Lafayette Place
21 Lafayette Place
The 1890 Hopkins Map indicates E.D Wright as the owner. The 1889-90 Burlington City Directory lists B.M. Lambkin, an employee of Wells and Richardson Co., as housed at 21 Lafayette Place.[i] A historic site survey dates the building to1880.[ii] The current resident is Tess Manley.[iii]
25 Lafayette Place
The 1890 Hopkins Map indicates J.E. Gauvin as the owner. The 1889-90 Burlington City Directory lists J.E. Gauvin of the firm Gavin Bros. rooming on 73 Church Street. 1890 lists the same data showing 73 Church Street as his home and business address.[iv] A historic site survey dates the building to 1890.[v] The current resident is Abu Rizvi.[vi]
35 Lafayette Place
The 1890 Hopkins Map indicates Mrs. M. Page as the owner. The 1890 Burlington City Directory lists Mary A. Page as a widow of L.V. and living at 9 Lafayette Place.
A historic site survey dates the building to1880.[vii]
16-18 Lafayette Place
The 1890 Hopkins Map indicates H.E. Adams as the owner. The 1890 Burlington City Directory lists H.E. Adams living at 220 Pearl Street. The 1889-90 Burlington City Directory notes George E. Davis, secretary and treasurer of the Burlington Shade Roller Co. living at 18 Lafayette. [viii] A historic site survey dates the building to 1889 and mentions, “This Vernacular late Queen Anne Style structure was the only multi family building on Lafayette Place until 1910.”[ix]
The current residents are C. J. Tape and Nathan Thurber.[x]
22 Lafayette Place
The 1890 Hopkins Map indicates R.G. Page as the owner. The 1888-89 Burlington City Directory lists R.G. Page as living at 22 Lafayette Place.[xi] He is pictured here from Round About Vermont. The 1890 Directory lists him as owning a sewing machine and supply business at 34 Church Street and still housed at 22 Lafayette Place.[xii]A historic site survey dates the building to 1880.[xiii]The current resident is Joan Alexander.[xiv]
26 Lafayette Place
The 1890 Hopkins Map indicates Mrs. M. D. Adams as the owner. A historic site survey dates the building to 1880.[xv] The 1889-90 Burlington City Directory lists Miss Mary O. and Charles Boynton, a chemist for Wells and Richardson Co, as housed at 26 Lafayette Place.[xvi] The current resident is K.H. Isham.[xvii]
30 Lafayette Place
The 1890 Hopkins Map indicates Wright & Burnham as the owner. The 1890 Burlington City Directory lists L.G. Burnham of Burnham and Grant Co. as Jewelers, opticians, and manufactures and dealers in picture moldings at 71 Church Street. The 1889-90 Burlington City Directory states Edward D., Miss Florence M., and John C. Farrar live at 30 Lafayette Place. Edward and John were employed at Wells and Richardson and W.H.S. Whitcomb employed John.[xviii] The current resident is Tim Hogan.[xix]
36 Lafayette Place
The 1890 Hopkins Map indicates no name for the owner. The Burlington City Directories from this period are not searched by address. A future deed search may yield names to search in these directories.
Current residents are Peter Kapusta and Kristen Lawson.[xx]
38 Lafayette Place
The 1890 Hopkins Map indicates this is an outbuilding of a house owned by G.C. Briggs, inset on a parcel of North Union Street. The 1890 Burlington City Directory lists George C. Briggs as a M.D. housed at 43 N. Union Street.[xxi] A historic site survey dates the building to 1880 and indicates this was the last house to be constructed on Lafayette Place. Karen Czaikowski writes, “Clark C. Briggs, lawyer and resident of South Union St., is supposed to have used a path across Lafayette Place, to get to his office on Clark Street. It is believed this encouraged the development of this quiet dead-end road off the middle of Pearl Street.” [xxii] Sanborn Insurance maps from 1894 onward show upgrades to the building behind 43 North Union Street, until in 1906 the land is subdivided and this building receives the address of 38 Lafayette Place. The current resident is Col. Robert D. Thayer.[xxiii]
[i] Burlington City Directory, 1889-1890.
[ii] Karen Czaikowski, Historic Sites and Structures Survey, 21 Lafayette Place, Burlington, Vermont. April 1983.
[iii] Found online at
[iv] Burlington City Directory 1889-90, 1890.
[v] Karen Czaikowski, Historic Sites and Structures Survey, 25 Lafayette Place, Burlington, Vermont. April 1983.
[vi] Found online at
[vii] Karen Czaikowski, Historic Sites and Structures Survey, 35 Lafayette Place, Burlington, Vermont. June 17, 1983.
[viii] Burlington City Directory, 1889-90, 1890.
[ix] Karen Czaikowski, Historic Sites and Structures Survey, 16-18 Lafayette Place, Burlington, Vermont. April 1983.
[x] Found online at
[xi] Burlington City Directory, 1888-1889.
[xii] Burlington City Directory, 1890.
[xiii] Karen Czaikowski, Historic Sites and Structures Survey, 22 Lafayette Place, Burlington, Vermont. April 1983.
[xiv] Found online at
[xv] Karen Czaikowski, Historic Sites and Structures Survey, 26 Lafayette Place, Burlington, Vermont. April 1983.
[xvi] Burlington City Directory, 1889-90.
[xvii] Found online at
[xviii] Burlington City Directory, 1889-90, 1890.
[xix] Found online at
[xx] Found online at
[xxi] Burlington City Directory, 1888-1889.
[xxii] Karen Czaikowski, Historic Sites and Structures Survey, 38 Lafayette Place, Burlington, Vermont. 17 June 1983.
[xxiii] Found online at