Terms and Conditions of Enrolment
An Agreement between
Morayfield Cluster TECE
[add preservice teacher name]
Commencement date: ______
SUBJECT – Application, selection and engagement arrangements and conditions for under-graduate candidates from Queensland universities participating in state schools through the Morayfield Teacher Education Centre of Excellence (MTECE) program.
- Department of Education and Training as the funding source for this program.
- Morayfield Teacher Education Centre of Excellence– Governance Committee as the decision making body for the centre and the provider of the centre program.
- Under-graduate applicant / Preservice & Beginning Teacher – The applicant for entry into the centre and then the participant in the centre program.
TERM OF AGREEMENT – This Agreement shall apply for the life of the candidate’s involvement with the centre in the capacity of under-graduate applicant, preservice and beginning teacher. This will be for a period of three years from the commencement date.
PURPOSE – This Agreement provides all parties with an understanding of their roles and responsibilities in relation to the TECE – Morayfield Cluster.
CONDITIONS – Failure of any party to comply with the conditions of this Agreement may result in termination of the Agreement following a notification and rectification period of up to 14 days.
The objective of this Agreement is to provide a framework for the MTECE and centre applicants / participants for the application, selection and participation phases of involvement.
The Agreement will include the conditions for application, recruitment and ongoing participation in the centre. It will also outline the roles and responsibilities of each party.
Under-graduate, Preservice, Beginning Teacher Conditions
Conditions for Under-graduate application to the centre
In order to be eligible to apply for enrolment into the centre, the under-graduate must meet the following conditions:
- Engagement in their 3rd year of a 4 year teacher education degree course in any university in Queensland.
- Current academic results of an overall course grade point average of a minimum of 5.5
- Commitment to participate in the MTECE for a period of 3 years.
- Completion of a minimum of 1 practical experience placement at a state school.
- Successful completion of all previous practical experience placements.
- Acceptable participationrate at university lectures and tutorials for the enrolment period to date.
- Preparedness to sign and accept all terms and conditions outlined in this agreement.
- Commitment to teach in a state school for a minimum of 2 years.
- Willingness to teach in rural locations and low socio-economic settings.
Selection conditions and processes for participation in the centre
The following process outlines how participants will be selected.
Round 1:
- Applicantmeets all entry criteria.
- Application submission contains all required documentation.
- Submission of two referee reports.
- Referee check completed.
- Interview with MTECE panel.
Round 2:
- Practical teaching experience observation by a representative approved by the MTECE Governance Committee.
- Further interview / referee checks as required.
All applications will be reviewed by a panel of members determined by the Governance Committee to shortlist applicants for interview. Following an interview process and referees check, participants will be selected for progression to round 2.
The decision of the MTECE Governance Committee is final. There is no appeal process for non-selection into the centre.
Participant conditions for on-going enrolment in the centre
The following conditions must be met to maintain enrolment in the centre.
- Maintain a minimum GPA of 5.5
- Maintenance of an acceptableparticipationrate at university lectures and tutorials.
- Successful completion of school practicum placement units.
- Attendance at / completion of all requirements outlined in the Course Outline.
- Professional conduct and adherence to school and Education Queensland policy at all times.
- Participate in a mentoring partnership with a MTECE teacher mentor while enrolled in the centre, including during practical placement subjects for university courses.
- Agreement to collaborative development of an individual learning plan which will be reviewed each semester with the Head of Mentoring or their representative and your teacher mentor.
- Involvement in the TECE action research project for the duration of participation with the centre (three years).
- Signing of the Consent Form to use copyright material, image, recording and name or personal information for purposes related to the centre.
- Resources and curriculum developed as part of the TECE program to remain the property of Education Queensland.
a)Preservice, Beginning Teacher will:
- meet the requirementsand conditions of application, selection and on-going enrolment.
- maintain a learning log of their mentoring experience and professional growth.
- work in a collegial relationship with their mentor.
- positively engage in the centre’s program to completion.
- discuss any issues or concerns with their mentor teacher or the Head ofMentoring (HoM).
- maintain confidentiality regarding all information relating to the school, staff and students.
b)Head of Mentoring (HoM) will:
- oversee all aspects of the centre.
- ensure expert delivery of the curriculum program.
- support the preservice teacher, mentor and schools to maintain engagement with the centre and full delivery of the program.
- support teacher mentors and base schools with all MTECE related enquiries and needs.
- assist teacher mentors with the on-going review of the preservice teacher’s learning plans.
- provide individual support and act as a point of contact to all participants.
- manage centre resources within the approved guidelines.
- be the liaison between centre participants and other parties such as universities and researchers.
c)Mentor Teacher will:
- provide quality mentoring to mentee to completion of their engagement with the centre.
- establish a professional collegial relationship with their mentee.
- allocate time for mentoring activities.
- participate in core centre professional development activities, as required.
- assist mentee in the review of their learning plan.
- provide advice and feedback to mentee as part of the mentoring partnership.
- provide advice and feedback to the HoM about the centre program.
d)School Principalsor their delegate will:
- support the centre through quality implementation of the program with participants in their school.
- monitor centre participants and their engagement with the program.
- evaluate key aspects of the program to provide feedback and recommendations via the Governance Committee.
- liaise with the HoM regarding any adjustments to the program.
- provide additional support and point of contact for mentors and mentees.
TERMINATION OF ENROLMENT – If a participant breaches the terms of agreement their enrolment may be terminated. Participants will be notified in writing of any breach of conditions and will have a period of up to 14 days to correct the breach or develop a plan for improvement that is accepted by the Governance Committee. This process will be managed by the HoM.
If a participant wishes to rescind their position in the centre, they will be required to submit a written explanation to the Governance Committee via the HoM.
If a participant requires a deferment of their enrolment, they will need to submit a written request to the Governance Committee via the HoM explaining the reason for the request. The Governance Committee decision is final.
DISPUTE RESOLUTION – Should any concerns or issues arise that are not resolved at the school site, the HoM will be the point of referral. The HoM will make every attempt to resolve any issues in the first instance. If the issue cannot be resolved at this level, the issue must be made explicit in writing and will then be referred to theMTECE Lead Principal and participant’s Principal. If the issue is unresolved at this point, it will then be referred to the Governance Committee for further review, referral or decision making.
Morayfield Cluster Teacher Education Centre of Excellence and ______
as the participant enter into this agreement with an understanding of the objectives of the initiative. All parties agree to honour the conditions of the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment.
Signed by:
Preservice Teacher:
Print Name:
Head of Mentoring:
Print Name:Suzanne Clifton
Lead Principal:
Print Name: