Social Media Assets

Platform / What Is It? / Number of Users Globally / Username (ex.) / How to Get Started / Lingo
Company/Org Website
(Established) / N/A / N/A / N/A / Regularly send SSAI success stories for posting and share Employer Honor Roll with prospective stakeholders. / N/A
(Established) / Twitter is a service for friends, family, and coworkers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent messages. People post Tweets, which may contain photos, videos, links and up to 140 characters of text.These messages are posted to your profile, sent to yourfollowers and are searchable on Twitter search. / 328 Million / @SrSvcAmerica / Create a Twitter handle (username) that either is your business name or a name your audience will recognize.
Follow other users that are in your field (including @SrSvcAmerica), clients, customers, and other potential stakeholders.
Allows real time participation in cultural events. Publish high quality visual and text content. Ask questions and have 1:1 conversations with consumers & influencers. Host twitter chats. Respond to customer service inquiries.Aim to always include #SCSEP in tweets. Follow your district legislators. / @: aka Direct Reply: Use this to address a public message to a user.
RT aka Retweet: This indicates a posting is a tweet from another user.
DM aka Direct Message: Use this to send a private message to someone who is following you.
# aka Hashtag: Used to categorize tweets. Click the hashtag to view other user tweets.
Follow: The users that follow you will see your tweets and you will see the tweets of the users you follow. Followers are people who receive other user’s Twitter updates.
(SSAI page in Development) / Facebook is a social networking website and service where users can post comments, share photographs and links to news or other interesting content on the Web, play games, chat live, and even stream live video. Shared content can be made publicly accessible, or can be shared only among a select group of friends or family, or with a single person. / 1.23 Billion / Senior Service America / Set up a personal profile in order to create a company page. Create company page and add company contact information, photos, videos, upcoming events, and links back to your website or other social media. Invite friends to “like” your page or promote your page. Publish high quality visual content. Share news and keep up with social happenings. Discover content. / Like: This allows fellow users to know you appreciate a post.
Status: A microblogging feature to inform fellow users of your actions or thoughts.
Tag: Marks a photo or video with text to identify a person.Never name someone without their permission.
(SSAI pagein Development) / LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network with hundreds of millions of members, and growing rapidly. Our mission is to connect the world's professionals to make them more productive and successful. / 500 Million / Senior Service America / Set up a personal profile in order to create a company page. Create company page and add company contact information, history, and additional relevant details. A platform for interaction between business professionals across the globe. / Connect: Build your network by connecting to people you know or want to know in various professional industries.
(Established) / YouTube allows billions of people to discover, watch, and share originally-created videos. YouTube provides a forum for people to connect, inform, and inspire others across the globe and acts as a distribution platform for original content creators and advertisers large and small. / 1 Billion / SSAIorg / Set up a personal profile through Google account.
Distribute commercials and other video content to keep stakeholders aware of SCSEP happenings. / Views:A record of how many people watch your video.
Subscribe: Get notifications every time the user posts a new content. Your subscribers will receive notification whenever you post new content.
(SSAI page in Development) / Instagram is a fun and quirky way to share your life with friends through a series of pictures. Snap a photo with your mobile phone, then choose a filter to transform the image into a memory to keep around forever. / 700 Million / SSAIorg / Create a company username. Publish high quality photographic and short video content. Browse content of similar users. This asset is more conducive to visual posts versus text. / :Click the heart to indicate appreciation for a fellow users post.
Follow: The users that follow you will see your post activity and you will see the posts of those you follow.

NOTE: Always keep the content you post professional and aim for a non-partisan, non-lobbying approach. Emphasis should be on education and showing value of SCSEP in your community. Know and adhere to your agency’s Media/Communications policies if they exist.

Twitter How To Guide

How to Create an Account and Find People

1)Go to Click the blue “Sign Up” button on the right-hand side of yourscreen.

2)Fill in the information: name, email,username, and password. Make sure you pick a username that is relevant to you and/or your organization: Senior Service America, Inc. (SSAI) is “@SrSvcAmerica”; our CEO Tony Sarmiento is “tsarmiento22”. You may have to add a number or two after your name like Tony did! You can always change your namelater.

3)Once you have your account, you can search for people to follow from your homepage. SSAI is a good start—type ‘SrSvcAmerica’ into the search bar at the top of the screen and click on our name, then click “Follow” on the right-hand side of the screen. You can also search for your friends and colleagues this way if you know their usernames. SSAI follows and is followed by a lot of our members—you can go to, then clickon

“Followers” and “Following” to find the people who follow SSAI and whom we follow if you want ideas of whom to follow.

How to Tweet in General from Your Computer

1)This is easy! When you’re signed in, click “Home” in the upper right hand corner of any Twitter page. There will be a box at the top of the page that says “What’s happening?” Click in that box and type something! It has to be 140 characters or less. It will tell you how many charactersyou have left and if you have goneover.


3)To add a picture, click the camera logo in the box and upload apicture.

How to Change Your Logo and Information

1)Go to “Edit profile” from your profile page (that

2)There are boxes you can click on that are labeled with all the things you canchange!

Most Importantly… How to Tweet about SCSEP!

1)Followtheinstructionstotweet.Here’swhatyouhavetodotomakesurethat SCSEP is trending:

a.Put #SCSEP in your post. Anywhere! Beginning, middle, end. Just make sure#SCSEP is init.

b.Some great examples can be found here:

Advanced: How to Tweet from Your Phone

1) downloads! Here are detailed instructions:

2)Android users: Get the app: this link does not work, search for “twitter” in the Google Play store.) Here are detailed instructions: