SENIOR PEN Pack 1 and 2; Goodbye Senior Pen Descriptors


Unit Title: IT Solutions for Administrators

Outcome 3: Use complex functions of word processing to provide solutions asked for in a task

1Pack overview

During the membership year 2013-2014 BizShare produced two Senior Pen packs. Both of these packs was set within the context of a small charitable organisation – Senior Pen - with students required to demonstrate IT skills associated with the National 4/5courses in Administration and IT. It was felt that the tasks contained in these packs also represented useful practice material for Higher candidates. This 3rd pack - Goodbye Senior Pen - is the last in the series and concentrates on developing/consolidating Word Processing skills associated with the Higher course.

The pack is IT based in nature and can be used in the following ways:

AS PART OF THE TEACHING EXPERIENCE ie to enable students to practise new skills within a realistic context.

TO CONSOLIDATE/TEST skills developed during their Course.

The pack contains 10 Tasks to be used in conjunction with the Reference Material provided.

In addition to Tasks and Reference Material, the pack contains this Teacher Note and a student Progress Tracker. The author has also provided 3 Help Cards dealing with Endnotes/Footnotes; Search/Replace and Tables/Text.

Several Tasks require access to email and the internet. Tasks can be accessed electronically to ease pressure on tight departmental printing budgets. (If required, the Tasks file could be saved as a PDF to prevent students from editing the content).

In an attempt to eliminate unnecessary printing costs, only a few of the tasks require printing. When choosing titles for electronic files, students should be encouraged to include their own initials.

2Rationale for pack contents and design

The pack seeks to develop and provide evidence of IT skills. Whilst the tasks were not designed to be completed as paired or small group activities, they could be adapted to do so.

The pack includes a number of opportunities for teachers and students to check and monitor progress.

A Progress Tracker to be completed by students at the end of each Task. This should enable teachers and students to check progress ‘at a glance’ and promote an exchange of views regarding strengths and areas requiring further development.

In some instances, Task instructions require students to print or email their work to their teacher. It is not anticipated that teachers will wish to ‘mark’ every Task completed.

The pack is designed to promote independent working with learners working at their own pace.

Tasks have been designed to motivate students and enable a variety of different skill sets to be demonstrated.

Students should be encouraged to be creative by designing aesthetically pleasing, professional business documents.

3Summary of Tasks/Reference Material

As a number of Tasks are inter-related, it is anticipated that students will work through the pack contents in Section and Task order.

A brief explanation about the Tasks in Section A is provided below.

Tasks / Level / Ref Mat / Activity
1 / H / RM1/RM2 / Business Report: Watermark - logo; create front cover; add table of contents; action comments
2 / H / RM1 / Business Report: Search and replace; calc in table; landscape page; footer
3a / H / RM3 / Itinerary: Watermark (text); using table; hide gridlines; footer work; action comments; action comments
4 / H / RM4 / Agenda: Enhance presentation; watermark; advanced footer functions
5 / H / RM5 / Reply Form: Create an electronic form: working with tables.
6 / H / RM6 / Business Report2: Enhance front cover; update table of contents; practice of H WP skills
7 / H / RM7 / Business Report2: Table calculations in Word; Footnote
8 / H / RM8 / Meeting Documentation: Action Minute: manuscript corrections; working with large number of comments; insert endnote; edit text; insert text.
9 / H / RM9 / Convert table to text/text to table; watermark; footnote
10 / H / RM10 / Letter: mail merge

5Suggested Timings

Though timings will naturally vary depending on ability, level of challenge and teaching methodologies, it is suggested that the pack will take approximately 2 hours to complete.

BzS0504SENIOR PEN Pack 1

Unit Title: Administrative Practices (N5)

Outcome 2: Interpret a given brief and carry out administrative tasks in the context of organising and supporting events by:

2.1 Carrying out planning tasks, taking account of the budget available

2.2 Preparing documents to support the event

2.3 Carrying out follow-up activities

1Pack overview

The main aim of the Senior Pen Pack 1 is to provide students with practical experience in organising a small event. Set within the context of a small charitable organisation, the pack encourages students to explore issues associated with charities, social enterprises and event management.

The pack is primarily IT based in nature and can be used in the following ways:

AS PART OF THE TEACHING EXPERIENCE ie to enable students to practise new skills within a realistic context.

TO CONSOLIDATE/TEST skills developed during their Course.

The pack has 2 Sections – Sections A and B. The purpose of Section A is to set the scene by allowing students to explore issues relating to Third Sector organisations and some of the challenges they face. Section B contains a number of IT based tasks relating to the running of a small scale event and financial record-keeping.

The pack contains 22 Tasks mapped primarily to National 5 Course requirements. Tasks 1-5 examine issues relating to Third Sector organisations. Tasks 6-22 require students to demonstrate IT skillsassociated with the National 5 course. The pack also contains 14 Reference Material (RM) to be used in conjunction with Tasks.

In addition to Tasks and Reference Material, the pack contains this Teacher Note; a student Progress Tracker and some Suggested Solutions.

Several Tasks require access to email and the internet. Tasks can be accessed electronically to ease pressure on tight departmental printing budgets. (If required, the Tasks file could be saved as a PDF to prevent students from editing the content).

In an attempt to eliminate unnecessary printing costs, not all tasks require printing. When choosing titles for electronic files, students should be encouraged to include their own initials.

NOTE: Senior Pen Pack 2 will explore some of the financial issues associated with planning and running small scale events and in greater detail and require ‘follow up’ tasks to be undertaken.

2Rationale for pack contents and design

The pack seeks to develop and provide evidence of IT skills. Whilst the Section B Tasks were not designed to be completed as paired or small group activities, they could be adapted to do so.

The pack includes a number of opportunities for teachers and students to check and monitor progress.

AProgress Trackerwhich should be completed by students at the end of each Section B task. This should enable teachers and students to check progress ‘at a glance’ and promote an exchange of views regarding strengths and areas requiring further development.

In some instances, Task instructions require students to print or email their work to their teacher. It is not anticipated that teachers will wish to ‘mark’ every Task completed.

The pack is designed to promote independent working with learners working at their own pace.

Tasks have been designed to motivate students and enable a variety of different skill sets to be demonstrated.

Students should be encouraged to be creative by designing aesthetically pleasing, professional business documents.

3Summary of Tasks/Reference Material

As a number of Tasks are inter-related, it is anticipated that students will work through the pack contents in Section and Task order.

A brief explanation about the Tasks in Section A is provided below.

Section A
Tasks / Level / Software / Ref Mat / Activity
1 / N4/5 / Students discuss questions surrounding the existence of charitable organisations
2 / N4/5 / Students research various given charities online and create basic fact sheets
3 / N4/5 / Internet / RM1 / Students research logos, slogans and names of various UK charities.
4 / N4/5 / Internet;
DTP / RM2 / Students research and contribute thoughts on OSCR and charity regulation.
5 / N4/5 / Presentation / RM3 / Students complete presentation which consolidates learning from Tasks 1 – 4.

A brief explanation about the 17 Section B Tasks is provided below.

Section B
Tasks / Level / Software / Ref Mat / Activity
6 / N5 / E-mail
Word Processing / RM4 / Students create e-mail signature and letterhead.
7 / N5 / Spreadsheet / RM5 / Students complete spreadsheet: edit/amend; working with comments; shading; printing.
8 / N5 / Word Processing / RM6 / Students finalise business letter: manuscript corrections; add letterhead.
9 / N5 / E-mail / E-mail business letter to teacher.
10 / N5 / Spreadsheet / RM7 / Students complete spreadsheet: formatting; comments; design; adding footers.
11 / N5 / Spreadsheet / Students amend spreadsheet: add data.
12 / N4/5 / Students use criteria to choose a suitable venue for holding the event. Fill in criteria-led form.
13 / N5 / DTP / Students create a notice to advertise the coffee morning.
14 / N4/5 / Spreadsheet / Students create a chart from adjacent columns: 3-d chart; formatted legend.
15 / N5 / Database / RM10 / In form view, students: edit design; printing a record; add records; edit a record.
16 / N5 / Database / Students query the database: using AND function and OR function; multiple function AND with OR.
17 / N5 / Database / Learners create a database report, using selected fields.
18 / N5 / Word Processing;
Database / RM11 / Students amend a letter and complete manuscript corrections. Mail merged with database. Printed in various formats.
19 / N5 / Spreadsheet / Students work with various sheets, name cells and work with comments.
20 / N5 / Presentation / RM12 / Learners download from e-mail then working with presentation: use master slide; add footer; animate and add slide transitions; print as handout; integrate with 3d pie chart from previous task.
21 / N4/5 / E-mail / E-mail with 2 attachments; mark e-mail as urgent.
22 / N5 / DTP / RM13
RM14 / Working with DTP software, pupils add graphics; integrate with text from another document; format text; add background.

5Suggested Timings

Though timings will naturally vary depending on ability, level of challenge and teaching methodologies, it is suggested that the pack will take approximately 10 hours to complete.

BzS0509SENIOR PEN Pack 2

Unit Title: Administrative Practices (N5)

Outcome 2: Interpret a given brief and carry out administrative tasks in the context of organising and supporting events by:

2.3 Carrying out follow-up activities

1Pack overview

The main aim of the Senior Pen Pack 2 is to provide students with practical experience in the follow-up activities associated with running a small event. Set within the context of a small charitable organisation, the pack encourages students to explore issues associated with charities, social enterprises and event management.

The pack is primarily IT based in nature and can be used in the following ways:

AS PART OF THE TEACHING EXPERIENCE ie to enable students to practise new skills within a realistic context.

TO CONSOLIDATE/TEST skills developed during their Course.

The pack contains 7 Tasks mapped primarily to National 5 Course requirements. Tasks 1-6 (including both parts of Task 3) allow learners to explore relevant administrative tasks after an event has been held. Task 7 allows learners the opportunity to reflect on their learning experience. The pack also contains 7 Reference Material (RM) to be used in conjunction with Tasks.

In addition to Tasks and Reference Material, the pack contains this Teacher Note; a student Progress Tracker and some Suggested Solutions.

Several Tasks require access to email and the internet. Tasks can be accessed electronically to ease pressure on tight departmental printing budgets. (If required, the Tasks file could be saved as a PDF to prevent students from editing the content).

In an attempt to eliminate unnecessary printing costs, only a few of the tasks require printing. When choosing titles for electronic files, students should be encouraged to include their own initials.

2Rationale for pack contents and design

The pack seeks to develop and provide evidence of IT skills. Whilst the tasks were not designed to be completed as paired or small group activities, they could be adapted to do so.

The pack includes a number of opportunities for teachers and students to check and monitor progress.

A Progress Tracker which should be completed by students at the end of each Task. This should enable teachers and students to check progress ‘at a glance’ and promote an exchange of views regarding strengths and areas requiring further development.

In some instances, Task instructions require students to print or email their work to their teacher. It is not anticipated that teachers will wish to ‘mark’ every Task completed.

The pack is designed to promote independent working with learners working at their own pace.

Tasks have been designed to motivate students and enable a variety of different skill sets to be demonstrated.

Students should be encouraged to be creative by designing aesthetically pleasing, professional business documents.

3Summary of Tasks/Reference Material

As a number of Tasks are inter-related, it is anticipated that students will work through the pack contents in Section and Task order.

A brief explanation about the Tasks in Section A is provided below.

Tasks / Level / Software / Ref Mat / Activity
1 / N5 / Word Processing / RM1
RM2 / Learners use WP skills to adapt an Evaluation Form.
2 / N5 / Database / RM3 / Learners amend a database file and then create a query with subsequent report.
3a / N5 / Word Processing / RM4 / Learners amend letter in preparation for mail-merge.
3b / N5 / Word Processing; Database / RM3
RM4 / Learners merge letter from Task 3a with database file.
4 / N5 / Spreadsheet / RM5 / Learners work with a complex spreadsheet, including cell naming and referencing. Learners create a chart.
5 / N5 / Word Processing; E-mail / Extended WP keying-in of Minutes of debriefing meeting. Learners then e-mail to teacher.
6 / N5 / Word Processing;
Spreadsheet / RM6 / Learners amend follow-up Memorandum.
7 / N4/5 / N/A / RM7 / Learners complete a ‘skill scan’ style document to evaluate their progress.

5Suggested Timings

Though timings will naturally vary depending on ability, level of challenge and teaching methodologies, it is suggested that the pack will take approximately 4 hours to complete.