Senior Bulletin
April 2016
*Do not customize your caps/gowns. You will not be allowed to walk in graduation if you have a decorated cap/gown. Also, the “white thing” with the girls’ gown is a collar that must be worn. (You can sew or pin these, but the sticky things don’t work very well.) We will discuss graduation attire closer to the ceremony, but I didn’t want anyone doing irreparable decorating before the ceremony. If you have already, the Jostens number to order a new one is 1-888-789-2052.
*If you are scheduled to take an EOI test next week, it is REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION. If you do not show up to test, you are not eligible for a diploma in the state of Oklahoma.
*The OU Club of McCurtain County Scholarship Application is now available from Mrs Davis’s shelf or the school website. This is for students who plan to attend OU. The application must be RECEIVED by them by April 26th.
*The Hayes Chiropractic Scholarship Application is now available from Mrs. Davis’s shelf and the school website. These must be delivered to the Hayes Chiropractic office by April 14th.
*The Minister’s Fellowship Scholarship Application is now available from Mrs Davis’s shelf or the school website. You must be in the top 35% of your class and provide an endorsement from your youth pastor or minister. It is due to Mrs. Bible by April 28th.
*If you plan to take college classes this summer and need financial aid, you need to contact the college’s financial aid department ASAP to complete the paperwork. Oklahoma’s Promise can’t be used during the summer following your senior year.
*If you plan to take college classes at SOSU Idabel, you will not need concurrent paperwork from Mrs. Bible. Just take a copy of your transcript to get enrolled. They are starting enrollment on April 19. If you are currently a concurrent student, you can begin enrolling on April 12.
*In order to initiate your Oklahoma’s Promise, you simply need to notify the financial aid office of the college you plan to attend. We will automatically send Oklahoma’s Promise a copy of your transcript after you graduate. They will check your transcript and notify you over the summer to verify that you have met the requirements.
*Everyone mark your calendars for May 11th. There will be an awards assembly for all seniors at 9:00am.
*The Baccalaureate (sponsored by the Ministers’ Fellowship) will be on May 11th at 7:00pm in the auditorium.
*A mandatory graduation practice will be at 1:00 on May 13th. You must participate in practice to walk in the graduation ceremony.
*If your parents are a member of McCurtain County Farm Bureau, their scholarship application is due to them by April 15th.
*The Kiwanis Club Scholarship Application is due to Mrs. Bible by April 14th.
*The Broken Bow Fire Fighter Association Scholarship Application must be received at the Fire Department by April 15.
*The Bob Burke Scholarship Application for an Outstanding Graduate Who Intends to Pursue a Career in Law is now available. Only students from Broken Bow High School can apply for this scholarship. The scholarship amount is $1,000, and applications must be turned in to Mrs. Bible by April 14th.
*The Bob Burke Scholarship Application for an Outstanding Student in Drama, Speech, and Journalism is now available. Only students from Broken Bow High School can apply for this scholarship. The scholarship amount is $1,000, and applications must be turned in to Mrs. Bible by April 14th.
*If you are planning to major in an area related to the lumber, carpentry, business, agriculture, or mechanical technology, apply for the W.C. Slater Scholarship. Only students from Broken Bow High School can apply for this scholarship. The scholarship amount is $1,000, and the deadline to apply is April 14th. Applications should be submitted to Mrs. Bible.
*If you are planning to major in Elementary Education or Family and Consumer Science Education, apply for the Dorothy Branstine Slater Scholarship. Only students from Broken Bow High School can apply for this scholarship. The scholarship amount is $1,000, and the deadline to apply is April 14th. Applications should be submitted to Mrs. Bible.
*The Betty Slater Gibson scholarship application is now available. It is open to any Broken Bow High School student who will continue their education. Applications should be submitted to Mrs. Bible by April 14th.
*To be considered for the Anna L. Spencer Scholarship, turn in a letter written to Mrs. Spencer (to Mrs. Bible) by April 14.
*The Broken Bow Education Foundation Scholarship Application is now available. This scholarship can be used for any college/technical school. The application should be turned in to Mrs. Bible by April 14th.
*Make sure you have submitted an application to the Jimmie Dean Scholarship at April 15th is the deadline.
*If you have an incomplete file with Oklahoma’s Promise (OHLAP), you must complete it before graduation, or you will not receive funding.
*If you belong to a tribe other than Choctaw, contact that tribe for possible scholarships. See Mrs. Bible if you need help.
*Concurrent students: remember to see Mrs. Bible if you decide to drop your college class during the semester. You will be enrolled in high school classes to complete your schedule. If your college class is built in your high school schedule and you don’t complete it, you will receive an “F”.
*Mrs. Holmes will get you copies of your transcript. If you have told her which college you are attending, she will automatically send your final transcript after you graduate.
*Remember that in order to receive Oklahoma’s Promise funding, you must have a 2.5 overall GPA and a 2.5 GPA in you core classes. See Mrs. Bible to determine your exact core GPA.
*If you are a Choctaw student who is interested in a career that requires a certification (usually a two-year degree), please contact Gena Fowler at or 580-236-1019 for funding options. You can also receive monetary awards for taking the Work Keys assessments.
*Don’t forget; seniors get two days to visit college campuses this year. When you return, just bring in documentation from the college. The recruitment office usually has a form letter that they will give you.
*You can access the Learning Express ACT practice online at (This is the public library’s website.) This site has ASVAB practice as well. It is from this site that you can also receive free online tutoring each day from 2pm to 9pm. These services are completely free.
*Tutoring is on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday until 4:10 in Mrs. Compton’s room.
*Please notify Mrs. Bible of scholarships that you are receiving as you learn of them.
*ACT is now allowing students who receive free or reduced lunches to receive two fee waivers. This means you can take the ACT test two times for free. You can also register online using the fee waivers. Please see Mrs. Bible for your fee waiver. Do not wait until the deadline.
*If you have a CDIB card, Johnson O’Malley will reimburse the cost of the ACT test. Please bring proof of payment to Mrs. Bible or Mrs. Billy.
*If you are interested in taking the SAT, go to to register.
*If you are expecting to get assistance through an American Indian tribe, make sure you have a C.D.I.B. card and a tribal membership card.
*If you have a physical, mental, or visual disability that keeps you from working, please contact Mrs. Bible for the initial paperwork for Vocational Rehabilitation.
*Visit for a large listing of scholarships. Three other sites that have a wealth of information are,, and (See me for login information on this page).