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1Affilation of first author; 2Affilation of second author; …

e.g., 1Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, University, City, Country

*Corresponding author: Name ORCID: 0000-0000-0000-0000

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Insert Abstract here ≤ 250 words, 4 section (English only)





Keywords: Term 1, Term 2, Term 3 (3 to 7, keywords should be found in MeSH terms of the Index Medicus




Present the research purpose briefly and clearly, together with only the background information that is relevant to the purpose. Reference numbers in the text should be numbered with subscript consecutively in the order they first appear in the main text.

e.g., “In the study by Norton et al.23 or 3,5-8...”.


(use subheadings in the Methods and Results section if necessary)

Materials, methods, and study design should be presented in detail. In experimental research, methods should be described in such a manner that the experiments can be reproduced by the readers. A statement concerning IRB approval and consent procedures must appear at the beginning of the Methods section. The description for the reagents, kits machines used in the experiment should be precise with full descriptions for the kit number, company name, city and the country of its origin.


A detailed description of the study results should be clearly arranged in a logical manner. In cases in which tables are used, the contents described in tables should not be redundantly described in the main text, but the important trends and points should be emphasized. Insertion of references with previously published data is not allowed in results section. Description of previously reported data or personal opinion should be mentioned in discussion section. Tables and figures should be indicated in the main text as follows: (Table 1), (Tables 1 and 3), (Fig. 1), (Figs. 1-3).


New and important observations should be emphasized. A redundant description of the results is not acceptable. The significance and limitation of the observed findings should be described. There should be a link between the conclusions and the goals of the study. Conclusions not adequately supported by the data must be avoided.

Conflicts of Interest

Any potential conflict of interest relevant to the manuscript is to be described.


Acknowledgments should contain brief statements of assistance, financial support, and prior publication of the study in abstract form, where applicable.


1.Authors’ name (list the first 6 authors and add “et al”). Title. Abbreviated journal title Year;Volume:Page numbers. (Journal reference)

2.Authors’ name.Title.Number of editions.Location ofpublication: publisher; Year. p. Page number. (Book reference)

3.Kang HJ, Kim HO, Choi HN, Hong SM, Lee CH, Kim YJ, et alA case of type 2 diabetes mellitus with severe insulin resistance and dumping syndrome after bariatric surgery. Korean J Obes 2015;24:219-24.

4.Imura H. The pituitary gland. 2nd ed. New York: RavenPress; 1974. p. 453-90.

Table 1. Sample Table Title
Heading 1 / Heading 2
Subheading 1-2 / Subheading 1-1 / Subheading 2-1 / Subheading 2-2
Characteristic 1 / 44.2 ± 6.5 / 0.065 / 44.2 ± 6.5 / 0.086
Characteristic 2 / 23.1 ± 2.5 / < 0.01* / 23.1 ± 2.5 / < 0.01
Characteristic 3 / 74.7 ± 9.6 / < 0.01† / 74.7 ± 9.6 / < 0.01
Values are expressedas…
*Footnote symbols should be marked with small alphabet letters (*, †, ‡,§,‖,¶,**, … ).
Define abbreviation.

Figure Legends

figure 1. Figures Number with Arabic numerals in the order mentioned in the text. Figure parts should be denoted by capital letters.Abbreviations used within the figure should be explained.

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