SenGenKalyana Mitta GroupFacilitators Guidelines

2:45Arrive and Setup

Remove keys from lockbox outside DDC door (see lockbox instructions, p 3)

Adjust Thermostat

Move mats and place 25 chairs in square

Place name tag holderon chairin center (located under the west window storage)

If needed for journaling, arrange paper, pencils and clipboardson chairs

Arrange bowl and timer in front of facilitators

3:00Start meeting

3-5 minute meditation with brief instruction

Introduce facilitators

Ask if anyone here for the first time, if so please introduce, pass contact sheet to newcomers and make new name tag


Point out bathrooms to use at will

Please note the number of attendees


  • This is a participant’s meeting, not the facilitators. The group decides on direction and topics
  • The group relies on the confidentiality of each participant. What is shared or discussed here remains here, but of course you may share what you have said
  • Each participant is encouraged to speak from the heart: stay present as to what is happening now, express feelings and experiences rather than opinion, use “I” statements, for example, “I feel…., “I sense,,,,”, “what I am feeling now…”
  • We honor each KM member by listening fully without bias or comment, without offering personal advice or asking for clarification, and if so moved thanking the speaker with a verbal thank you or small bow
  • We are encouraged to allow each person the opportunity to speak before we speak for a second time: the facilitators may pause and invite anyone who has not yet spoken to speak.

3:10Begin topic

Facilitators decide on which modality to use for discussion: discuss in dyads, triads or as one group, use journaling and other experiential tools to promote insight. Allow time for a group discussion when completed. Facilitators are responsible for timing.


Describe Dana practice (sample follows)

2-minute sit and Dedication of merit (sample follows)

4:30 Stop meeting and clean up (all facilitators should help)

Chairs can remain in place for 12 step group

Readjust thermostat

Close windows and blinds, turn out all lights

DANA collection:Please count number of attendees during the session. At the end, please collect Dana from basket,count, and place it in pre-printed envelopes that can be found in the library cabinet on the right, behind the cabinet doors. On the front of the envelope in the space provided, fill in the amount collected along with the signatures of the 2 facilitators, the name of our group and the number of attendees. Place the envelope in the lockbox set up to the left of the cabinet in the janitor's closet.

Close and lock front door, replace keys

Sample Dana/Dedication of merit: Dana – the practice of giving

Giving or generosity (dana) is one of the essential steps of Buddhist practice. Like all good deeds, an act of giving will bring us happiness.

The Durango Dharma Center depends solely on the practice of dana. For the immediate future, dana contributed to the DDC will be used in three ways:

  • The sustaining of our teachers and teachings
  • The operational needs of the DDC (ex. rent, utilities, communications)
  • A Capital Building Fund (established in 2013) to meet our growing needs for space and accommodations

You will find a basket at the entrance of the Dharma Center. If you would like to contribute dana, you are welcome to do so.

Dedication of merit example

We ask that all merit generated in our KM group today be for the benefit of all sentient beings everywhere. . We share this merit in a spirit of community with spiritual friends helping each other to welcome the 3 messengers of aging, illness and ultimately for all, death..

Programmable Front Entrance Lockbox

To open :

Lift up rubber black cover and you will see 2 rows of numbers.

The current code is 1 0 8 .

First slide down the clear button (middle center black button on the bottom).

Then push the numbered buttons in – one at a time.

Then push down the open button (middle center black button on the top), while at the same time pulling the front of the lockbox forward.

There are 2 keys – one for the front door and a 2nd key for the maintenance room.

After you have completed your tasks, please return the keys to the lockbox.

You will have to go through the same sequence as opening the front cover.

After you have closed the numbered front cover, bring down the rubber black cover to conceal the numbered front.

Page 1 of 3April 4, 2019