Creating Messages and Attaching Documents

Regular communication with your teacher is key to being successful in an online class. To send messages within blendedschools, please follow the following steps:

1. Type in the address box of your web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Navigator, etc.).

2. Click on Blackboard Login at the top right of screen.

3. Type in your username and password, then click Login button. (Username example is lb09.jjenkins, meaning “09” is graduation year and jjenkins is the combination of the first letter of your first name followed by your last name.). Your password was given to you by the administrator.

4. Select a course listed in the My Courses section.

5. Click on Communications button on left-hand side of screen.

6. Click on

7. The Messages screen is where you create new messages and read messages sent to you. To send a document to your teacher, you must first create a new message. Click on New Message.

8. On the nest screen, click on the To button.

9. Select the person to whom you want to send a message and click

The name should move over to the Recipients box.

10.  Scroll down to Compose Message. Type in a short description of your message in the subject line.

11.  In the Body section, type up the details of your message.

12.  To attach a document, click on the Browse button in the Attachment section.

13.  In the File Upload dialog box, click on Documents and navigate to your file. After the file you want to attach is highlighted, click Open. The file name should now appear in the box next to Upload Attachment. Next, click Submit.

14.  Optional: To check if the message was sent, click on the Sent folder. The file you just sent should be listed at the top of the list. The paperclip symbol indicates that you sent an attachment with the message.

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