A Differentiated Learning Opportunity

“Classroom Museum”

Monday, December 2, 2013

Dear Parents & Guardians,

As wecontinue learning about ancient civilizations and begin our Mesopotamia Unit, students will be inspired to deepen their knowledge on specific interests. Oftentimes, students become eager to research and create models or replicas of artifacts and share with classmates what they have learned. Therefore, we will be creating a mini-museumhere at school with these recreations of artifacts and ancient civilization models. Each studentwill have the opportunity to think and act like an archeologist historianas they choose a specific topic to research from the variety of ancient civilizations and time periodsthat will be studied this year. These civilizations include: Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient India, Ancient China, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, The Middle Ages, and Renaissance. Students can also elect to complete a project on an ancient civilization which isn’t a part of our direct studies this year, such as Latin America (Mayan, Toltec, Aztec, Inca), Japan, Byzantine, Rapa Nui, the Celts, or any other ancient peoples.

Students will need to choose a “project” from one of the above civilizations to share with the class.Their mission will be to answer this Essential Question: Discover the secretsbehind your model or artifact. What do they reveal or teach us about that civilization? An abstract will be written to explain the model/artifact. In some cases, their project will review in greater depth the units we have already gone over; in other cases it will become a source of curiosity for their peersin anticipation of the learning to come.

To accommodate all students’ schedules (thosewho request for something “fun” to do over Winter Break and those who have busy family plans over break), this contract is being distributed now, in order for you to decide together both the project selection and time table for completion. On the next page you will find a list of possible topics. Please note that they can chooseanythingfrom the entire page (working alone), or choose a project to do with a partner or partners along with higher expectations.The partner does not have to be from the same social studies class, but must be from the same academy. Collaboration should only be selected if you are certain your child will be able to work with another student and that they have your permission.

Please read this over with your child and indicate below what has been decided. Completed form is due by Friday, December 6, 2013. Presentations will begin to take place in early February 2014, but again your child may want to begin this project before or even during Winter Break. Thanks for your continued support!

Mrs. Jones, Miss Albers, and Mrs. Whitney

Grade 6 Social Studies Teachers

Activities for One
Make / Create/Develop an Artifact or Model
All replicas/models must include an abstract (brief summary and analysis of the researched project), which includes NEW and INTERESTING information describing the project. The abstract should also answer the Essential Question: Discover the secrets behind your model or artifact. What do they reveal or teach us about that civilization?Abstract must be typed and sources must be cited. Students will present their project. Abstract is typically no longer than one page. This is displayed with your artifact.
  1. Mesopotamian cuneiform, Sumerian language, or Phoenician alphabet in clay
  2. Mesopotamian Farming tools
  3. Wheel and axel from Sumer
  4. Mesopotamian reliefs, mosaics
  5. Mesopotamian lyre
  6. Assyrian chariot etc.
  7. Ancient Persian jewelry
  8. Model of Hammurabi Code
  1. Egyptian weaponry
  2. Egyptian pull-horse (toy)
  3. Egyptian outfit/costume/clothing from pharaoh to laborer
  4. Red (Lower), White(Upper), or Combined (United) crown
  5. A short story in hieroglyphs
  6. A wall-size timeline info & graphics on any of the 3 civ.
  7. A wall Frieze
  8. A reed boat
  9. An Egyptian Doll
  10. Make paper (papyrus) & write a short message in hieroglyphs or number equations
  11. A pair of Egyptian sandals
  12. An Egyptian Harp
  13. An Egyptian Sistrum
  14. Egyptian clay pottery
  15. A scribe’s pen case
  16. An Egyptian Shield
  17. An Egyptian battleaxe
  18. Anubis
  19. An Egyptian Wig
  20. Egyptian headdress
  21. An Egyptian collar
  22. Egyptian Snake Game
  23. Egyptian water clock
  24. A Scarab Seal
  25. Make 6 fish charms
  26. A corn husk ball
  27. Paper Mache mummy
  28. A beaded collar
  29. Sandpaper pyramid
  30. A paddle doll
  31. King Tut’s headdress
  32. A set of 4 large canopic jars
  1. Report on Monsoons with Diagram
  2. Stone seals from Mohenjo Daro
  3. Buddha statue and report
  4. Army on Elephants – India
  5. Stupa – Buddhist monument
  6. Buddha statues around the world
  1. Drawing of the Silk Road
  2. Foot binding report and drawing
  3. Report on Fireworks
  4. Chinese writing
  5. Chinese New Year’s
  6. Chinese Kimono or clothing
  7. Chinese weaponry
  8. Chinese Paper making
  9. Chinese Kite
  10. Chinese compass
  11. Chinese abacus
  12. Chinese coins
  13. Japanese Origami
  14. Japanese weapons /armor
  1. Montezuma’s headdress
  2. Aztec, Mayan or Incan food
  3. Aztec, Mayan or Incan clothing
  4. Aztec, M. or Incan weaponry or tools
  5. Thaloc serpent Model
  1. Ancient Greece Artwork – replicas of famous statues etc.
  2. Clay Seals
  3. Greek or Roman clothing styles
  4. Greek or Roman makeup and jewelry
  5. Greek or Roman weapons
  1. Rapa Nui Sculpture
  1. Replica of any artist’s work – such as paintings, drawings, sculptures (Renaissance or other time periods)

