January 8, 2004

Committee members present: Bruce Bienhoff, Mark Boettcher, Amy Pennington, Amy Ruo, Donna Sawyer, Cheryl Scott, Nancy Roche, and Doris Yantis. Others present: Neil Holman, Parks and Recreation Director and Tonya Lecuru, Deputy Parks and Recreation Director.


Bruce stated on page 4 of the December 4, 2003 minutes it reads “exempt” for the Recreational Coordinator position. He asked if that was correct.

Tonya stated this position is hourly, so it should be corrected to non-exempt.

Cheryl Scott, seconded by Amy Ruo, moved to approve the minutes, as corrected. The motion carried 8-0.


Donna asked who was the Vice Chairman this year.

Neil stated that Bruce was the Vice Chairman and Brian left.

Amy R. stated then it was her.

Neil stated they need to pick a Vice Chairman.

Donna stated that typically Amy R. would become the Chairman.

Bruce asked if they need to pick a Chairman or Vice Chairman.

Donna answered that typically the Vice Chairman has moved up, which is her understanding.

Donna Sawyer, seconded by Cheryl Scott moved that Bruce Bienhoff continue as Chairman and Amy Ruo continue as the Vice Chairman for the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for the 2004 term. The motion carried 8-0.


Neil stated that at the last meeting, Amy P. asked about the distribution of the grants and the $400,000 that was given throughout the state and the $100,000 that Shawnee received. He stated when going down the list to view all the other cities, the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks is listed a lot. He stated they administer the grant from the Feds, so obviously they keep some for themselves and their organization. He stated it turned out really good for Shawnee. He stated the City’s sites are inspected and Jerry Hoover, who is the director of Kansas Wildlife and Parks came by and inspected the Herman Laird park project and was very happy with it. He stated Shawnee gets inspected every year and they either have Jerry or Linda Lanterman come down. He stated they really rave about the things Shawnee is doing.

Bruce asked if the total of the grant was $400,000 and Shawnee got 25% of it.

Neil answered that was correct.

Neil stated there were 35 people who made presentations in Wichita. He stated that everyone stayed for everyone’s project presentation and asked questions and there was a panel. He stated they rate the projects and Shawnee was very fortunate.

Amy Ruo asked how soon the department would start working with that money.

Neil stated he wanted to show City Manager Montague this and the overall project is $260,000. He stated the department needed some more money to finish it out. He stated this money just completes the trail. He stated that in the picture, it showed two shelters, the playground, swings and the department was going to do the grubbing and get all the trees down. He stated he was going to ask for the excess out of the Parks and Pipes fund to finish up, instead of having to come back. He stated they still have to do the shelter and drive over the new trail and go down by the pond and put the shelter there and come back up.

Cheryl stated it could tear things up.

Neil stated it could, especially if they have to haul the concrete down.

Mark asked what percent they had last year, when he was not on the committee. He asked if these things are normally publicized, because he believes the taxpayers should know these park projects are coming from grant money and really toot the departments horn about this.

Neil stated they usually do not do that.

Tonya stated the Kansas Wildlife and Parks did send out a press release about this. She stated they did not send one out locally.

Mark stated people are always paying taxes and here the City got $100,000 to finish this up. He stated if this was a nominal amount he would not suggest that, but 25% of the entire grant money is a really big deal and wondered if there was a way to publicize that for the citizens.

Neil stated he can ask to find out. He stated that last year for Listowel and Herman Laird, Shawnee received $110,000.

Mark stated it probably ends up in City Council minutes, but no one reads those, but if it was published in the Sun, or wherever it would be most effective, would be a good thing. He stated Lenexa is always bragging about their city.

Neil stated Lenexa has a marketing person and not to say Shawnee should not brag about this, but normally do not do a very good job in that area.

Donna stated that when the City dedicates a park, they could also mention it in their dedication speech that “X” amount of the park was funded by whoever, so the people know it just didn’t come out of tax dollars.

Mark asked if that could be taken as a general suggestion, or should there be a motion made to direct staff to pursue this kind of thing. He stated he thinks it is important.

Mark Boettcher, seconded by Donna Sawyer, moved to direct staff to pursue appropriate publicity of the $100,000 grant money. The motion carried 8-0.


Neil handed out two maps. One being a bike and recreational trail. He stated the department did add two more this year. He stated this map is updated every two years before the City Council. He pointed out 55th Street and Rosehill, which is being constructed now and will be on-street bike lanes. He stated the second is the Mauer recreational trail. He stated this has been completed.

Amy P. pointed out on the map where 55th Street ends and goes down and eventually intersects with Lackman, as her neighborhood. She stated she heard talk that they were thinking about making 55th Street go all the way to Lackman.

Neil answered he does not know at this point. He stated that keeps getting moved back on the CIP. He stated on the CIP, nothing is set in stone and it is just a working tool. He stated it will go on down through Swarner Park, hit Johnson Drive, and may go over and hook into 55th Street.

Amy P. stated 55th Street dead ends in her subdivision now, so she asked if it will keep on going straight.

Neil answered that is correct.

Amy P. stated that is going to take away their park.

Nancy stated it is on the CIP, but does not mean it is ever going to be completed.

Neil stated Lackman is on there. He stated they have a recreational trail on that one, so the road may go through there or it may not. He stated it comes and goes. He stated when this map is updated, he will get a copy to the committee.

Amy R. asked if this could be loaded onto the website.

Neil stated it is already on the website.

Tonya stated that to get it into the brochure, it would have to be reduced so much that it would not be beneficial.

Neil stated the department is thinking about making maps.

Amy R. stated that would be nice, because she has a lot of friends that ride around on the existing trails and it would be beneficial to take those maps to the bicycle club meetings.

