Job summary

This is a key strategic role to advance the Growth Agenda and keep the Diocese of Liverpool at the forefront of the development of the mixed economy church. There will be a particular focus on the development of Missional Leaders Communities and Local Missional Leaders. The post-holder will be a core member of the nascent Joshua Centre for Pioneer Ministry.

Core tasks include:-

  • Support current ordained and lay pioneer ministers within the Diocese by:
  • Fulfilling the role of Visitor for existing and prospective Bishop Mission Orders
  • Coordinating meetings of pioneer ministers on a network and 1 – 1 basis
  • Continuing to build and develop the number and reach of Missional Leaders Communities
  • Support and develop local missional leaders
  • Support existing church plants and identify and envision new ones

Additional tasks include:-

  • Work with the DDO and others to help identify, nurture and deploy future pioneer ministers
  • Engaging constructively in conversations about the deployment of pioneer ministers
  • Continue to build a vision for mixed economy and pioneer ministry in the diocese engaging with School of Leadership, PIME, All Saints and St Mellitus
  • Engage with the strategic development of pioneer ministry within the diocese and beyond bysupporting and fully engaging in the development of the Joshua Centre for Pioneer Ministry
  • Being a member of the Inter Diocesan Learning Community
  • Engage with the Resources Team on data from the Statistics for Mission forms and establish criteria to analyse trends and engage with mission initiatives across the diocese
  • Be a constructive part of and voice within the Church Growth Team, the Bishop’s Team Meeting and the Diocesan Mission & Pastoral Committee.
  • Develop appropriate networks at diocesan, inter-diocesan and national church levels and FEAST.

Salary Scale: stipend plus house

The Director of Pioneer Ministry is ultimately accountable to the Bishop of Warrington. The primary day-to-day working relationship will be with the Director of Mission. This day-to-day relationship will include agreeing the development of on-going strategy and regular catch up meetings to review implementation

Office Base: St James House, Liverpool, and other locations from time to time

The post holder must be in sympathy with the aims and ethos of the Church of England.

This job description does not form part of your contract of employment.