Subtract 10 points for each missing source (five required); subtract 10 points for each missing page (5 body pages needed)
Senior Project Research Paper Rubric
Exceeds Standards/10 / Meets Standards/8-9 / Approaching Standards/6-7 / Below Standards/5 and below / PointsIntroduction
10 points / --Highly engaging hook and thoughtful background information.
--Ideas logically and smoothly establish focus and lead into thesis statement / --Engaging hook provides relevant background info.
-- Ideas establish focus and lead into thesis statement / --Slightly engaging hook provides some relevant background info.
--Ideas reference focus but don’t lead well into thesis / --Hook is not engaging; limited or no background information; too brief.
--Focus unclear
Thesis Statement
10 points / --Intriguing, focused, strongly worded
--Clearly shapes entire purpose and structure of the paper / --Focused, well-worded
--Shapes purpose and structure of paper / --Awkwardly worded or ideas are present, but statement is lacking
--Purpose and structure are unclear / --Missing thesis
Body Paragraphs
10 points / --All body paragraphs have clear, strong, organized focus; utilizes TBEAR well
--Well detailed paragraphs support thesis / --Most body paragraphs have clear, organized focus; utilizes TBEAR
--Most paragraphs are well detailed and support thesis / --Most paragraphs are unfocused and unorganized; TBEAR not attempted
--Support of thesis is not entirely clear in most paragraphs / --Little to no paragraphing
--Completely unfocused and disconnected from thesis
Evidence and Analysis
20 points / --Strong evidence is used to support argument.
--Analysis makes up the majority of the paragraphs and thoroughly proves the thesis statement.
--Quotations, summaries, and paraphrase are smoothly introduced and interwoven into writer’s sentences. / --Evidence is used to support argument.
--Analysis and evidence are equal in amount and prove thesis statement.
--Quotations, summaries, and paraphrase are introduced and interwoven into writer’s sentences. / --Evidence is used sparingly to support argument.
--Analysis is used sparingly and does not clearly support topic/thesis.
--Quotations, summaries, and paraphrase are rarely introduced/ interwoven into writer’s sentences. / --Lack of evidence and analysis.
--Little to no support for thesis statement.
--Quotations, summaries, and paraphrase are not introduced/ interwoven into writer’s sentences.
10 points / --Strongly connects back to thesis
--Effectively summarizes main points.
–Uses strong concluding strategy / --Connects back to thesis
--Summarizes main points
--Uses a concluding strategy / --Weakly connects back to thesis
--May not summarize main points
--Lacks concluding strategy / --No connection to thesis
--Does not summarize points
--No concluding strategy.
10 points / --Errors in spelling, subject-verb agreement, and punctuation rarely occur.
--Effective, fluent style marked by varied sentence structure and clear
command of the language / --Errors in spelling, subject-verb agreement, and punctuation occur occasionally but do not obscure meaning.
--Displays some sentence variety and skill in the use of language / --Errors in grammar occur frequently and sometimes interfere with meaning.
--Limited control of sentence structure and/or use of language. / --Errors in grammar occur frequently and interfere with meaning.
--Lacks control of sentence structure and inaccurately uses language
10 points / --Paper follows a cohesive outline and sophisticated, logical structure
--Strong transitions / --Paper follows outline that structures ideas in logical format.
--Basic transitions / --Paper follows illogical outline
--Limited transitions / --Paper does not follow any outline.
--No transitions
10 points / --Paragraphs show skillful integration of student’s own words and researched info.
--Clear understanding of the topic. / --Paragraphs use both student’s words and researched information.
--Basic understanding of topic. / --Paragraphs use mainly researched material and lack writer’s own words
--Understanding of topic. / --Paragraphs rarely have writer’s own words.
--Little understanding of the topic.
MLA Guidelines
10 points / --Student follows all guidelines for format, including the Works Cited page and in-text citations / --Student mostly follows guidelines for format, including Works Cited and in-text citations / -Student follows some guidelines but many errors appear in Works Cited and/or in-text citations / --Student does not follow MLA guidelines (automatic fail).
TOTAL: ______/100
Rosemont High School—Common Assessment Rubrics