Demerit Policy:

Students are expected to uphold the conduct rules of the school and behave in a manner appropriate for public settings. Transgression of these standards will result in disciplinary measures. With regards to consequences, offenses are cumulative and the administration may impose serious sanctions (including suspension or expulsion) if a student has previously violated school rules, regulations or policies. Most outright defiance qualifies as insubordination, theopen or persistent defiance of authority and/or school rules and regulations and/or reasonable requests of school employees. It includes physical and verbal intimidation and/or threats and obscene or abusive language or recognizable derogatory gestures.

Demerits will be given by teachers for:

  • Chronic tardiness/poor attendance
  • Insubordination
  • Gross disrespect to staff or students
  • Disruption of class

Junior Policy:

Junior demerits will be given by teachers for incidents where a student is referred to the office. They will not be assigned class by class but cumulatively with consequences as follows:

1st demerit – demerit sent home for signature

2nd demerit – demerit plus ½ day in-school suspension

3rd demerit – demerit plus full day in-school suspension

4th demerit and higher – out of school suspension for one day but increasing for each occurrence following

N.B.: After a 2nd demerit or a suspension, participation in school-based activities will be decided by a Discipline Committee of 5 staff members.

Senior Policy:

Senior demerits are assigned class by class. Consequences for demerits will be as follows:

1st demerit – a demerit letter will be sent home, and the event recorded on Maplewood.

2nd demerit – a second demerit letter sent home, a one-day suspension, and the event recorded on Maplewood.

3rd demerit – a third demerit letter send home explaining that the student has been removed from the class in question, and the event recorded on Maplewood.

Note: Demerits shall not be given for misbehavior in study halls, RTI periods, or at noon hour. Instead, alternative consequences such as detentions or suspensions will be used.

Social Probation (removal from 2 classes)

A student may be placed on social probation as a result of continued disciplinary action and removal from two credited high school classes.If a student is placed on social probation, he/she shall:

  1. not be allowed in the school or on school grounds outside of school hours except as a participant in a school activity or class under the direct supervision of a staff member; and
  2. not be allowed to attend, as a spectator, any school sponsored event during orafter school hours or on weekends, or as a participant in school social activities such as parties or dances.
  3. not be allowed in the school or on school grounds during lunch.

A student may also be denied the opportunity to participate in any or all athletic programs or other school activities as a result of disciplinary action taken against him/her.

All students on social probation, including bus students, will leave school grounds when not in class or under direct supervision. Responsibility for all alternative arrangements in this time will fall on parents.

Semester Suspension (removal from 3 classes)

A student may be expelled in accordance with section 153 of The Education Act for the remainder of the semester if discipline continues to disrupt classes and school activities. This consequence will be considered after removal from three classes in the high school (dependant on course load). They will be welcome to pick courses and resume studies with the same expectations of behavior in place after the next semester break (February or September).

N.B.: After a 2nd demerit or a suspension, participation in school-based activities will be decided by a Discipline Committee of 5 staff members.