SENCO Role at Brookfield Infant and Brookfield Junior Schools

·  Provide timetables for SEN – Speech and Language, Snowdrop Class, 1:1 TAs etc.

·  Ensure that the staff is aware of school AEN procedures and update class SEN files regularly.

·  SEN Pupil Register – updated 3 x yearly in consultation with class teachers.

·  Vulnerable Pupils’ register - updated 3 x yearly in consultation with class teachers.

·  Register of Need – to include all pupils i.e. SEN, G&T, EAL, medical needs etc.

·  Provide a review cycle for Provision Mapping and pupil progress meetings 3 x yearly.

·  Monitor Provision Mapping. Collect Provision Maps 6 x yearly and check interventions, entry/exit data, targets, outcome/progress. Ensure that all pupils with SEN are receiving interventions to accelerate learning and support CTs where needed.

Stage1 – Quality First Teaching. CTs responsibility for the planning, differentiation, delivery, assessment etc. of the curriculum and an inclusive classroom environment.

Stage 2 – Catch-up Interventions – short & timed and carried out in class e.g.

Clever Fingers

Box of Feelings (Rec)

BRP (Yrs 1&2)

Sight Vocabulary


Sensory Circuits

Phonic/Maths Catch up

Language for Learning

Language/Speech Link

Speech Therapy


Writing Clinic

Behaviour strategies

Emotional support

Stage 3 – Longer term or more intensive interventions often with outside agency support.

Reading Recovery

Speech & Language Therapy

Nurture Class

Play Therapy

·  Ensure that a copy of the individual child’s provision map is shared with parents, explained and updated at parent consultations.

·  Parent liaison – meetings, updates, letters etc.

·  Build knowledge of pupils with SEN through observation, informal chats with pupils/carers/FLO/CT/TA, moderation of intervention, progress grids etc.

·  Ensure SEN yearly timetable is followed for updates.

·  Prepare Annual Review Meetings – for pupils with EHC Plans 1x yearly after first EHC and at transition. Prepare review forms, give reviews to parents etc and invite all involved well beforehand, write review & send to all involved within 10 days of review meeting, following county guidelines.

·  Make referrals to Local Inclusion Forum Team (LIFT) for advice and support from the Specialist Teaching and Learning Service– discuss with parents and obtain written consent, fill in referral form prior to meeting, send Mainstream Core Standards to CT. E-mail all forms to the administrator a week before the meeting.

·  Attend area AEN updates.

·  Support families though the Early Help Service.

·  Liaise with outside agencies and make referrals – Speech/Behaviour/Play Therapists, Ed Psych, Paediatricians, School Nurse etc.

·  Arrange transition meetings and action plans for vulnerable pupils.

·  Junior School Liaison – transition, family concerns CP etc. Hand over files/info at and of year and talk to SENCO/arrange extra visits with FLO for vulnerable pupils.

·  Oversee intervention programmes in school – monitor sessions, assess effectiveness, give support to staff, check resources.

·  Analyse Pupil Progress – track progress on Pupil Asset, identify concerns etc and initiate action for pupils.

·  Be aware of local and national data – RAISE Online.

·  SIMS – Liaise with school office to ensure records are updated 3x yearly from AEN Register by office staff.

·  Monitor spending of Pupil Premium and progress of vulnerable groups – liaise with business manager.

·  Monitor the inclusive environment of the school.

·  Facilitate CPD for staff – identify gaps, make staff aware of training, deliver in-house training, follow up requests etc.

·  Do performance management reviews for allocated staff.

·  Keep HT/SLT informed of key issues re: SEN.

·  Oversee the running of Snowdrop Nurture Class.

·  Support behaviour management at school, class and individual pupil level e.g. Pastoral Support Plans, strategies.