QI Project Proposal Template /
Project Name: / Click here to enter text. / Department: / Click here to enter text. /
Date project commenced: / Click here to enter a date. / Division: / Choose an item.
Project Lead: / Click here to enter text. / Contact details: / Click here to enter text. /
Team Member names: / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Do you have the support of senior clinicians/staff members in your work area? / Choose an item. / Who is the consultant or senior clinician supervisor for the project? / Click here to enter text. /
Briefly describe the problem (max 100 words) / Click here to enter text. /
What is your SMART aim?
What are you improving, (where), by how much, and by when?
e.g. To improve nursing AKI knowledge in the medical division by 50% from the April 2016 baseline, by April 2017. / Click here to enter text. / MEASURES
(see next page for more information)
Outcome measure: / Click here to enter text. /
Process measure 1: / Click here to enter text. /
Process measure 2: (if required) / Click here to enter text. /
What change do you want to make that you think will result in improvement? / Click here to enter text. / Process measure 3: (if required) / Click here to enter text. /
Balancing measure: / Click here to enter text. /
Patient experience/involvement: / Click here to enter text. /
Financial savings: / Click here to enter text. /
Do you have a patient sponsor or a designated patient or carer involved in your project? / Choose an item. / Name and contact details of patient sponsor: / Click here to enter text. /
Measures explained
If any of the below is still unclear, please send us an email and we can help answer all the questions you have.

Outcome measure: / What is the overall intended outcome of you project (i.e. what is your SMART aim?). An outcome measure is recorded to determine the overall ‘success’ of your project.
This measure tells you if the thing you wanted to improve has improved, and if the change(s) you implemented has actually led to an improvement.
For example:
If the aim was to improve nursing AKI knowledge in the medical division by 50% from the April 2016 baseline, by April 2017.
Then the outcome measure would be measuring ‘nursing AKI knowledge in the medical division’ – which could be measured using a staff survey of key points on AKI.
Process measure: / Are the parts in the system working as planned? Are the changes you made having the desired impact?
A process measure will measure the direct impact each change you implement has had on the system.
For example:
If the aim was to improve nursing AKI knowledge in the medical division by 50% from the April 2016 baseline, by April 2017.
Let’s say the project lead has decided to carry out teaching sessions, introduce a care bundle and implement VitalPac reminders.
One process measure would be the number of people trained in these sessions
Another could be the usage of the care bundle – which would most probably be collected using a point prevalence audit
Another could be CQUIN compliance.
Balancing measure: / A balancing measure will look at recording the unintended consequences and impacts on outcomes. Has anything happened to the wider system as we have improved our outcome and process measures? (either positively or negatively impacted)
For example:
If we are trying to improve nursing AKI knowledge, we would hope that this would have a positive impact on patient outcomes. If nurses are more educated on AKI – they would hopefully identify it sooner and contact the AKI nurses.
Therefore one potential balancing measure could be the number of patients with Stage 1, 2 or 3 AKI. (or the number of patients who deteriorate)
Patient experience/involvement: / It is important that we never make assumptions on behalf of our patients/carers. We encourage you to consider patients measures.
For example
If we are trying to improve nursing AKI knowledge, we could potentially include patient stories from NGH into the training sessions. We could also develop a patient leaflet on AKI that is specific to NGH.
Therefore a patient involvement measure could be qualitative comments from staff after the patient story. Alternatively it could be the number of leaflets that were handed out.
Financial savings: / Actual financial savings are usually discussed in collaboration with the QI team.
Please list potential areas for saving.
For example
If you are spending less time carrying out a task, then say the number of hours saved per week/month.
If the patient has a predicted reduced length of stay, say by how much (if you have a rough idea).

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