Neil stated the share of the road is complete, but the trails are just getting there and the solid area is already there, but the dots are still to come.

Donna asked how soon. She asked if that meant within 5 years.

Neil answered whenever the roads come to be developed. He stated it may take 20 years. He stated each year the City gets a couple roads and the big one is going to be 51st Street which comes in 2005. He stated in 2006 there is going to be Midland and 47th Street.

Nancy asked if the Council cut a bunch of the road improvements.

Neil answered yes, but this is the new CIP which went from 7 pages down to 2 pages. He stated the City is still doing roads, because there is either CMAC funding or CARS funding. He stated the roads that are going to be done are bike lane roads.

Bruce asked what CMAC was.

Neil answered Commitigated Air Quality or something like that.

Nancy asked what roads are actually going to be done.

Neil stated nothing really around here, but some out west. He stated 47th Street from Riverview on down. He stated Mize from 71st Street to 69th Street.

Donna asked what other streets are being done in 2004.

Neil stated in 2006 there is Midland Drive, Shawnee Mission Parkway to I-435, a Nieman rehab and that is it.

Neil continued with parks. He stated when you go out west, they are looking at two or three more 20-acre parks and the City will be looking pretty good. He stated they can then go back down to the river, possibly. He stated there are larger homes out there; larger lots. He stated the City did get the water tower land for a park. He stated he understands the City does not want pocket parks anymore, but this was a special situation. He stated if you take 71st Street over to Listowel, that is where this land is and, hopefully, the City will acquire it free of charge. He stated there are a lot of children in that area. He stated that the City really wants to stick with the 20 acre parks, but this was an exception.

Donna stated taking into consideration all the private parks and the proposed areas, things are looking very good.

Neil stated he does not know of another city that has a 1/3 of a mile that is this aggressive.

Bruce stated it is rare; expensive, but rare.

Neil stated especially in Johnson County, where people vote for it whenever it comes up.

Donna asked about the legend on the map and the part that read Vicinity for Possible Future Park Public Area. She asked if that was a wish list or areas the department was actively pursuing, or are these areas that the department just thinks would be a good place for a park.

Neil stated those are gaps. With regard to the large home lot areas with horses and mini ranches, and looking at the land that is a possibility, they came up with that.

Amy R. asked where the one is on Mauer and Shawnee Mission Parkway, by Home Depot.

Neil answered there are a lot of lots, if not on the south side, down there. He stated it is a big farm now and it is just an opportunity.

Donna asked about the red triangles on the map; potential parks. She asked if that is where they have targeted areas, but not yet approached.

Neil stated the department would like to have those, because that would really close out that park nicely.

Bruce stated that would be adding to an existing park.

Neil answered that is correct. He stated one of the red triangles was taken off of Listowel when Mrs. Bergman died. He stated the City acquired that. He stated the other one is the Kuykendalls’s, north of Old Shawnee Town.

Donna stated these are not ones they actively pursued, but are just dreaming for.

Neil stated they pursued them and talk constantly and the people know the interest is there. He stated it is almost four acres and would go all the way back to Mrs. Swarner’s, the nice brick house, and take the three rentals there, but would give the City the whole corner and parking would be great.

Neil continued with the signs. He stated the pictures did not do them justice.

Everyone agreed the signs are very nice.

Neil stated the department got the four signs finished up. He stated there are two at Listowel, one at Caenen, and one that says ‘Welcome to Shawnee, Kansas’ at 47th and Nieman. He stated the department is going to finish this contract out with Gum Springs and there will be a large sign at Garrett, which is in the contract, the three downtown signs, J.C. Park, Pflumm & 75th Street, which is an entry sign, and then Herman Laird. He stated that will finish the 2003 contract.

Amy P. stated they are put up fairly quickly.

Neil agreed. He stated he is going to keep the sign contractor until they get the other ones complete. He stated they will do Douglas Highland, Donald B. Gamblin, the Quivira entry sign, and they are trying to get right-of-way. He stated Public Works Director Freyermuth wants to go down a block and get the actual line on Quivira. He stated Lackman would be an entry sign and then Bichelmeyer Pflumm Park. He stated that will round out the City out for this year and more money will be put in for next year. He stated the City has a lot of parks that are unnamed.

Bruce asked if as existing signs get broken or damaged, does the City put up a new sign, instead of fixing the old one, like on some of the old wooden signs.

Neil answered no. He stated he would like to get the parks completed, as he does not like the wooden signs. He stated for entryways, if right-of-way is not needed, or if they can go in and there is not going to be a road project, then the City will put the signs in.

Bruce stated he was talking about the park signs. He stated if a wooden park sign gets broken, would the City put in a new style sign.

Neil stated they would wait for the money. He stated the medium signs with the arm are $8,000 and the bigger signs, like at Garrett and Herman Laird, are $13,000.

Amy R. asked if there would be a sign for Old Shawnee Town and one at Bluejacket fountain.

Neil answered yes. He stated they may put one at Old Shawnee Town on the other side. He stated at Bluejacket, the statue is there, but there will not be a sign, as it is part of the park.

Tonya stated she hired a new Recreational Coordinator, Eric Ely. She stated she will invite him to join the meeting next month, so the committee members can meet him. She stated he comes to them from Leawood. She stated he has a degree in recreation administration from Pittsburgh State University. She stated he has had quite a bit of experience with Leawood and Grandview. She stated he has also had some experience in radio and sales. She stated he brings some really good qualities and background to the position and is very excited about being here and is ready to go. She stated he will start on Tuesday, January 20, 2004. She stated she thinks Eric will make a big difference as soon as he arrives. She is looking forward to him being here. She stated he is also working on his Masters in Public Administration, so depending on when his classes are, he will be invited to a meeting.