YOGI (Your Own Great Idea!)
Activities for Partners
Make/Create/Develop one of the following: / Activities for Groups
  1. Hanging Gardens Model
  2. Storytelling of Phoenician “monsters” with maps of routes.
  3. Ancient Board Game Senet
  4. A Ziggarat
  1. A large Pyramid
  2. A Rosetta Stone
  3. A shaduf
  4. A model of a Sphinx
  5. A pectoral
  6. An Egyptian Home
  7. A loom
  8. A tomb painting
  9. An Egyptian wooden boat with a sail
  10. An Egyptian Chariot
  11. An Egyptian mummy case
  12. An Egyptian newspaper
  13. Canopic chest and funeral barge
  14. Mummify an apple/orange and explain process
  15. A mural of hieroglyphs
  1. Explanation of the caste system with diagram/ poster
  2. Geography of Ancient India (diorama or relief map)
  3. Chinese Terra Cotta Warriors Chamber
  4. Buddha statues
  5. Chinese scrolls and writing
  6. Chinese musical instruments
  7. Chinese Dragon
  1. Japanese Garden
  1. Parthenon
  2. Other Greek Temple
  3. Greek Art – urns etc.
  4. Olympics (discus etc)
  5. Trojan Horse
  6. Greek Ships
  7. Tsunami /Crete/Minoans
  1. Roman Aqueduct
  2. Roman Road System
  3. Roman Baths
  1. Gods and goddesses of Hinduism – statues and explanations
  2. Gods and goddesses of Mesopotamia
  3. Gods and goddesses of Mayan Civilization
  4. Gods and goddesses of Aztecs Civilization
  5. Gods and goddesses of Ancient Greece
  6. Gods and goddesses of Ancient Rome
  1. Make a model of the Mayan Calendar
  2. Incan number system
  3. Quipus
  4. Chinampa Model
  5. Aztec or Mayan Temples
  6. Stalae
  7. Mummies
  1. Stonehenge
  1. Armor of the Middle Ages
  1. World Religions: Symbols and what they mean
  1. Something from the first list– but going further or making it larger. Be ready to explain how you will use double the effort to create a fascinating project.
  1. YOGI (Your Own Great Idea!)
  1. A soul house model
  2. A large landscape of the pyramids at Giza or in Latin America.
  3. A large landscape of Ancient Egypt/The Nile
  4. An Egyptian Villa
  5. An Egyptian doll house
  6. A landscape of a farming community
  7. A model of King Tut’s tomb/chamber
  8. A model of Alexandria before the Tsunami
  9. A large landscape of Mohenjo-Daro
  10. A model of the Great Wall of China
  11. Create the Forbidden City
  12. Model of Terra Cotta Burial
  1. A model of an Aztec or Mayan city, such as Tenochtitlan.
  2. A model of the elaborate Incan road systems and bridges.
  1. Conquistador battle scene.
  2. Acropolis
  3. Roman City with aqueducts, baths, etc.
  4. Domed Architecture
  1. Hadrian’s Wall
  2. Castle
  3. Cathedral
  1. Model of social pyramid of any civilization
  1. YOGI (Your Own Great Idea!)

My Differentiated Learning

Proposal and Contract

Date Collected: _____

Student’s Name______Class Period ______

He/she will be working: (Circle One) AloneORWith a Partner(s)

Partner(s) Name(s)SS Class Period




To be Completed: (Circle one)

During Winter BreakAfter Winter BreakBoth during & after Winter Break

Civilization / Project / Materials & Ideas
1st choice
2nd choice
3rd choice
4th choice
5th choice

“I understand that it is my responsibility to fulfill the research requirements and expectations of the project. I understand that I will receive more information and direction from the teacher. I also understand that I if I work with a partner (or partners) that I must do work equivalent to the effort required for an individual project. Therefore, the more people involved in the project, the greater the expectation. I agree to do “my fair share”. I understand that I must wait for teacher approval before beginning this project. I understand the project is due January 31, 2014.

Student Signature ______

Parent Signature ______