing and storage of agricultural products and foodstuffs is able to document and communicate more easily with specialists from all fields to identify pesticides and market users and cover all non-agricultural uses of pesticides.
The team working in the project and area specialists knows to be covered by the project which is very important in training and sample identification as well as communication and query language. These premises have a significant share, given that Romania has an area designed to work about 3 million ha of irrigation and dams on a length of 2172 km of which1073 dams in rivers and 1099 km inland from the river Danube.
Maintenance work includes enclosures designed for irrigation and pesticide treatments including the use of repellents to control herbaceous vegetation and animals (mice, rats, rabbits, beavers) can cause damage to the premises or landscaped embankment hydro ameliorative.
Since the soil water regime depends on the effectiveness of pesticides, the amount of pesticide residues and the migration profile of ground and surface water, drainage or deep waters, pesticides used in the maintenance of fish ponds, the maintenance of dams, river stations pumping of irrigation systems, roads and operating as normal are tested and evaluated under these conditions, doses of pesticides used in irrigation systems differs from areas not irrigated and with lower rainfall regime.
Action 1: Pilot studies on estimating non-agricultural use of pesticides
(Please tick the boxes below as appropriate in order to indicate that the requested document or information is attached and complete the current application form)
Curriculum vitae of the key person(s) - project manager(s) – coordinating the action 1 / þ
Please provide a brief description of his/her relevant competences and previous experiences in the context of the action: / Sorin CIMPEANU
Mr. Cimpeanu is a full professor and the Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Land Improvements - University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest. In 2002-2004 he worked in the National Agency for Partnership between Universities with economic and social environment where he provided technical assistance for a total of 9 major projects aimed at setting up technology transfer centers. In the same context he coordinated the organization of technical meetings in order to prepare human resources in Romanian universities and to increase their capacity to access and efficient use of EU funds available to Romania (FP6, Phare, Leonardo da Vinci, etc.).
The project leader is a member of the National Administration Board of land improvements, and has the opportunity to have relationship with specialists in the field dealing with the maintenance business and embanked hydro ameliorative premises, where pesticides are used.
University prepares specialists who will work all the locations arranged hydro ameliorative, doing maintenance of riverbeds, reservoirs, dams, forestry and agricultural entities.
Experience in statistical non-agricultural use of pesticides because now no one is addressing this issue first.
Also Mr. Cimpeanu has completed the professional stage in ”Soil quality assessment” in Italy, Campobasso this year.
Please provide a justification on subcontracting, if any: / …
1.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTION 1 (if applicable)Title: Pilot studies on estimating non-agricultural use of pesticides
a) Describe the general and specific objectives that the action aims at achieving:
Specify also related indicators to assess the project's achievements and expected impact, if possible.
Regulation (EC) no. 1185/2009 of the European Parliament and Council on pesticide statistics concerning the two annual statistics on pesticide placing on the market and agricultural use of pesticides.
According to the Eurostat suggestions for the estimation of the non-agricultural use of pesticides, the project will conduct pilot studies for both the commercial and noncommercial non-agricultural use of pesticides. In this context, non-commercial use refers to any type of use by a private person for personal interest not for selling purposes.
All the uses by general private companies, public, NGOs, etc., are considered commercial.
Agricultural use covers the production of all crops, as defined as the ASA rules (1166/2008). For a better understanding, it is considered that agricultural production for private consumption shall not be considered agricultural production.
The objectives are:
1) To identify methodologies and technical solutions for conducting investigations on the non-commercial use of pesticides, in order to separate their commercial and non-commercial use. This should also take into account the work done to collect data on the agricultural use of pesticides in order to ensure consistency between the two statistics.
2) To compare the current experiences of the Member States. This will be achieved through participation in coordination meetings and other meetings of the Task Force team.
3) To organize inquiries based on the methodology chosen.
4) To use the data collected in order to analyze pesticide use for non-agricultural and non-agricultural purposes in order to identify potential threats to the environment and other pest-related issues.
5) To improve the methodologies based on the experience gained from the pilot studies.
6) To compile a common European methodology and devise a manual on the statistical methodology of pesticides, taking into account the experience gained from the pilot surveys, the data collection practice and the European legislation on pesticide statistics and sustainable use of pesticides. The manual will be devised on our own account.
b) Describe the action (on the basis of the main activities foreseen) and where it will be implemented
Proposed actions
- Identification of the market operators who use pesticides for non-agricultural purposes.
- Identification of pesticides (commercial products and active substances) used for non-agricultural purposes (the differentiation of pesticides from the biocides with which they are used in disinfection).
- Estimating the amount of pesticides in non-commercial household use for plant protection for personal hygiene, home hygiene, animal shelter hygiene, home surroundings hygiene, household cleaning, etc.
- Estimate the amount of commercial and non-commercial pesticide use in disinfection (actions to control mosquitoes, lice, fleas, ticks, flies, cockroaches, bugs, etc.)
- Estimate the amount of pesticides used in the commercial agricultural holdings where livestock and poultry can be found
- Estimate the amount of pesticides used in fishery and forest design
- Develop a manual on the statistical methodology of non-agricultural pesticide use
- Implementation of the proposed methodology at National Institute of Statistics
Expected results
- Estimates of commercial and non-commercial, non-agricultural pesticide use
- Description of activities
- Description of the methodology used in the project
- Methodology implemented at National Institute of Statistics for providing annual statistics related to estimating non-agricultural use of pesticides
- Evaluation methods and data quality
- Develop a manual on the statistical methodology of non-agricultural pesticide use
c) Organisation of the project management:
The applicant should provide a detailed description of the organization of the action and of the implementation phase, specifying arrangements for monitoring, supervision, risk management and which part of the action might be subcontracted and how. Specify in particular, the tasks to be subcontracted, the selection procedure to be used, and the contractor's name (if known, in particular if an existing framework contract is used).
Project management it is divide in:
Ø management of project group activities according with timetable of the actions and deliverables
Ø management the link with Eurostat
-project coordinator will be responsible for the link with Eurostat
- participation in the coordination meetings organized by Eurostat
Ø management networking with the other similar projects
Ø management the implementation of the methodology at the National Institute for Statistics
For each management direction will be nominated a responsible person from the project staff.
The project coordinator and experts of the project will participate in coordination meetings, Task Forces and in any expert workshops within the framework of the pilot studies.