IHI Open School for Health Professions
The IHI Open School is an on-line quality and safety curriculum provided free-of-charge to health professions students, university faculty, and medical residents. The Open School offers a range of online courses in the areas of quality improvement, patient safety, patient- and family-centered care, managing health care operations, and leadership.Individual subscriptions are available to others at a rate of $300 per year.
Free Access toHospital Staff and Trustees through TCPS
The Tennessee Center for Patient Safetyhas purchased a group subscription for 2017and is providing free access as a benefit to employees and trustees of our safety partner hospitals. The purpose of the program is to best equip Tennessee hospitals with the tools and education necessary to improve the quality of care they provide. Users are able to select and complete as few or as many courses as they are interested in and earn certification or continuing education credit.Over 30 continuing education hours for physicians, nurses, and pharmacists.Additionally, the content is valuable to trustees in understanding the quality and safety issues hospitals face. TCPS is able to track the number of users, organizations participating, progress of participants, courses completed, and lesson scores.
•32 online, self-paced courses including 91 lessons and corresponding resources—videos, case studies, podcasts, featured articles, exercises, networking
•Developed by world-renowned expert faculty
•Additional courses are being added regularly
•Geared toward a wide audience from new to experienced providers
•Each course takes between one to two hours to complete and consists of several lessons taking 15-30 minutes each and are self-paced
•Over 30 contact hours available for CME, CNE, CPHQ and ACPE credit
•Certificate of completion
How to Enroll
Go to you are not yet registered, please click the “Register Now” button to do so.After you have successfully logged in, go to You will notice a box to enter your passcode. Enter “14AFC277” and then click the “Get Access” button. After clicking the “Get Access” button, you will see a confirmation pop-up appear, indicating that you have successfully joined the subscription. Go to the Course Homepage at can bookmark this link for easy access during future visits. Click the “online learning” tab to begin your first course.
For questions or more information, contact Taelor ,615-401-7414.
IHI Open School Courses
Patient Safety
PS 101: Introduction to Patient Safety
PS 102: From Error to Harm
PS 103: Human Factors and Safety
PS 104: Teamwork and Communication in a Culture of Safety
PS 105: Responding to Adverse Events
PS 201: Root Cause and Systems Analysis
PS 202: Building a Culture of Safety
PS 203: Partnering to Heal: Teaming Up Against Healthcare-Associated Infections
PS 204: Preventing Pressure Ulcers
Improvement Capability
QI 101: Introduction to Health Care Improvement
QI 102: How to Improve with the Model for Improvement
QI 103: Testing and Measuring Changes with PDSA Cycles
QI 104: Interpreting Data: Run Charts, Control Charts, and other Measurement Tools
QI 105: Leading Quality Improvement
QI 201: Planning for Spread: From Local Improvements to System-Wide Change
QI 202: Achieving Breakthrough Quality, Access, and Affordability
QI 301: Guide to the IHI Open School Quality Improvement Practicum
Person- and Family-Centered Care
PFC 101: Introduction to Person- and Family-Centered Care
PFC 102: Dignity and Respect
PFC 201: A Guide to Shadowing: Seeing Care through the Eyes of Patients and Families
PFC 202: Having the Conversation: Basic Skills for Conversations about End-of-Life Care
Triple Aim for Populations
TA 101: Introduction to the Triple Aim for Population
TA 102: Improving Health Equity
TA 103: Quality, Cost, and Value in Health Care
L 101: Introduction to Health Care Leadership
Graduate Medical Education
GME 201: Why Engage Trainees in Quality and Safety?
GME 202: A Guide to the Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) Program
GME 203: The Faculty Role: Understanding & Modeling Fundamentals of Quality & Safety
GME 204: The Role of Didactic Learning in Quality Improvement
GME 205: A Roadmap for Facilitating Experiential Learning in Quality Improvement
GME 206: Aligning Graduate Medical Education with Organizational Quality & Safety Goals
GME 207: Faculty Advisor Guide to the IHI Open School Quality Improvement Practicum