Meeting Monday, November 9, 2015

At Grand Isle School

Board Members in Attendance

Gary Marckres, Chair

Mike Talbot

Teri Geney

Don Bartlett

Barbara Burrington, Superintendent

Eric Arnzen, Principal

Lynn Carpenter

Call Meeting to Order

Gary Marckres called the meeting to order at 6:32pm.

Adjustment of Agenda


Approval of Minutes of October 26, 2015

Teri Geney moved to approve the minutes of October 26. Approved 4-0.

Members of the Public—For Items Not on the Agenda



Board Information

Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction

Special Education

Business Office


Enrollment Report

K- 17

1-  24

2-  12

3-  11

4-  22

5-  21

6-  20

7-  27

8-  16

Total- 170

Teaching & Learning

Ms. Poquette and Ms. Brabazon have been working with second grade students to create books about the Grand Isle community that can be read by the kindergarteners. The second graders went on a trip around the islands to learn about the different locations. The second project is focused around communications with students living in Uganda.

The fourth grade class had an author’s publishing party, which Mr. Arnzen attended. They shared the stories they wrote with their class, and Ms. Lucas will be making a book out of their stories.

Mr. Arnzen also shared that he is offering teachers in each grade band an on-site half day release in order to create the opportunity to further discuss and plan cooperatively with other team members.

Leadership Team Updates

This past Thursday, the leadership team met with the PTA and discussed the role of parents in the school community. They further discussed what the team needs to do better, community resources, survey participation, a literacy fair, and a PBIS night where students nominate influential adults.


Mr. Arnzen recently signed and submitted a permit for the excavation of the front parking lot area, which the town will take care of. The chip trailer needed to be serviced and was taken care of, at the price of $4,000. The school’s new hot water heater has been installed.


Budget to Actuals

Lynn Carpenter shared that the initial draft appears to show a general fund balance of roughly $234,000. Overall, everything is in pretty good shape. The board went through the current year’s budget to actuals report as well. Several line items were incorrectly coded. Lynn will also initiate Board stipends in December and June, as the Board has received stipend checks inconsistently.

Budget Building Timeline

The November 23rd meeting will not be moved. The December meetings will be the 14th and 28th, as scheduled. Initial budget will be sent to Board members several days prior to Dec. 14.

Assessment Calendar

There are POA assessment at the K-2 level roughly three times a year. Grades 3-8 has a spelling assessment, as well as a literacy assessment, and is also administered three times a year. In addition, the SBAC assessment will be administered. There is also an in-term SBAC assessment that is being discussed. BVFD mathematics assessments are administered three times a year as well. Mr. Arnzen shared data from assessments that had been previously taken this fall. Gary Marckres noted that the great results in the younger grades can be partially attributed to Mr. Arnzen’s influence and leadership. Teri Geney and Mr. Arnzen will meet in December to compile data for the annual report.

Act 46 Committee Update

A survey has gone out to the public, which has received a great response so far. The forum is November 14 at 10am. Gary, Mike, Teri and Lauren Bartlett (public rep) will attend.

Approval of Bills for Payment

Don Bartlett moved to approve bills in the amount of $404,063.64. Approved 4-0.


Teri Geney asked if anyone was able to attend the Public Meeting on Saturday about the bond notice for the proposed property purchase for a new fire station. Mike Talbot said that the property is behind the current town office and therefore meets the School Board’s requirements for an evacuation site.

Teri Geney reminded the board about having a joint meeting with the select board to discuss plowing, mowing and the Annex. She will contact them about attending their Nov. 16 or Dec. 7 meeting.


GISU Policy Adoption

Act 46 Update

Select Board Meeting Update

Draft General Fund ‘15 Status


Don Bartlett moved to move into executive session at 8:28pm.

Don Bartlett moved to move out of executive session at 8:55pm.


Mike Talbot made the motion to adjourn at 8:56pm. Approved 4-0.


Proposed Minutes respectfully submitted by Kelli Geney. Approved by the Board of Directors on:

November 23, 2015


Gary Marckres, Chair


Carol Miller


Teri Geney


Don Bartlett


Mike Talbot